► OpenFlipper | |
► ACGHelper | |
DrawModeConverter.cc | |
DrawModeConverter.hh | |
► BasePlugin | |
AboutInfoInterface.hh | |
BackupInterface.hh | |
BaseInterface.hh | |
ContextMenuInterface.hh | |
FileInterface.hh | |
InformationInterface.hh | |
INIInterface.hh | |
KeyInterface.hh | |
LoadSaveInterface.hh | |
LoggingInterface.hh | |
MenuInterface.hh | |
MetadataInterface.hh | |
MouseInterface.hh | |
OptionsInterface.hh | |
PickingInterface.hh | |
PluginConnectionInterface.docu | |
PluginConnectionInterface.hh | |
PluginFunctions.cc | |
PluginFunctions.hh | |
PluginFunctionsBaseIterator.cc | |
PluginFunctionsCore.hh | |
PluginFunctionsIterator.cc | |
PluginFunctionsSceneGraphWidget.hh | |
PluginFunctionsViewControls.hh | |
PostProcessorInterface.cc | |
PostProcessorInterface.hh | |
ProcessInterface.hh | |
PythonFunctions.cc | |
PythonFunctions.hh | |
PythonFunctionsCore.hh | |
PythonInterface.hh | |
RenderInterface.hh | |
RPCInterface.hh | |
RPCWrappers.cc | |
RPCWrappers.hh | |
RPCWrappersHelper.cc | |
RPCWrappersHelper.hh | |
ScriptInterface.hh | |
SecurityInterface.hh | |
SelectionInterface.hh | |
StatusbarInterface.hh | |
TextureInterface.hh | |
ToolbarInterface.hh | |
ToolboxInterface.hh | |
TypeInterface.hh | |
ViewInterface.hh | |
ViewModeInterface.hh | |
WhatsThisGenerator.cc | |
WhatsThisGenerator.hh | |
► common | |
BackupData.cc | |
BackupData.hh | |
BaseBackup.cc | |
BaseBackup.hh | |
BaseObject.cc | |
BaseObject.hh | |
BaseObjectCore.cc | |
BaseObjectCore.hh | |
BaseObjectData.cc | |
BaseObjectData.hh | |
BaseObjectDataT_impl.hh | |
DataTypes.hh | |
FileTypes.cc | |
FileTypes.hh | |
glew_wrappers.cc | |
glew_wrappers.hh | |
GlobalDefines.hh | |
GlobalOptions.cc | |
GlobalOptions.hh | |
GroupObject.cc | |
GroupObject.hh | |
InformationPlugins.cc | |
InformationPlugins.hh | |
ObjectIDPointerManagerT.hh | |
ObjectIDPointerManagerT_impl.hh | |
ObjectTypeDLLDefines.hh | |
OFGLWidget.hh | |
OpenFlipperQSettings.cc | |
OpenFlipperQSettings.hh | |
perObjectData.cc | |
perObjectData.hh | |
PluginStorage.cc | |
PluginStorage.hh | |
RecentFiles.cc | |
RecentFiles.hh | |
RendererInfo.cc | |
RendererInfo.hh | |
Types.cc | |
Types.hh | |
TypesInternal.hh | |
UpdateType.cc | |
UpdateType.hh | |
ViewerProperties.cc | |
ViewerProperties.hh | |
ViewObjectMarker.hh | |
► Core | |
BackupCommunication.cc | |
Core.cc | |
Core.hh | |
Logging.cc | |
openFunctions.cc | |
OpenFunctionThread.cc | |
OpenFunctionThread.hh | |
optionHandling.cc | |
ParseIni.cc | |
ParseObj.cc | |
PluginCommunication.cc | |
PluginInfo.hh | |
PluginLoader.cc | |
process.cc | |
RPC.cc | |
saveFunctions.cc | |
saveSettings.cc | |
scripting.cc | |
SelectionCommunication.cc | |
SpinBoxEventFilter.cc | |
SpinBoxEventFilter.hh | |
Video.cc | |
► Documentation | |
► DeveloperHelpSources | |
► example | |
MouseAndKeyPlugin.cc | |
MouseAndKeyPlugin.hh | |
simplePlugin.cc | |
simplePlugin.hh | |
SmootherPlugin.cc | |
SmootherPlugin.hh | |
AddingObjects.docu | |
AddingOwnDataTypes.docu | |
branding.docu | |
building.docu | |
changelog.docu | |
concepts.docu | |
dataFlow.docu | |
dataStructure.docu | |
dataTypes.docu | |
Interfaces.docu | |
Iterators.docu | |
mainpage.docu | |
misc.docu | |
OpenFlipperSceneGraph.docu | |
options.docu | |
perObjectData.docu | |
PluginExamples.docu | |
pluginProgramming.docu | |
python-scripting.docu | |
scripting.docu | |
shortcuts.docu | |
tutorial1.docu | |
tutorial2.docu | |
tutorial3.docu | |
tutorial5.docu | |
tutorial6.docu | |
► INIFile | |
INIFile.cc | |
INIFile.hh | |
INIFileT_impl.hh | |
► libs_required | |
► ACG | |
► Algorithm | |
DBSCANT.hh | |
DBSCANT_impl.hh | |
► Config | |
ACGDefines.hh | |
► Docu | |
mainpage.docu | |
misc.docu | |
namespaces.docu | |
nonFixedPipeline.docu | |
shaderGenerator.docu | |
tutorialRenderer.docu | |
► Geometry | |
► bsp | |
BSPImplT.hh | |
BSPImplT_impl.hh | |
BSPTreeNode.hh | |
TriangleBSPCoreT.hh | |
TriangleBSPCoreT_impl.hh | |
TriangleBSPT.hh | |
► Types | |
PlaneT.hh | |
PlaneType.cc | |
PlaneType.hh | |
QuadricT.hh | |
Algorithms.cc | |
Algorithms.hh | |
AlgorithmsAngleT.hh | Functions for geometric operations related to angles |
AlgorithmsAngleT_impl.hh | |
GPUCacheOptimizer.cc | |
GPUCacheOptimizer.hh | |
Spherical.hh | |
Triangulator.cc | |
Triangulator.hh | |
► GL | |
acg_glew.hh | |
AntiAliasing.cc | |
AntiAliasing.hh | |
ColorStack.cc | |
ColorStack.hh | |
ColorTranslator.cc | |
ColorTranslator.hh | |
DrawMesh.cc | |
DrawMesh.hh | |
DrawMeshT_impl.hh | |
FBO.cc | |
FBO.hh | |
FilterKernels.cc | |
FilterKernels.hh | |
gl.cc | |
gl.hh | |
GLError.cc | |
GLError.hh | |
GLFormatInfo.cc | |
GLFormatInfo.hh | |
globjects.cc | |
globjects.hh | |
GLPrimitives.cc | |
GLPrimitives.hh | |
GLState.cc | |
GLState.hh | |
GLTrackball.cc | |
GLTrackball.hh | |
IRenderer.cc | |
IRenderer.hh | |
MeshCompiler.cc | |
MeshCompiler.hh | |
PBuffer.cc | |
PBuffer.hh | |
removedEnums.hh | |
RenderObject.cc | |
RenderObject.hh | |
ScreenQuad.cc | |
ScreenQuad.hh | |
ShaderCache.cc | |
ShaderCache.hh | |
ShaderGenerator.cc | |
ShaderGenerator.hh | |
stipple_alpha.cc | |
stipple_alpha.hh | |
VertexDeclaration.cc | |
VertexDeclaration.hh | |
► Math | |
BezierCurveT.hh | |
BezierCurveT_impl.hh | |
BSplineBasis.cc | |
BSplineBasis.hh | |
DualQuaternionT.hh | |
DualQuaternionT_impl.hh | |
GLMatrixT.hh | |
GLMatrixT_impl.hh | |
Matrix3x3T.hh | |
Matrix4x4T.hh | |
Matrix4x4T_impl.hh | |
QuaternionT.hh | |
VectorT.hh | |
► Mesh | |
SmartTaggerT.hh | |
► QtScenegraph | |
QtManipulatorNode.cc | |
QtManipulatorNode.hh | |
QtTranslationManipulatorNode.cc | |
QtTranslationManipulatorNode.hh | |
► QtWidgets | |
home.xpm | |
info.xpm | |
light.xpm | |
mono.xpm | |
move.xpm | |
ortho.xpm | |
persp.xpm | |
pick.xpm | |
QtApplication.cc | |
QtApplication.hh | |
QtBaseViewer.cc | |
QtBaseViewer.hh | |
QtBaseViewer_qt.cc | |
QtBaseViewerDragDrop.cc | |
QtBaseViewerKeyHandling.cc | |
QtBaseViewerPicking.cc | |
QtBaseViewerSnapshot.cc | |
QtBaseViewerStereo.cc | |
QtBaseViewerSynchronization.cc | |
QtClippingDialog.cc | |
QtClippingDialog.hh | |
QtColorChooserButton.cc | |
QtColorChooserButton.hh | |
QtColorTranslator.cc | |
QtColorTranslator.hh | |
QtCoordFrameDialog.cc | |
QtCoordFrameDialog.hh | |
QtExaminerViewer.cc | |
QtExaminerViewer.hh | |
QtExaminerWidget.hh | |
QtFileDialog.cc | |
QtFileDialog.hh | |
QtFlapBox.cc | |
QtFlapBox.hh | |
QtGLGraphicsScene.cc | |
QtGLGraphicsScene.hh | |
QtGLGraphicsView.cc | |
QtGLGraphicsView.hh | |
QtHelpViewer_icons.h | |
QtHistogramWidget.cc | |
QtHistogramWidget.hh | |
QtLasso.cc | |
QtLasso.hh | |
QtLessAnnoyingDoubleSpinBox.cc | |
QtLessAnnoyingDoubleSpinBox.hh | |
QtMaterialDialog.cc | |
QtMaterialDialog.hh | |
QtPrincipalAxisDialog.cc | |
QtPrincipalAxisDialog.hh | |
QtSceneGraphWidget.cc | |
QtSceneGraphWidget.hh | |
QtShaderDialog.cc | |
QtShaderDialog.hh | |
QtTextureDialog.cc | |
QtTextureDialog.hh | |
QtWheel.cc | |
QtWheel.hh | |
scenegraph.xpm | |
set_home.xpm | |
stereo.xpm | |
viewall.xpm | |
► QwtWidgets | |
QwtHistogramm.cc | |
QwtHistogramm.hh | |
► Scenegraph | |
ArrowNode.cc | |
ArrowNode.hh | |
BaseNode.cc | |
BaseNode.hh | |
BoundingBoxNode.cc | |
BoundingBoxNode.hh | |
CartesianClippingNode.cc | |
CartesianClippingNode.hh | |
ClippingNode.cc | |
ClippingNode.hh | |
CoordFrameNode.cc | |
CoordFrameNode.hh | |
CoordsysNode.cc | |
CoordsysNode.hh | |
DrawModes.cc | |
DrawModes.hh | |
EnvMapNode.cc | |
EnvMapNode.hh | |
FloatingSubtreeNode.cc | |
FloatingSubtreeNode.hh | |
GlutPrimitiveNode.cc | |
GlutPrimitiveNode.hh | |
GridNode.cc | |
GridNode.hh | |
LightSourceNode.cc | |
LightSourceNode.hh | |
LineNode.cc | |
LineNode.hh | |
LineNodeGLCompat.cc | |
ManipulatorNode.cc | |
ManipulatorNode.hh | |
MaterialNode.cc | |
MaterialNode.hh | |
MeshNode2.cc | |
MeshNode2T.hh | |
MeshNode2T_impl.hh | |
MeshNodeDeprecatedT.hh | |
MeshNodeDeprecatedT_impl.hh | |
OBJNode.cc | |
OBJNode.hh | |
OSDTransformNode.cc | |
OSDTransformNode.hh | |
PickTarget.hh | |
PointNode.cc | |
PointNode.hh | |
PrincipalAxisNode.cc | |
PrincipalAxisNode.hh | |
PrincipalAxisNodeT_impl.hh | |
QuadNode.cc | |
QuadNode.hh | |
ResourceManagerNode.hh | |
SceneGraph.cc | |
SceneGraph.hh | |
SceneGraphAnalysis.cc | |
SceneGraphAnalysis.hh | |
SeparatorNode.cc | |
SeparatorNode.hh | |
ShaderNode.cc | |
ShaderNode.hh | |
SliceNode.cc | |
SliceNode.hh | |
StatusNodesBase.cc | |
StatusNodesT.hh | |
StatusNodesT_impl.hh | |
StencilRefNode.cc | |
StencilRefNode.hh | |
StripProcessor.cc | |
StripProcessorT.hh | |
StripProcessorT_impl.hh | |
SwitchNode.cc | |
SwitchNode.hh | |
TextNode.cc | |
TextNode.hh | |
TextNodeGLCompat.cc | |
Texture3DNode.cc | |
Texture3DNode.hh | |
TextureNode.cc | |
TextureNode.hh | |
TrackballNode.cc | |
TrackballNode.hh | |
TransformNode.cc | |
TransformNode.hh | |
TranslationManipulatorNode.cc | |
TranslationManipulatorNode.hh | |
TriangleNode.cc | |
TriangleNode.hh | |
TriStripNodeDeprecatedT.hh | |
► ShaderUtils | |
GLSLShader.cc | |
GLSLShader.hh | |
UniformPool.cc | |
UniformPool.hh | |
► tests | |
► Algorithm | |
DBSCAN_test.cc | |
► Geometry | |
► BSP | |
BSP_test.cc | |
Algorithms_ClosestPoints_tests.cc | |
Algorithms_test.cc | |
Spherical_test.cc | |
► Math | |
math_test.cc | |
Matrix3x3.cc | |
MatrixTestHelper.hh | |
► MeshCompiler | |
MeshCompiler_test.cc | |
MeshCompiler_testData.hh | |
MeshCompiler_testData0.cc | |
MeshCompiler_testData1.cc | |
► Utils | |
Histogram_test.cc | |
main.cc | |
► Utils | |
ColorCoder.cc | |
ColorCoder.hh | |
ColorConversion.hh | |
ColorGenerator.hh | |
HaltonColors.cc | |
HaltonColors.hh | |
HeapT.hh | |
Histogram.cc | |
Histogram.hh | |
HuePartitioningColors.cc | |
HuePartitioningColors.hh | |
IColorCoder.hh | |
ImageConversion.cc | |
ImageConversion.hh | |
LinearTwoColorCoder.cc | |
LinearTwoColorCoder.hh | |
Noncopyable.hh | |
NumLimitsT.hh | |
Profile.cc | |
Profile.hh | |
Progress.hh | |
SmartPointer.hh | |
StopWatch.hh | |
Tracing.cc | |
Tracing.hh | |
VSToolsT.hh | |
► Math_Tools | |
► ICP | |
ICP.hh | Classes for ICP Algorithm |
ICPT_impl.hh | |
► PCA | |
PCA.hh | Classes for doing Principal component analysis |
PCAT_impl.hh | |
Math_Tools.hh | |
Math_ToolsT_impl.hh | |
► MeshTools | |
Curvature.hh | Functions for calculating curvatures |
CurvatureT_impl.hh | |
MeshFunctions.hh | Functions for modifying a Mesh |
MeshFunctionsT_impl.hh | |
MeshInfoT.hh | |
MeshInfoT_impl.hh | |
MeshNavigationT.hh | Functions for getting information about a mesh |
MeshNavigationT_impl.hh | |
MeshSelectionT.hh | Functions for selection on a mesh |
MeshSelectionT_impl.hh | |
VoronoiAreaTriMeshT.hpp | |
► OpenMesh | |
► Doc | |
► Concepts | |
MeshItems.hh | |
MeshKernel.hh | |
► Examples | |
adasub.cc | |
BaseExporter.hh | |
BaseImporter.hh | |
BaseReader.hh | |
build-trimesh.cc | |
circulator_functions.cc | |
circulators.cc | |
decimater.cc | |
draw_normals.cc | |
iterators.cc | |
mesh_io.cc | |
mymesh.cc | |
nav_code1.cc | |
nav_code2.cc | |
nav_code3.cc | |
nav_code4.cc | |
nav_code4a.cc | |
nav_code_to_from.cc | |
traits0.cc | |
traits1.cc | |
traits2.cc | |
traits3.cc | |
traits4.cc | |
traits5.cc | |
► Tutorial | |
► 01-build_cube | |
build_cube.cc | |
► 02-iterators | |
smooth.cc | |
► 03-properties | |
smooth.cc | |
► 04-stl_algorithms | |
smooth.cc | |
smooth_algo.hh | |
► 05-std_properties | |
properties.cc | |
► 06-attributes | |
attributes.cc | |
► 07-traits | |
smooth.cc | |
► 07b-delete_geometry | |
delete_geometry.cc | |
► 08-io_options | |
io_options.cc | |
► 09-persistence | |
fill_props.hh | |
generate_cube.hh | |
int2roman.cc | |
int2roman.hh | |
persistence.cc | |
stats.hh | |
changelog.docu | |
compiling.docu | |
decimater.docu | |
mainpage.docu | |
mesh.docu | |
misc.docu | |
namespaces.docu | |
navigation.docu | |
operations.docu | |
smoother.docu | |
speedup.docu | |
subdivider.docu | |
tools.docu | |
tutorial_01.docu | |
tutorial_02.docu | |
tutorial_03.docu | |
tutorial_04.docu | |
tutorial_05.docu | |
tutorial_06.docu | |
tutorial_07.docu | |
tutorial_07b.docu | |
tutorial_08.docu | |
tutorial_09.docu | |
tutorial_build.docu | |
tutorial_main.docu | |
vdpm.docu | |
► src | |
► Benchmark | |
main.cpp | |
VectorT.cpp | |
VectorT_dummy_data.cpp | |
VectorT_dummy_data.hpp | |
VectorT_legacy.cpp | |
VectorT_new.cpp | |
► OpenMesh | |
► Apps | |
► Decimating | |
CmdOption.hh | |
decimater.cc | |
decimaterviewer.cc | |
DecimaterViewerWidget.cc | |
DecimaterViewerWidget.hh | |
► Dualizer | |
dualizer.cc | |
► mconvert | |
mconvert.cc | |
► ProgViewer | |
progviewer.cc | |
ProgViewerWidget.cc | |
ProgViewerWidget.hh | |
► QtViewer | |
meshviewer.cc | |
MeshViewerWidget.cc | |
MeshViewerWidget.hh | |
MeshViewerWidgetT.hh | |
MeshViewerWidgetT_impl.hh | |
QGLViewerWidget.cc | |
QGLViewerWidget.hh | |
► Smoothing | |
smooth.cc | |
► Subdivider | |
adaptive_subdivider.cc | |
MeshViewerWidget.hh | |
qtsubdivider.cc | |
subdivider.cc | |
SubdivideWidget.cc | |
SubdivideWidget.hh | |
► VDProgMesh | |
► Analyzer | |
vdpmanalyzer.cc | |
► mkbalancedpm | |
mkbalancedpm.cc | |
► Synthesizer | |
vdpmsynthesizer.cc | |
VDPMSynthesizerViewerWidget.cc | |
VDPMSynthesizerViewerWidget.hh | |
► Core | |
► Geometry | |
Config.hh | |
EigenVectorT.hh | |
LoopSchemeMaskT.hh | |
MathDefs.hh | |
NormalConeT.hh | |
NormalConeT_impl.hh | |
Plane3d.hh | |
QuadricT.hh | |
Vector11T.hh | |
VectorT.hh | |
VectorT_inc.hh | |
► IO | |
► exporter | |
BaseExporter.hh | |
ExporterT.hh | |
► importer | |
BaseImporter.hh | |
ImporterT.hh | |
► reader | |
BaseReader.cc | |
BaseReader.hh | |
OBJReader.cc | |
OBJReader.hh | |
OFFReader.cc | |
OFFReader.hh | |
OMReader.cc | |
OMReader.hh | |
PLYReader.cc | |
PLYReader.hh | |
STLReader.cc | |
STLReader.hh | |
► writer | |
BaseWriter.cc | |
BaseWriter.hh | |
OBJWriter.cc | |
OBJWriter.hh | |
OFFWriter.cc | |
OFFWriter.hh | |
OMWriter.cc | |
OMWriter.hh | |
PLYWriter.cc | |
PLYWriter.hh | |
STLWriter.cc | |
STLWriter.hh | |
VTKWriter.cc | |
VTKWriter.hh | |
BinaryHelper.cc | |
BinaryHelper.hh | |
IOInstances.hh | |
IOManager.cc | |
IOManager.hh | |
MeshIO.hh | |
OFFFormat.hh | |
OMFormat.cc | |
OMFormat.hh | |
OMFormatT_impl.hh | |
Options.hh | |
SR_binary.hh | |
SR_binary_spec.hh | |
SR_binary_vector_of_bool.inl | |
SR_binary_vector_of_fundamentals.inl | |
SR_binary_vector_of_string.inl | |
SR_rbo.hh | |
SR_store.hh | |
SR_types.hh | |
StoreRestore.hh | |
► Mesh | |
ArrayItems.hh | |
ArrayKernel.cc | |
ArrayKernel.hh | |
ArrayKernelT_impl.hh | |
AttribKernelT.hh | |
Attributes.hh | |
BaseKernel.cc | |
BaseKernel.hh | |
BaseMesh.hh | |
Casts.hh | |
CirculatorsT.hh | |
FinalMeshItemsT.hh | |
Handles.hh | |
IteratorsT.hh | |
PolyConnectivity.cc | |
PolyConnectivity.hh | |
PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT.hh | |
PolyMeshT.hh | |
PolyMeshT_impl.hh | |
Status.hh | |
Tags.hh | |
Traits.hh | |
TriConnectivity.cc | |
TriConnectivity.hh | |
TriMesh_ArrayKernelT.hh | |
TriMeshT.hh | |
TriMeshT_impl.hh | |
► System | |
compiler.hh | |
config.h | |
config.hh | |
mostream.hh | |
omstream.cc | |
omstream.hh | |
OpenMeshDLLMacros.hh | |
► Templates | |
bla.hh | |
blaT_impl.hh | |
► Utils | |
AutoPropertyHandleT.hh | |
BaseProperty.cc | |
BaseProperty.hh | |
color_cast.hh | |
Endian.cc | |
Endian.hh | |
GenProg.hh | |
HandleToPropHandle.hh | |
Noncopyable.hh | |
Property.hh | |
PropertyContainer.hh | |
PropertyManager.hh | |
RandomNumberGenerator.cc | |
RandomNumberGenerator.hh | |
SingletonT.hh | |
SingletonT_impl.hh | |
vector_cast.hh | |
vector_traits.hh | |
► Examples | |
► Tutorial01 | |
cube.cc | |
► Tutorial02 | |
smooth.cc | |
► Tutorial03 | |
smooth.cc | |
► Tutorial04 | |
smooth.cc | |
smooth_algo.hh | |
► Tutorial05 | |
properties.cc | |
► Tutorial06 | |
attributes.cc | |
► Tutorial07 | |
smooth.cc | |
► Tutorial08 | |
delete_geometry.cc | |
► Tutorial09 | |
io_options.cc | |
► Tutorial10 | |
fill_props.hh | |
generate_cube.hh | |
int2roman.cc | |
int2roman.hh | |
persistence.cc | |
stats.hh | |
► Tools | |
► Decimater | |
BaseDecimaterT.hh | |
BaseDecimaterT_impl.hh | |
CollapseInfoT.hh | |
DecimaterT.hh | |
DecimaterT_impl.hh | |
McDecimaterT.hh | |
McDecimaterT_impl.hh | |
MixedDecimaterT.hh | |
MixedDecimaterT_impl.hh | |
ModAspectRatioT.hh | |
ModAspectRatioT_impl.hh | |
ModBaseT.hh | |
ModEdgeLengthT.hh | |
ModEdgeLengthT_impl.hh | |
ModHausdorffT.hh | |
ModHausdorffT_impl.hh | |
ModIndependentSetsT.hh | |
ModNormalDeviationT.hh | |
ModNormalFlippingT.hh | |
ModProgMeshT.hh | |
ModProgMeshT_impl.hh | |
ModQuadricT.hh | |
ModQuadricT_impl.hh | |
ModRoundnessT.hh | |
Observer.cc | |
Observer.hh | |
► Dualizer | |
meshDualT.hh | |
► Kernel_OSG | |
ArrayKernelT.hh | |
AttribKernelT.hh | |
bindT.hh | |
color_cast.hh | |
PropertyKernel.hh | |
PropertyT.hh | |
Traits.hh | |
TriMesh_OSGArrayKernelT.hh | |
VectorAdapter.hh | |
► SmartTagger | |
SmartTaggerT.hh | |
SmartTaggerT_impl.hh | |
► Smoother | |
JacobiLaplaceSmootherT.hh | |
JacobiLaplaceSmootherT_impl.hh | |
LaplaceSmootherT.hh | |
LaplaceSmootherT_impl.hh | |
smooth_mesh.hh | |
SmootherT.hh | |
SmootherT_impl.hh | |
► Subdivider | |
► Adaptive | |
► Composite | |
CompositeT.hh | |
CompositeT_impl.hh | |
CompositeTraits.hh | |
RuleInterfaceT.hh | |
RulesT.hh | |
RulesT_impl.hh | |
Traits.hh | |
► Uniform | |
► Composite | |
CompositeT.hh | |
CompositeT_impl.hh | |
CompositeTraits.hh | |
CatmullClarkT.hh | |
CatmullClarkT_impl.hh | |
CompositeLoopT.hh | |
CompositeSqrt3T.hh | |
LongestEdgeT.hh | |
LoopT.hh | |
MidpointT.hh | |
ModifiedButterFlyT.hh | |
Sqrt3InterpolatingSubdividerLabsikGreinerT.hh | |
Sqrt3T.hh | |
SubdividerT.hh | |
► Utils | |
Config.hh | |
conio.cc | |
conio.hh | |
getopt.c | |
getopt.h | |
GLConstAsString.hh | |
Gnuplot.cc | |
Gnuplot.hh | |
HeapT.hh | |
MeshCheckerT.hh | |
MeshCheckerT_impl.hh | |
NumLimitsT.hh | |
StripifierT.hh | |
StripifierT_impl.hh | |
TestingFramework.hh | |
Timer.cc | |
Timer.hh | |
► VDPM | |
► xpm | |
fileopen.xpm | |
fileprint.xpm | |
filesave.xpm | |
MeshTraits.hh | |
StreamingDef.hh | |
VFront.cc | |
VFront.hh | |
VHierarchy.cc | |
VHierarchy.hh | |
VHierarchyNode.hh | |
VHierarchyNodeIndex.cc | |
VHierarchyNodeIndex.hh | |
VHierarchyWindow.cc | |
VHierarchyWindow.hh | |
ViewingParameters.cc | |
ViewingParameters.hh | |
► Unittests | |
fill_props.hh | |
generate_cube.hh | |
int2roman.hh | |
unittests.cc | |
unittests_add_face.cc | |
unittests_boundary.cc | |
unittests_common.hh | |
unittests_common_customtraits.hh | |
unittests_convert_meshes.cc | |
unittests_cpp_11_features.cc | |
unittests_decimater.cc | |
unittests_delete_face.cc | |
unittests_eigen3_type.cc | |
unittests_faceless_mesh.cc | |
unittests_mc_decimater.cc | |
unittests_mesh_cast.cc | |
unittests_mesh_dual.cc | |
unittests_mesh_type.cc | |
unittests_mixed_decimater.cc | |
unittests_normal_calculations.cc | |
unittests_polymesh_collapse.cc | |
unittests_polymesh_vec2i.cc | |
unittests_property.cc | |
unittests_propertymanager.cc | |
unittests_randomNumberGenerator.cc | |
unittests_read_write_OBJ.cc | |
unittests_read_write_OFF.cc | |
unittests_read_write_OM.cc | |
unittests_read_write_PLY.cc | |
unittests_read_write_STL.cc | |
unittests_smarttagger.cc | |
unittests_smoother.cc | |
unittests_split_copy.cc | |
unittests_split_edge_copy.cc | |
unittests_sr_binary.cc | |
unittests_stripifier.cc | |
unittests_subdivider_adaptive.cc | |
unittests_subdivider_uniform.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_current_halfedge_handle_replacement.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_face_edge.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_face_face.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_face_halfedge.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_face_vertex.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_halfedge_loop.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_vertex_edge.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_vertex_face.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_vertex_ihalfedge.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_vertex_ohalfedge.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_circulator_vertex_vertex.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_collapse.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_garbage_collection.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_iterators.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_others.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_split.cc | |
unittests_trimesh_vec2i.cc | |
unittests_tutorials.cc | |
unittests_vdpm.cc | |
unittests_vector_type.cc | |
► LicenseManager | |
► keyGen | |
keygen.cc | |
keygenWidget.cc | |
keygenWidget.hh | |
LicenseManager.hh | |
LicenseManagerActive.cc | |
LicenseManagerActive.hh | |
LicenseManagerDisabled.cc | |
LicenseManagerDisabled.hh | |
► Logging | |
PluginLogging.cc | |
PluginLogging.hh | |
► publicWidgets | |
► objectSelectionWidget | |
objectPickDialog.cc | |
objectPickDialog.hh | |
objectSelectionWidget.cc | |
objectSelectionWidget.hh | |
SelectionObjectMarker.cc | |
SelectionObjectMarker.hh | |
TreeItemObjectSelection.cc | |
TreeItemObjectSelection.hh | |
TreeModelObjectSelection.cc | |
TreeModelObjectSelection.hh | |
► PythonInterpreter | |
PyLogHook.h | |
PythonInterpreter.cc | |
PythonInterpreter.hh | |
PythonTypeConversions.hh | |
► Scripting | |
► scriptPrototypes | |
prototypeDataType.cc | |
prototypeDataType.hh | |
prototypeIdList.cc | |
prototypeIdList.hh | |
prototypeMatrix4x4.cc | |
prototypeMatrix4x4.hh | |
prototypeVec3d.cc | |
prototypeVec3d.hh | |
prototypeVec4d.cc | |
prototypeVec4d.hh | |
► scriptWrappers | |
DataTypeWrapper.cc | |
DataTypeWrapper.hh | |
idListWrapper.cc | |
idListWrapper.hh | |
matrix4x4Wrapper.cc | |
matrix4x4Wrapper.hh | |
vec3dWrapper.cc | |
vec3dWrapper.hh | |
vec4dWrapper.cc | |
vec4dWrapper.hh | |
ScriptingWrapper.cc | |
ScriptingWrapper.hh | |
► StackWalker | |
StackWalker.cc | |
StackWalker.hh | |
► tests | |
► compareTool | |
compareTool.cc | |
► MinimalExecutionTest | |
minimalExecutionTest.cc | |
► threads | |
JobInfo.cc | |
JobInfo.hh | |
OpenFlipperThread.cc | |
OpenFlipperThread.hh | |
► Utils | |
► FileIO | |
NumberParsing.cc | |
NumberParsing.hh | |
► Memory | |
RAMInfo.cc | |
RAMInfo.hh | |
► widgets | |
► aboutWidget | |
aboutWidget.cc | |
aboutWidget.hh | |
► addEmptyWidget | |
addEmptyWidget.cc | |
addEmptyWidget.hh | |
► coreWidget | |
About.cc | |
ColorStatusBar.cc | |
ColorStatusBar.hh | |
ContextMenu.cc | |
CoreLicenseInfos.cc | |
CoreWidget.cc | |
CoreWidget.hh | |
CoreWidgetLogging.cc | |
CoreWidgetToolbar.cc | |
dragAndDrop.cc | |
Help.cc | |
keyHandling.cc | |
LoggerHandling.cc | |
MenuBar.cc | |
picking.cc | |
postProcessorDialog.cc | |
Python.cc | |
rendererDialog.cc | |
SideArea.cc | |
SideArea.hh | |
SideElement.cc | |
SideElement.hh | |
StackWidget.cc | |
StatusBar.cc | |
viewerControl.cc | |
viewMode.cc | |
► filePicker | |
FilePicker.cc | |
FilePicker.hh | |
► glWidget | |
CursorPainter.cc | |
CursorPainter.hh | |
PostProcessing.cc | |
PostProcessing.hh | |
QtBaseViewer.cc | |
QtBaseViewer.hh | |
QtBaseViewer_qt.cc | |
QtBaseViewerFlyAnimation.cc | |
QtBaseViewerPicking.cc | |
QtGLGraphicsScene.cc | |
QtGLGraphicsScene.hh | |
QtGLGraphicsView.cc | |
QtGLGraphicsView.hh | |
QtGLViewerLayout.cc | |
QtGLViewerLayout.hh | |
QtGraphicsButton.cc | |
QtGraphicsButton.hh | |
QtMultiViewLayout.cc | |
QtMultiViewLayout.hh | |
QtSlideWindow.cc | |
QtSlideWindow.hh | |
simpleGLGraphicsScene.cc | |
simpleGLGraphicsScene.hh | |
simpleViewer.cc | |
simpleViewer.hh | |
► helpWidget | |
helpBrowser.cc | |
helpBrowser.hh | |
helpWidget.cc | |
helpWidget.hh | |
► loadWidget | |
FileOptionsDialog.cc | |
FileOptionsDialog.hh | |
loadWidget.cc | |
loadWidget.hh | |
► loggerWidget | |
loggerWidget.cc | |
loggerWidget.hh | |
► messageBox | |
StaysOnTopMessageBox.hh | |
► optionsWidget | |
downloader.cc | |
keyBindings.cc | |
optionsWidget.cc | |
optionsWidget.hh | |
ShortcutButton.cc | |
ShortcutButton.hh | |
► PluginDialog | |
PluginDialog.cc | |
PluginDialog.hh | |
► postProcessorWidget | |
postProcessorWidget.cc | |
postProcessorWidget.hh | |
► processManagerWidget | |
BlockingWidget.cc | |
BlockingWidget.hh | |
processManagerWidget.cc | |
processManagerWidget.hh | |
► pythonWidget | |
PythonSyntaxHighlighter.cc | |
PythonSyntaxHighlighter.hh | |
pythonWidget.cc | |
pythonWidget.hh | |
► rendererWidget | |
rendererObjectWidget.cc | |
rendererObjectWidget.hh | |
rendererWidget.cc | |
rendererWidget.hh | |
renderObjectHighLighter.cc | |
renderObjectHighLighter.hh | |
TextBrowserWidget.cc | |
TextBrowserWidget.hh | |
► snapshotDialog | |
SnapshotDialog.cc | |
SnapshotDialog.hh | |
► stereoSettingsWidget | |
stereoSettingsWidget.cc | |
stereoSettingsWidget.hh | |
► videoCaptureDialog | |
VideoCaptureDialog.cc | |
VideoCaptureDialog.hh | |
► viewModeWidget | |
viewModeChangeWidget.cc | |
viewModeChangeWidget.hh | |
viewModeWidget.cc | |
viewModeWidget.hh | |
OpenFlipper.cc | |
► Plugin-AlignMeshes | |
► Widgets | |
AlignMeshesToolbox.cc | |
AlignMeshesToolbox.hh | |
AlignT.hh | |
AlignT_impl.hh | |
PluginAlignMeshes.cc | |
PluginAlignMeshes.hh | |
► Plugin-Backup | |
BackupPlugin.cc | |
BackupPlugin.hh | |
GroupBackup.cc | |
GroupBackup.hh | |
GroupData.cc | |
GroupData.hh | |
► Plugin-Color | |
► widgets | |
ColorOptions.cc | |
ColorOptions.hh | |
ColorPlugin.cc | |
ColorPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-Components | |
ComponentsPlugin.cc | |
ComponentsPlugin.hh | |
ComponentsPluginT_impl.hh | |
ComponentsScripting.cc | |
► Plugin-Datacontrol | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
ContextMenuDataControl.cc | |
DataControlPlugin.cc | |
DataControlPlugin.hh | |
DataControlPluginScripting.cc | |
DefaultObjectMarker.cc | |
DefaultObjectMarker.hh | |
Menu.cc | |
Menu.hh | |
Popup.cc | |
Toolbox.cc | |
Toolbox.hh | |
TreeItem.cc | |
TreeItem.hh | |
TreeModel.cc | |
TreeModel.hh | |
TreeView.cc | |
TreeView.hh | |
► Plugin-Decimater | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
DecimaterInfo.cc | |
DecimaterInfo.hh | |
DecimaterPlugin.cc | |
DecimaterPlugin.hh | |
DecimaterToolbarWidget.cc | |
DecimaterToolbarWidget.hh | |
DecimateThread.cc | |
DecimateThread.hh | |
► Plugin-DeserializeScreenshotMetadata | |
DeserializeScreenshotMetadataPlugin.cc | |
DeserializeScreenshotMetadataPlugin.hh | |
RestoreFromScreenshotDlg.cc | |
RestoreFromScreenshotDlg.hh | |
► Plugin-GaussCurvature | |
GaussCurvature.cc | |
GaussCurvature.hh | |
► Plugin-HoleFilling | |
HoleFillerPlugin.cc | |
HoleFillerPlugin.hh | |
HoleFillerT.hh | |
HoleFillerT_impl.hh | |
holefillerToolbar.cc | |
holefillerToolbar.hh | |
HoleInfoT.hh | |
HoleInfoT_impl.hh | |
OpenMeshUtils.hh | |
► Plugin-InfoMeshObject | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
infoBar.cc | |
infoBar.hh | |
infoDialog.cc | |
infoDialog.hh | |
MeshObjectInfoPlugin.cc | |
MeshObjectInfoPlugin.hh | |
MeshObjectInfoScripting.cc | |
ValenceHistogramDialog.cc | |
ValenceHistogramDialog.hh | |
► Plugin-InfoSkeleton | |
infoDialog.cc | |
infoDialog.hh | |
SkeletonObjectInfoPlugin.cc | |
SkeletonObjectInfoPlugin.hh | |
SkeletonObjectInfoScripting.cc | |
► Plugin-InfoVolumeMeshObject | |
VolumeMeshInfoBar.cc | |
VolumeMeshInfoBar.hh | |
VolumeMeshObjectInfoPlugin.cc | |
VolumeMeshObjectInfoPlugin.hh | |
VolumeMeshObjectInfoScripting.cc | |
► Plugin-INI | |
iniPlugin.cc | |
iniPlugin.hh | |
iniPluginT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-IsotropicRemesher | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
IsotropicRemesherPlugin.cc | |
IsotropicRemesherPlugin.hh | |
IsotropicRemesherT.hh | |
IsotropicRemesherT_impl.hh | |
IsotropicRemesherToolbox.cc | |
IsotropicRemesherToolbox.hh | |
ProgressEmitter.cc | |
ProgressEmitter.hh | |
► Plugin-Laplace | |
LaplacePlugin.cc | |
LaplacePlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-MaterialPicker | |
MaterialPicker.cc | |
MaterialPicker.hh | |
► Plugin-MeanCurvature | |
MeanCurvature.cc | |
MeanCurvature.hh | |
► Plugin-MemInfo | |
MemInfo.cc | |
MemInfo.hh | |
► Plugin-Merge | |
MergePlugin.cc | |
MergePlugin.hh | |
MergePlugintemplate.cc | |
MergeToolbox.cc | |
MergeToolbox.hh | |
► Plugin-MeshCompare | |
MeshComparePlugin.cc | |
MeshComparePlugin.hh | |
MeshCompareToolbarWidget.cc | |
MeshCompareToolbarWidget.hh | |
QwtFunctionPlot.cc | |
QwtFunctionPlot.hh | |
► Plugin-MeshConvert | |
MeshConvert.cc | |
MeshConvert.hh | |
► Plugin-MeshRepair | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
BoundarySnappingT.hh | |
BoundarySnappingT_impl.hh | |
EdgeFunctions.cc | |
FaceFunctions.cc | |
GeneralMeshFixing.cc | |
MeshFixingT.hh | |
MeshFixingT_impl.hh | |
MeshRepairPlugin.cc | |
MeshRepairPlugin.hh | |
MeshRepairPluginT_impl.hh | |
MeshRepairToolbar.cc | |
MeshRepairToolbar.hh | |
NonManifoldVertexFixingT.hh | |
NonManifoldVertexFixingT_impl.hh | |
NormalFixing.cc | |
VertexFunctions.cc | |
► Plugin-Move | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
MoveContextMenu.cc | |
MoveObjectMarker.cc | |
MoveObjectMarker.hh | |
MovePlugin.cc | |
MovePlugin.hh | |
MovePluginScript.cc | |
MoveProps.cc | |
MoveProps.hh | |
MoveToolbar.cc | |
MoveToolbar.hh | |
► Plugin-PolyLine | |
PolyLinePlugin.cc | |
PolyLinePlugin.hh | |
PolyLinePlugin_BezierSpline.cc | |
PolyLinePlugin_Circle.cc | |
PolyLinePluginT_impl.hh | |
PolyLineScripting.cc | |
PolyLineToolbarWidget.cc | |
PolyLineToolbarWidget.hh | |
► Plugin-PrimitivesGenerator | |
PrimitivesGenerator.cc | |
PrimitivesGenerator.hh | |
TetrahedralCuboidGenerator.cc | |
TetrahedralCuboidGenerator.hh | |
► Plugin-Print | |
PrintPlugin.cc | |
PrintPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-PropertyVis | |
► Models | |
MultiObjectPropertyModel.cc | |
MultiObjectPropertyModel.hh | |
ObjectListItemModel.cc | |
ObjectListItemModel.hh | |
PropertyModel.cc | |
PropertyModel.hh | |
PropertyModelFactory.cc | |
PropertyModelFactory.hh | |
PropertyNameListModel.cc | |
PropertyNameListModel.hh | |
SingleObjectPropertyModel.cc | |
SingleObjectPropertyModel.hh | |
► OpenMesh | |
OMPropertyModel.hh | |
OMPropertyModelSubclass.cc | |
OMPropertyModelSubclass.hh | |
OMPropertyModelT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizer.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerBoolean.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerBooleanT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerDouble.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerDoubleT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerInteger.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerIntegerT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerSkinWeights.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerSkinWeightsT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVector.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVector2.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVector2T_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifference.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifferenceT_impl.hh | |
OMPropertyVisualizerVectorT_impl.hh | |
► OpenVolumeMesh | |
OVMPropertyModelSubclass.cc | |
OVMPropertyModelSubclass.hh | |
OVMPropertyModelT.hh | |
OVMPropertyModelT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizer.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerBoolean.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerBooleanT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerDouble.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerDoubleT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerInteger.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerIntegerT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerVector.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifference.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifferenceT_impl.hh | |
OVMPropertyVisualizerVectorT_impl.hh | |
► PropertyVisualizer | |
PropertyVisualizer.cc | |
PropertyVisualizer.hh | |
► ScriptObjects | |
ScriptSettings.cc | |
ScriptSettings.hh | |
ScriptSettingsBoolean.cc | |
ScriptSettingsBoolean.hh | |
ScriptSettingsDouble.cc | |
ScriptSettingsDouble.hh | |
ScriptSettingsVector.cc | |
ScriptSettingsVector.hh | |
► Toolbars | |
PropertyVisToolbar.cc | |
PropertyVisToolbar.hh | |
► Widgets | |
BooleanWidget.cc | |
BooleanWidget.hh | |
DoubleWidget.cc | |
DoubleWidget.hh | |
IntegerWidget.cc | |
IntegerWidget.hh | |
LoadSaveWidget.cc | |
LoadSaveWidget.hh | |
PickWidget.cc | |
PickWidget.hh | |
SkinWeightsWidget.cc | |
SkinWeightsWidget.hh | |
VectorFieldDifferenceWidget.cc | |
VectorFieldDifferenceWidget.hh | |
VectorWidget.cc | |
VectorWidget.hh | |
PropertyVisPlugin.cc | |
PropertyVisPlugin.hh | |
PropertyVisPluginT_impl.hh | |
Utils.cc | |
Utils.hh | |
► Plugin-Remesher | |
► Algorithms | |
AdaptiveRemesherT.hh | |
AdaptiveRemesherT_impl.hh | |
BaseRemesherT.hh | |
BaseRemesherT_impl.hh | |
DiffGeoT.hh | |
DiffGeoT_impl.hh | |
UniformRemesherT.hh | |
ProgressEmitter.cc | |
ProgressEmitter.hh | |
RemesherPlugin.cc | |
RemesherPlugin.hh | |
RemesherToolbox.cc | |
RemesherToolbox.hh | |
► Plugin-Ruler | |
Ruler.cc | |
Ruler.hh | |
RulerOptions.cc | |
RulerOptions.hh | |
RulerPlugin.cc | |
RulerPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-Scripting | |
► widgets | |
codeeditor.cc | |
codeeditor.hh | |
FunctionList.cc | |
FunctionList.hh | |
highLighter.cc | |
highLighter.hh | |
scriptingWidget.cc | |
scriptingWidget.hh | |
ScriptingPlugin.cc | |
ScriptingPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SimpleSmoother | |
SmootherPlugin.cc | |
SmootherPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SkeletalAnimation | |
► dialogs | |
AddAnimationDialog.cc | |
AddAnimationDialog.hh | |
AnimationToolbox.cc | |
AnimationToolbox.hh | |
SkeletalAnimationPlugin.cc | |
SkeletalAnimationPlugin.hh | |
SkeletalAnimationScripting.cc | |
► Plugin-SkeletonEditing | |
SkeletonEditingPlugin.cc | |
SkeletonEditingPlugin.hh | |
SkeletonEditingScripting.cc | |
SkeletonMarker.cc | |
SkeletonMarker.hh | |
► Plugin-Slice | |
SlicePlugin.cc | |
SlicePlugin.hh | |
SliceToolbox.cc | |
SliceToolbox.hh | |
► Plugin-Smoother | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
SmootherObject.cc | |
SmootherObject.hh | |
SmootherPlugin.cc | |
SmootherPlugin.hh | |
SmootherToolbarWidget.cc | |
SmootherToolbarWidget.hh | |
► Plugin-SplatCloudRenderingControl | |
SplatCloudRenderingControlPlugin.cc | |
SplatCloudRenderingControlPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-Subdivider | |
SubdividerPlugin.cc | |
SubdividerPlugin.hh | |
subdividerToolbar.cc | |
subdividerToolbar.hh | |
► Plugin-Test | |
TestPlugin.cc | |
TestPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-TextureControl | |
► Dialogs | |
QwtFunctionPlot.cc | |
QwtFunctionPlot.hh | |
textureProperties.cc | |
textureProperties.hh | |
HistogramItem.cc | |
HistogramItem.hh | |
ImageStorage.cc | |
ImageStorage.hh | |
TextureControl.cc | |
TextureControl.hh | |
TextureControl1DTextureHandlingOVMT_impl.hh | |
TextureControl1DTextureHandlingT_impl.hh | |
TextureControl2DTextureHandlingOVMT_impl.hh | |
TextureControl2DTextureHandlingT_impl.hh | |
TextureControlHistogramsT_impl.hh | |
TextureData.cc | |
TextureData.hh | |
TextureMath.cc | |
TextureMath.hh | |
TextureParameters.cc | |
TextureParameters.hh | |
► Plugin-Topology | |
TopologyPlugin.cc | |
TopologyPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-ViewControl | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
shaderWidget.cc | |
shaderWidget.hh | |
ViewControlPlugin.cc | |
ViewControlPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-VSI | |
► config | |
configDialog.cc | |
configDialog.hh | |
configValue.cc | |
configValue.hh | |
dynamicDialog.cc | |
dynamicDialog.hh | |
dynamicValue.cc | |
dynamicValue.hh | |
► parser | |
context.cc | |
context.hh | |
element.cc | |
element.hh | |
function.cc | |
function.hh | |
inout.cc | |
inout.hh | |
input.cc | |
input.hh | |
output.cc | |
output.hh | |
type.cc | |
type.hh | |
typeWidget.cc | |
typeWidget.hh | |
► scene | |
arrow.cc | |
arrow.hh | |
button.cc | |
button.hh | |
connection.cc | |
connection.hh | |
connectionPoint.cc | |
connectionPoint.hh | |
elementArea.cc | |
elementArea.hh | |
elementFunction.cc | |
elementFunction.hh | |
elementInOut.cc | |
elementInOut.hh | |
elementInput.cc | |
elementInput.hh | |
elementOutput.cc | |
elementOutput.hh | |
functionDisplay.cc | |
functionDisplay.hh | |
graphicsScene.cc | |
graphicsScene.hh | |
graphicsView.cc | |
graphicsView.hh | |
sceneElement.cc | |
sceneElement.hh | |
sceneTools.cc | |
sceneTools.hh | |
text.cc | |
text.hh | |
trash.cc | |
trash.hh | |
wayfind.cc | |
wayfind.hh | |
zoomButton.cc | |
zoomButton.hh | |
► types | |
► objectId | |
objectId.cc | |
objectId.hh | |
objectIdWidget.cc | |
objectIdWidget.hh | |
objectPickDialog.cc | |
objectPickDialog.hh | |
SelectionObjectMarker.cc | |
SelectionObjectMarker.hh | |
TreeItem.cc | |
TreeItem.hh | |
TreeModel.cc | |
TreeModel.hh | |
any.cc | |
any.hh | |
bool.cc | |
bool.hh | |
boolWidget.cc | |
boolWidget.hh | |
filename.cc | |
filename.hh | |
filenameWidget.cc | |
filenameWidget.hh | |
matrix4x4.cc | |
matrix4x4.hh | |
matrix4x4Widget.cc | |
matrix4x4Widget.hh | |
number.cc | |
number.hh | |
numWidget.cc | |
numWidget.hh | |
selection.cc | |
selection.hh | |
selectionWidget.cc | |
selectionWidget.hh | |
string.cc | |
string.hh | |
stringWidget.cc | |
stringWidget.hh | |
vec3d.cc | |
vec3d.hh | |
vec3dWidget.cc | |
vec3dWidget.hh | |
vec4d.cc | |
vec4d.hh | |
vec4dWidget.cc | |
vec4dWidget.hh | |
baseWidget.cc | |
baseWidget.hh | |
toolBoxElement.cc | |
toolBoxElement.hh | |
vsiPlugin.cc | |
vsiPlugin.hh | |
► PluginCollection-FilePlugins | |
► Plugin-FileBundle | |
FileBundle.cc | |
FileBundle.hh | |
► Plugin-FileBVH | |
FileBVH.cc | |
FileBVH.hh | |
QuatTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-FileHeightFieldImage | |
FileHeightFieldImage.cc | |
FileHeightFieldImage.hh | |
ImageDialog.cc | |
ImageDialog.hh | |
QClickableLabel.cc | |
QClickableLabel.hh | |
► Plugin-FileLgt | |
FileLgt.cc | |
FileLgt.hh | |
► Plugin-FileOBJ | |
BSplineWriters.cc | |
FileOBJ.cc | |
FileOBJ.hh | |
FileOBJT_impl.hh | |
Material.hh | |
OBJImporter.cc | |
OBJImporter.hh | |
► Plugin-FileOFF | |
FileOFF.cc | |
FileOFF.hh | |
FileOFFT_impl.hh | |
OFFImporter.cc | |
OFFImporter.hh | |
► Plugin-FileOfv | |
FileOfv.cc | |
FileOfv.hh | |
► Plugin-FileOM | |
FileOM.cc | |
FileOM.hh | |
► Plugin-FileOVM | |
FileOpenVolumeMesh.cc | |
FileOpenVolumeMesh.hh | |
FileOpenVolumeMeshT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-FilePla | |
FilePla.cc | |
FilePla.hh | |
► Plugin-FilePLY | |
FilePLY.cc | |
FilePLY.hh | |
FilePLYT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-FilePolyLine | |
FilePolyLine.cc | |
FilePolyLine.hh | |
► Plugin-FilePTS | |
► Snappy | |
snappy-c.cc | |
snappy-c.h | |
snappy-internal.h | |
snappy-sinksource.cc | |
snappy-sinksource.h | |
snappy-stubs-internal.cc | |
snappy-stubs-internal.h | |
snappy-stubs-public.h | |
snappy.cc | |
snappy.h | |
FilePTS.cc | |
FilePTS.hh | |
► Plugin-FileScript | |
FileScript.cc | |
FileScript.hh | |
► Plugin-FileSKL | |
FileSkeleton.cc | |
FileSkeleton.hh | |
► Plugin-FileSPH | |
FileSPH.cc | |
FileSPH.hh | |
► Plugin-FileSTL | |
FileSTL.cc | |
FileSTL.hh | |
► Plugin-FileVTK | |
FileVTK.cc | |
FileVTK.hh | |
► PluginCollection-PostProcessors | |
► Plugin-AnaglyphStereo | |
PostProcessorAnaglyphPlugin.cc | |
PostProcessorAnaglyphPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-DepthImage | |
PostProcessorDepthImagePlugin.cc | |
PostProcessorDepthImagePlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-Grayscale | |
PostProcessorGrayPlugin.cc | |
PostProcessorGrayPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-PhilipsStereo | |
► CRC | |
crc32.cc | |
crc32.hh | |
► widgets | |
philipsStereoSettingsWidget.cc | |
philipsStereoSettingsWidget.hh | |
PostProcessorPhilipsStereo.cc | |
PostProcessorPhilipsStereo.hh | |
PostProcessorPhilipsStereo_qt.cc | |
► Plugin-Sobel | |
PostProcessorSobelPlugin.cc | |
PostProcessorSobelPlugin.hh | |
PostProcessorSobelPlugin_qt.cc | |
► PluginCollection-Renderers | |
► Plugin-Render-Classic | |
Renderer.cc | |
Renderer.hh | |
► Plugin-Render-DepthPeeling | |
DepthPeeling.cc | |
DepthPeeling.hh | |
DepthPeeling_qt.cc | |
► Plugin-Render-Normals | |
NormalRenderer.cc | |
NormalRenderer.hh | |
► Plugin-Render-Old-DepthPeeling | |
ClassicDepthPeeling.cc | |
ClassicDepthPeeling.hh | |
ClassicDepthPeeling_glew.cc | |
► Plugin-Render-Picking | |
RenderPickingPlugin.cc | |
RenderPickingPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-Render-ShaderPipeline | |
Renderer.cc | |
Renderer.hh | |
► Plugin-Render-SSAO | |
SSAO.cc | |
SSAO.hh | |
► Plugin-Render-Toon | |
ToonRenderer.cc | |
ToonRenderer.hh | |
ToonRenderer_qt.cc | |
► PluginCollection-Selection | |
► Plugin-SelectionBase | |
► widgets | |
SelectionBaseToolbox.cc | |
SelectionBaseToolbox.hh | |
SelectionTypeFrame.cc | |
SelectionTypeFrame.hh | |
Actionbutton.cc | |
Actionbutton.hh | |
HelperClasses.hh | |
SelectionBasePlugin.cc | |
SelectionBasePlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SelectionBSplineCurve | |
BSplineCurveSelectionFunctions.cc | |
BSplineCurveSelectionPlugin.cc | |
BSplineCurveSelectionPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SelectionBSplineSurface | |
BSplineSurfaceSelectionFunctions.cc | |
BSplineSurfaceSelectionPlugin.cc | |
BSplineSurfaceSelectionPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SelectionMeshObject | |
► PythonInterface | |
Python.cc | |
► widgets | |
ConversionDialog.cc | |
ConversionDialog.hh | |
ParameterWidget.cc | |
ParameterWidget.hh | |
EdgeSelection.cc | |
FaceSelection.cc | |
HalfedgeSelection.cc | |
MeshObjectSelectionPlugin.cc | |
MeshObjectSelectionPlugin.hh | |
MeshObjectSelectionPluginT_impl.hh | |
VertexSelection.cc | |
► Plugin-SelectionObject | |
ObjectSelectionFunctions.cc | |
ObjectSelectionPlugin.cc | |
ObjectSelectionPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SelectionPolyLine | |
PolyLineSelectionFunctions.cc | |
PolyLineSelectionPlugin.cc | |
PolyLineSelectionPlugin.hh | |
► Plugin-SelectionSplatCloudObject | |
SplatCloudObjectSelectionPlugin.cc | |
SplatCloudObjectSelectionPlugin.hh | |
SplatCloudObjectSelectionPlugin2.cc | |
SplatCloudSelection.cc | |
SplatCloudSelection.hh | Functions for selection on a SplatCloud |
VertexSelection.cc | |
► Plugin-SelectionVolumeMesh | |
► widgets | |
ParameterWidget.cc | |
ParameterWidget.hh | |
VolumeMeshSelectionFunctions.cc | |
VolumeMeshSelectionPlugin.cc | |
VolumeMeshSelectionPlugin.hh | |
VolumeMeshSelectionPluginT_impl.hh | |
► Type-BSpline | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► BSplineCurve | |
► doc | |
bsplinecurve.docu | |
BSplineCurve.hh | |
BSplineCurveNodeT.hh | |
BSplineCurveNodeT_impl.hh | |
BSplineCurveObject.cc | |
BSplineCurveObject.hh | |
BSplineCurveT.hh | |
BSplineCurveT_impl.hh | |
BSplineCurveTypes.hh | |
PluginFunctionsBSplineCurve.cc | |
PluginFunctionsBSplineCurve.hh | |
► BSplineSurface | |
► doc | |
bsplinesurface.docu | |
BSplineSurface.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceNodeT.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceNodeT_impl.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceObject.cc | |
BSplineSurfaceObject.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceT.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceT_impl.hh | |
BSplineSurfaceTypes.hh | |
PluginFunctionsBSplineSurface.cc | |
PluginFunctionsBSplineSurface.hh | |
► Knotvector | |
KnotvectorT.hh | |
KnotvectorT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeBSplineCurve | |
BSplineCurveBackup.cc | |
BSplineCurveBackup.hh | |
TypeBSplineCurve.cc | |
TypeBSplineCurve.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeBSplineSurface | |
TypeBSplineSurface.cc | |
TypeBSplineSurface.hh | |
► Type-Camera | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Camera | |
► doc | |
camera.docu | |
Camera.hh | |
CameraNode.cc | |
CameraNode.hh | |
CameraObject.cc | |
CameraObject.hh | |
CameraTypes.hh | |
PluginFunctionsCamera.cc | |
PluginFunctionsCamera.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeCamera | |
TypeCamera.cc | |
TypeCamera.hh | |
► Type-Coordsys | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Coordsys | |
► doc | |
coordsys.docu | |
CoordinateSystemNode.cc | |
CoordinateSystemNode.hh | |
Coordsys.hh | |
CoordsysObject.cc | |
CoordsysObject.hh | |
CoordsysTypes.hh | |
PluginFunctionsCoordsys.cc | |
PluginFunctionsCoordsys.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeCoordsys | |
TypeCoordsys.cc | |
TypeCoordsys.hh | |
► Type-Light | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Light | |
Light.hh | |
LightNode.cc | |
LightNode.hh | |
LightObject.cc | |
LightObject.hh | |
LightTypes.hh | |
LightWidget.cc | |
LightWidget.hh | |
PluginFunctionsLight.cc | |
PluginFunctionsLight.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeLight | |
TypeLight.cc | |
TypeLight.hh | |
► Type-OpenMesh | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► MeshObject | |
MeshObjectT.hh | |
MeshObjectT_impl.hh | |
StatusNodeMods.hh | |
StatusViewNodeT.hh | |
StatusViewNodeT_impl.hh | |
► PolyMesh | |
► doc | |
polyMesh.docu | |
PluginFunctionsPolyMesh.cc | |
PluginFunctionsPolyMesh.hh | |
PolyMesh.cc | |
PolyMesh.hh | |
PolyMeshTypes.hh | |
► TriangleMesh | |
► doc | |
triMesh.docu | |
PluginFunctionsTriangleMesh.cc | |
PluginFunctionsTriangleMesh.hh | |
TriangleMesh.cc | |
TriangleMesh.hh | |
TriangleMeshTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-TypePolyMesh | |
PolyMeshBackup.cc | |
PolyMeshBackup.hh | |
TypePolyMesh.cc | |
TypePolyMesh.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeTriangleMesh | |
TriMeshBackup.cc | |
TriMeshBackup.hh | |
TypeTriangleMesh.cc | |
TypeTriangleMesh.hh | |
► Type-OpenVolumeMesh | |
► libs | |
► OpenVolumeMesh | |
► documentation | |
► subpages | |
building_openvolumemesh.docu | |
concepts.docu | |
file_format.docu | |
iterators_and_circulators.docu | |
property_system.docu | |
► tutorials | |
tutorial_01.docu | |
tutorial_02.docu | |
tutorial_03.docu | |
tutorial_04.docu | |
mainpage.docu | |
► examples | |
► simple_mesh | |
simple_mesh.cc | |
► src | |
► FileConverter | |
► Grammars | |
Netgen.hpp | |
Tetmesh.hpp | |
MeshGenerator.hpp | |
ovm_converter.cc | |
► OpenVolumeMesh | |
► Attribs | |
ColorAttrib.hh | |
ColorAttribT_impl.hh | |
NormalAttrib.hh | |
NormalAttribT_impl.hh | |
OpenVolumeMeshStatus.cc | |
OpenVolumeMeshStatus.hh | |
StatusAttrib.cc | |
StatusAttrib.hh | |
StatusAttribT_impl.hh | |
TexCoordAttrib.hh | |
TexCoordAttribT_impl.hh | |
► Core | |
BaseEntities.cc | |
BaseEntities.hh | |
BaseProperty.cc | |
BaseProperty.hh | |
Entities.hh | |
ForwardDeclarations.hh | |
GeometryKernel.hh | |
Iterators.cc | |
Iterators.hh | |
OpenVolumeMeshBaseProperty.cc | |
OpenVolumeMeshBaseProperty.hh | |
OpenVolumeMeshHandle.cc | |
OpenVolumeMeshHandle.hh | |
OpenVolumeMeshProperty.hh | |
PropertyDefines.cc | |
PropertyDefines.hh | |
PropertyDefinesT_impl.hh | |
PropertyHandles.hh | |
PropertyPtr.hh | |
PropertyPtrT_impl.hh | |
ResourceManager.cc | |
ResourceManager.hh | |
ResourceManagerT_impl.hh | |
Serializers.cc | |
Serializers.hh | |
SerializersT_impl.hh | |
TopologyKernel.cc | |
TopologyKernel.hh | |
► FileManager | |
FileManager.cc | |
FileManager.hh | |
FileManagerT_impl.hh | |
► Geometry | |
Vector.cc | |
Vector11T.hh | |
VectorT.hh | |
VectorT_inc.hh | |
► Mesh | |
HexahedralMesh.hh | |
HexahedralMeshIterators.cc | |
HexahedralMeshIterators.hh | |
HexahedralMeshTopologyKernel.cc | |
HexahedralMeshTopologyKernel.hh | |
PolyhedralMesh.hh | |
TetrahedralGeometryKernel.hh | |
TetrahedralMesh.hh | |
TetrahedralMeshIterators.cc | |
TetrahedralMeshIterators.hh | |
TetrahedralMeshTopologyKernel.cc | |
TetrahedralMeshTopologyKernel.hh | |
► System | |
Defines.hh | |
Deprecation.hh | |
FunctionalInclude.hh | |
MemoryInclude.hh | |
► Unittests | |
unittests.cc | |
unittests_basics.cc | |
unittests_common.cc | |
unittests_common.hh | |
unittests_files.cc | |
unittests_iterators.cc | |
unittests_properties.cc | |
unittests_smartptr.cc | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► HexahedralMesh | |
HexahedralMesh.hh | |
PluginFunctionsHexahedralMesh.cc | |
PluginFunctionsHexahedralMesh.hh | |
PolyhedralMesh.cc | |
► PolyhedralMesh | |
PluginFunctionsPolyhedralMesh.cc | |
PluginFunctionsPolyhedralMesh.hh | |
PolyhedralMesh.cc | |
PolyhedralMesh.hh | |
► TetrahedralMesh | |
PluginFunctionsTetrahedralMesh.cc | |
PluginFunctionsTetrahedralMesh.hh | |
TetrahedralMesh.cc | |
TetrahedralMesh.hh | |
► VolumeMeshObject | |
VolumeMeshBufferManager.hh | |
VolumeMeshBufferManagerT_impl.hh | |
VolumeMeshDrawModesContainer.hh | |
VolumeMeshNode.hh | |
VolumeMeshNodeGLCompatT_impl.hh | |
VolumeMeshNodeT_impl.hh | |
VolumeMeshObject.hh | |
VolumeMeshObjectT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeHexahedralMesh | |
TypeHexahedralMesh.cc | |
TypeHexahedralMesh.hh | |
► Plugin-TypePolyhedralMesh | |
TypePolyhedralMesh.cc | |
TypePolyhedralMesh.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeTetrahedralMesh | |
TypeTetrahedralMesh.cc | |
TypeTetrahedralMesh.hh | |
► Type-Plane | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Plane | |
► doc | |
plane.docu | |
Plane.hh | |
PlaneNode.cc | |
PlaneNode.hh | |
PlaneObject.cc | |
PlaneObject.hh | |
PlaneTypes.hh | |
PluginFunctionsPlane.cc | |
PluginFunctionsPlane.hh | |
QtPlaneSelect.cc | |
QtPlaneSelect.hh | |
► Plugin-TypePlane | |
TypePlane.cc | |
TypePlane.hh | |
► Type-PolyLine | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► PolyLine | |
► doc | |
polyline.docu | |
PluginFunctionsPolyLine.cc | |
PluginFunctionsPolyLine.hh | |
PolyLine.hh | |
PolyLineBezierSplineData.cc | |
PolyLineBezierSplineData.hh | |
PolyLineCircleData.cc | |
PolyLineCircleData.hh | |
PolyLineNodeT.hh | |
PolyLineNodeT_impl.hh | |
PolyLineObject.cc | |
PolyLineObject.hh | |
PolyLineObjectSerializer.cc | |
PolyLineObjectSerializer.hh | |
PolyLineT.hh | |
PolyLineT_impl.hh | |
PolyLineTypes.hh | |
► PolyLineCollection | |
PluginFunctionsPolyLineCollection.cc | |
PluginFunctionsPolyLineCollection.hh | |
PolyLineCollection.hh | |
PolyLineCollectionNodeT.hh | |
PolyLineCollectionNodeT_impl.hh | |
PolyLineCollectionObject.cc | |
PolyLineCollectionObject.hh | |
PolyLineCollectionT.hh | |
PolyLineCollectionTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-TypePolyLine | |
TypePolyLine.cc | |
TypePolyLine.hh | |
► Plugin-TypePolyLineCollection | |
TypePolyLineCollection.cc | |
TypePolyLineCollection.hh | |
► Type-QtWidget | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► QtWidget | |
► doc | |
QtWidget.docu | |
PluginFunctionsQtWidget.cc | |
PluginFunctionsQtWidget.hh | |
QtWidget.hh | |
QtWidgetNode.cc | |
QtWidgetNode.hh | |
QtWidgetObject.cc | |
QtWidgetObject.hh | |
QtWidgetTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeQtWidget | |
TypeQtWidget.cc | |
TypeQtWidget.hh | |
► Type-Skeleton | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Skeleton | |
► Animation | |
AnimationHandle.hh | |
AnimationHelper.cc | |
AnimationHelper.hh | |
AnimationT.hh | |
BezierInterpolationT_impl.hh | |
FrameAnimationT.hh | |
FrameAnimationT_impl.hh | |
InterpolationAnimationT.hh | |
InterpolationAnimationT_impl.hh | |
InterpolationMatrixManipulatorT.hh | |
InterpolationT.hh | |
MultiInterpolationAnimationT.hh | |
MultiInterpolationAnimationT_impl.hh | |
► doc | |
skeleton.docu | |
skeletonSourceCode.docu | |
► Helper | |
SkeletonTransform.cc | |
SkeletonTransform.hh | |
BaseSkin.hh | |
BlendingMethod.hh | |
JointT.hh | |
JointT_impl.hh | |
PluginFunctionsSkeleton.cc | |
PluginFunctionsSkeleton.hh | |
PoseT.hh | |
PoseT_impl.hh | |
Properties.cc | |
Properties.hh | The header for the properties, one file for all objects |
PropertiesT_impl.hh | |
Skeleton.hh | |
SkeletonBaseProperty.hh | |
SkeletonNodeT.hh | |
SkeletonNodeT_impl.hh | |
SkeletonObject.cc | |
SkeletonObject.hh | |
SkeletonObjectData.hh | |
SkeletonProperty.hh | |
SkeletonPropertyContainer.hh | |
SkeletonT.hh | |
SkeletonT_impl.hh | |
SkeletonTypes.hh | |
SkinT.hh | |
SkinT_impl.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeSkeleton | |
SkeletonBackup.cc | |
SkeletonBackup.hh | |
TypeSkeleton.cc | |
TypeSkeleton.hh | |
► Type-Sphere | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► Sphere | |
► doc | |
sphere.docu | |
PluginFunctionsSphere.cc | |
PluginFunctionsSphere.hh | |
Sphere.hh | |
SphereObject.cc | |
SphereObject.hh | |
SphereTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeSphere | |
TypeSphere.cc | |
TypeSphere.hh | |
► Type-SplatCloud | |
► ObjectTypes | |
► SplatCloud | |
► doc | |
splats.docu | |
► SplatCloud | |
SplatCloud.cc | |
SplatCloud.hh | |
SplatCloudT_impl.hh | |
PluginFunctionsSplatCloud.cc | |
PluginFunctionsSplatCloud.hh | |
SplatCloud.hh | |
SplatCloudExtensions.hh | |
SplatCloudNode.cc | |
SplatCloudNode.hh | |
SplatCloudObject.cc | |
SplatCloudObject.hh | |
SplatCloudTypes.hh | |
► Plugin-TypeSplatCloud | |
SplatCloudBackup.cc | |
SplatCloudBackup.hh | |
TypeSplatCloud.cc | |
TypeSplatCloud.hh | |