48 #include <ACG/GL/globjects.hh> 49 #include <ACG/ShaderUtils/GLSLShader.hh> 57 Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID
64 QString
name() {
return (QString(
"Anaglyph Stereo Postprocessor Plugin")); };
65 QString
description( ) {
return (QString(tr(
"Resolves left,right stereo buffer to an anaglyph"))); };
69 QString version() {
return QString(
"1.0"); };
75 QString postProcessorName();
77 QString checkOpenGL();
QString description()
Return a description of what the plugin is doing.
Interface class from which all plugins have to be created.
Interface to add global image post processor functions from within plugins.
QString name()
Return a name for the plugin.