98 void openedFile(
int _objectId );
101 void addEmptyObject(
DataType _type,
int &_objectId );
102 void deleteObject (
int _objectId );
103 void updatedObject(
int _objectId,
const UpdateType &_type );
106 void log( QString _message );
107 void log(
Logtype _type, QString _message );
110 void addAboutInfo(QString _text, QString _tabName);
115 void initializePlugin();
116 void noguiSupported() { }
125 QString
name() {
return QString(
"FilePTS" ); }
126 QString
description( ) {
return QString( tr(
"Load/Save SplatCloud format files") ); }
132 QString
getSaveFilters() {
return QString( tr(
"SplatCloud format files ( *.pts *.bin )") ); }
133 QString
getLoadFilters() {
return QString( tr(
"SplatCloud format files ( *.pts *.bin )") ); }
140 QString version() {
return QString(
"1.0" ); }
143 int loadObject( QString _filename );
144 bool saveObject(
int _objectId, QString _filename );
149 bool readBinaryFile(
const char *_filename,
SplatCloud &_splatCloud ) ;
150 bool readTextFile (
const char *_filename,
SplatCloud &_splatCloud ) ;
153 bool writeBinaryFile(
const char *_filename,
const SplatCloudNode *_splatCloudNode ) ;
154 bool writeTextFile (
const char *_filename,
const SplatCloudNode *_splatCloudNode ) ;
157 bool readCompressedBinaryChunk( FILE* _file,
size_t _compressedSize,
char* _dst );
161 QWidget *loadOptions_;
162 QWidget *saveOptions_;
165 QCheckBox *loadBinaryFile_;
166 QCheckBox *loadNormals_;
167 QCheckBox *loadPointsizes_;
168 QCheckBox *loadColors_;
169 QComboBox *loadColorRange_;
170 QCheckBox *loadIndices_;
173 QCheckBox *saveBinaryFile_;
174 QCheckBox *saveNormals_;
175 QCheckBox *savePointsizes_;
176 QCheckBox *saveColors_;
177 QComboBox *saveColorRange_;
178 QCheckBox *saveIndices_;
181 QPushButton *loadMakeDefaultButton_;
182 QPushButton *saveMakeDefaultButton_;
187 void slotUpdateLoadColorRange();
188 void slotUpdateSaveColorRange();
191 void slotLoadMakeDefaultButtonClicked();
192 void slotSaveMakeDefaultButtonClicked();
199 #endif // FILEPTSPLUGIN_HH QWidget * loadOptionsWidget(QString)
Interface to call functions across plugins.
Log types for Message Window.
Interface for all plugins which want to Load or Save files and create Objects.
Interface for all Plugins which provide scriptable Functions.
QWidget * saveOptionsWidget(QString)
QString description()
Return a description of what the plugin is doing.
Interface for all Plugins which do logging to the logging window of the framework.
QString name()
Return a name for the plugin.
Interface class from which all plugins have to be created.
Interface class for file handling.
DataType supportedType()
Return your supported object type( e.g. DATA_TRIANGLE_MESH )