47 #include <QAbstractListModel> 57 virtual void pickModeChanged(
const std::string& _mode) {}
58 virtual void mouseEvent(QMouseEvent* _event) {}
60 explicit PropertyModel(QObject *parent = 0) : QAbstractListModel(parent) {}
63 virtual int rowCount(
const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex())
const = 0;
64 virtual QVariant data(
const QModelIndex & index,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole)
const = 0;
65 virtual QVariant headerData(
int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
int role = Qt::DisplayRole)
const = 0;
71 virtual void visualize(QModelIndexList selectedIndices, QWidgetList widgets = QWidgetList()) = 0;
83 virtual void clear(QModelIndexList selectedIndices) = 0;
92 virtual void updateWidget(
const QModelIndexList& selectedIndices) = 0;
virtual void clear(QModelIndexList selectedIndices)=0
Clears the selected property visualization.
virtual void duplicateProperty(QModelIndexList selectedIndices)=0
Duplicates the selected properties.
virtual void connectLogs(PropertyVisualizer *propViz)=0
Connects the PropertyVisualizer log signals with the log slot.
virtual void updateWidget(const QModelIndexList &selectedIndices)=0
Updates the widget.
virtual void visualize(QModelIndexList selectedIndices, QWidgetList widgets=QWidgetList())=0
Visualizes the selected properties.
virtual QWidget * getWidget()=0
Returns the widget.
QModelIndex indexFromPlainPropName(const QString &propName) const
Returns the index of the property with the given name.
This class vizualizes a property.
virtual PropertyInfo getPropertyInfo(const QModelIndex index) const =0
Returns the property info for the property with the given index.
virtual void hideWidget()=0
Hides the widget.
virtual void objectUpdated()=0
Revisualizes visualized properties.
Cellection of information about a property.
QModelIndex indexFromFancyPropName(const QString &propName) const
Returns the index of the property with the given name.
virtual void gatherProperties()=0
Searches for properties and creates PropertyVisualizers.
virtual void removeProperty(QModelIndexList selectedIndices)=0
Removes the selected properties.