61 #include <ACG/Geometry/Types/PlaneType.hh> 62 #include <ACG/Scenegraph/BaseNode.hh> 63 #include <ACG/Scenegraph/DrawModes.hh> 64 #include <ACG/Math/Matrix4x4T.hh> 66 #include <ACG/GL/VertexDeclaration.hh> 67 #include <ACG/GL/IRenderer.hh> 68 #include <ACG/GL/GLPrimitives.hh> 120 void setPlane(
Plane plane);
151 bool vboNeedsUpdate_;
160 #endif // ACG_PLANENODE_HH defined unsigned int vbo_
VBO used to render the plane.
Class to define the vertex input layout.
virtual void getRenderObjects(IRenderer *_renderer, GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode, const Material *_mat)
Deferred draw call with shader based renderer.
Interface class between scenegraph and renderer.
virtual void boundingBox(Vec3d &, Vec3d &)
virtual DrawModes::DrawMode availableDrawModes() const
virtual void draw(GLState &, const DrawModes::DrawMode &)
Draw this node using the draw modes _drawMode.
What target to use for picking.
virtual void pick(GLState &, PickTarget)