88 virtual void addToolbox( QString _name , QWidget* _widget ) {};
100 virtual void addToolbox( QString _name , QWidget* _widget, QIcon* _icon) {};
114 virtual void addToolbox( QString _name , QWidget* _widget, QIcon* _icon, QWidget* _headerAreaWidget) {};
virtual void addToolbox(QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon)
Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name and an icon.
virtual void addToolbox(QString _name, QWidget *_widget)
Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name.
Plugins can add its own toolbox to the main widget's toolbox area by using this interface.
virtual ~ToolboxInterface()
virtual void addToolbox(QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon, QWidget *_headerAreaWidget)
Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name, icon and header area widget. ...