79 void openedFile(
int _id );
80 void addEmptyObject(
DataType _type,
int& _id);
81 void load(QString _filename,
DataType _type,
int& _id);
82 void save(
int _id , QString _filename );
83 void log(
Logtype _type, QString _message);
84 void log(QString _message);
86 void updatedObject(
int _identifier,
const UpdateType& _type);
88 void deleteObject(
int _id );
92 void fileOpened(
int ){};
113 QString
name() {
return (QString(
"FilePLY")); };
114 QString
description( ) {
return (QString(tr(
"Load/Save PLY-Files"))); };
138 bool saveObject(
int _id, QString _filename);
140 QString version() {
return QString(
"1.0"); };
146 template <
class MeshT>
150 QWidget* loadOptions_;
151 QWidget* saveOptions_;
153 QCheckBox* saveBinary_;
154 QCheckBox* saveVertexNormal_;
155 QCheckBox* saveVertexColor_;
156 QCheckBox* saveVertexTexCoord_;
157 QCheckBox* saveFaceNormal_;
158 QCheckBox* saveFaceColor_;
159 QLabel* savePrecisionLabel_;
160 QSpinBox* savePrecision_;
161 QPushButton* saveDefaultButton_;
163 QComboBox* triMeshHandling_;
164 QCheckBox* loadVertexNormal_;
165 QCheckBox* loadVertexColor_;
166 QCheckBox* loadVertexTexCoord_;
167 QCheckBox* loadFaceNormal_;
168 QCheckBox* loadFaceColor_;
169 QPushButton* loadDefaultButton_;
174 #if defined(INCLUDE_TEMPLATES) && !defined(FILEPLYPLUGIN_C) 175 #define FILEPLYPLUGIN_TEMPLATES 176 #include "FilePLYT_impl.hh" 179 #endif //FILEPLYPLUGIN_HH void slotSaveDefault()
Slot called when user wants to save the given Save options as default.
Log types for Message Window.
Interface for all plugins which want to Load or Save files and create Objects.
Interface for all Plugins which provide scriptable Functions.
void slotLoadDefault()
Slot called when user wants to save the given Load options as default.
int loadTriMeshObject(QString _filename, OpenMesh::IO::Options &_opt)
Loads a triangle mesh.
Interface for all Plugins which do logging to the logging window of the framework.
Interface class from which all plugins have to be created.
QString description()
Return a description of what the plugin is doing.
QWidget * saveOptionsWidget(QString)
DataType supportedType()
Return your supported object type( e.g. DATA_TRIANGLE_MESH )
void backupTextureCoordinates(MeshT &_mesh)
creates a backup of the original per vertex/face texture coordinates
Set options for reader/writer modules.
void handleTrimeshDialog()
Displays a dialog to ask how to load the mesh (triangle, polymesh , autodetect)
Interface class for file handling.
int loadPolyMeshObject(QString _filename, OpenMesh::IO::Options &_opt)
Always loads mesh as polymesh.
QString name()
Return a name for the plugin.
QWidget * loadOptionsWidget(QString)
void initializePlugin()
Initialize Plugin.
int loadObject(QString _filename)
Loads Object and converts it to a triangle mesh if possible.