57 #include <ACG/GL/acg_glew.hh> 59 #include "TextNode.hh" 60 #include "../Utils/ImageConversion.hh" 73 enterCompat(GLState& _state,
const DrawModes::DrawMode& ) {
107 leaveCompat(GLState& ,
const DrawModes::DrawMode& ) {
Namespace providing different geometric functions concerning angles.
GLint blendSrc_
stores the sfactor parameter of glBlendFunc on entering TextNode
bool blendEnabled_
stores if GL_BLEND was enabled on entering TextNode
bool texture2dEnabled_
stores if GL_TEXTURE_2D was enabled on entering TextNode
static void enable(GLenum _cap, bool _warnRemoved=true)
replaces glEnable, but supports locking
static void getAlphaFunc(GLenum *_func, GLclampf *_ref)
get alpha function, null-ptr safe
static void disable(GLenum _cap, bool _warnRemoved=true)
replaces glDisable, but supports locking
bool alphaTest_
stores if the alpha test was enabled
GLenum alphaTestFunc_
stores alpha test comparison function
static void blendFunc(GLenum _sfactor, GLenum _dfactor)
replaces glBlendFunc, supports locking
std::string text_
text to be displayed on quads in vbo_
bool depthEnabled_
stores if GL_DEPTH_TEST was enabled on entering TextNode
static void alphaFunc(GLenum _func, GLclampf _ref)
replaces glAlphaFunc, supports locking
GLint blendDest_
stores the dfactor parameter of glBlendFunc on entering TextNode
bool alwaysOnTop_
stores if text should be drawn always on top
bool cullFaceEnabled_
stores if GL_CULL_FACE was enabled on entering TextNode
float alphaTestValue_
stores the alpha value used for alpha test