►NACG | Namespace providing different geometric functions concerning angles |
►NAlgorithm | |
Cconstant_1 | |
►NGeometry | |
CPlane | |
CPlaneT | |
CQuadricT | |
►NQtWidgets | |
►CQtApplication | |
CFootPrint | |
►CQtBaseViewer | |
CPickMode | |
CQtClippingDialog | |
CQtCoordFrameDialog | |
CQtExaminerViewer | |
►CQtFlapBox | |
CFlap | |
CQtGLGraphicsScene | |
CQtGLGraphicsView | |
CQtHistogramWidget | |
CQtMaterialDialog | |
CQtSceneGraphDialog | |
►CQtSceneGraphWidget | |
CItem | |
CStatusActions | |
CQtShaderDialog | |
CQtTextureDialog | |
CQtWheel | |
CSceneGraphWidgetGenerator | |
►NSceneGraph | |
►NACG | |
►NSceneGraph | |
►CBaseNode | |
CShaderSet | |
CMeshNodeBase | |
CMeshNodeT | |
►CColorStack | |
CNode | |
CColorTranslator | |
CGLMatrixT | 4x4 matrix implementing OpenGL commands |
CGLState | |
►CGLStateContext | |
CGLVertexPointer | |
CTextureStage | |
CMatrix4x4T | |
►NDrawModes | |
CDrawMode | Specifies a DrawMode |
CDrawModeInternal | Definition of a draw mode |
CDrawModeProperties | DrawModeProperties stores a set of properties that defines, how to render an object |
►NOpenMesh | |
CVectorDataT | |
CArrayResourceManagerNodeT | |
►CArrowNode | |
CArrow | |
►CBaseNode | |
CShaderSet | |
CBoundingBoxAction | |
CBoundingBoxNode | |
CBSplineCurveNodeT | |
CBSplineSurfaceNodeT | |
CCameraNode | |
CCartesianClippingNode | |
CCheckDirtyAction | |
►CClippingNode | |
CClippingObjectModifier | |
CClippingShaderModifier | |
CCollectActiveDrawModesAction | |
CCollectDrawModesAction | |
CCoordFrameNode | |
CCoordinateSystemNode | Node for displaying coordinate systems |
CCoordsysNode | |
CDrawAction | |
Cenable_if | |
Cenable_if< false, T > | |
CEnvMapNode | |
CFindNodeAction | |
►CGlutPrimitiveNode | |
CPrimitive | |
CGridNode | |
CLightNode | |
CLightSource | Structure to hold options for one LightSource |
CLightSourceHandle | |
►CLightSourceNode | |
CLightSource | Structure to hold options for one LightSource |
CLineNode | |
CLockModT | |
CLockNodeT | |
CManipulatorNode | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialNode | |
CMeshNodeBase | |
CMeshNodeT | |
CMouseEventAction | |
CMultiPassInfoAction | |
►COBJNode | |
CFace | |
COSDTransformNode | |
CPickAction | |
CPointNode | |
CPolyLineCollectionNodeT | |
CPolyLineNodeT | |
CPrincipalAxisNode | |
CPrincipalComponent | |
CPtrResourceManagerNodeT | |
CQtManipulatorNode | |
CQtTranslationManipulatorNode | |
►CQtWidgetNode | |
CNodeEventFilter | |
CQuadNode | |
CSelectionModT | |
CSelectionNodeT | |
CSeparatorNode | |
CSetDrawModesAction | |
►CShaderNode | |
CShaderInfo | |
CSkeletonNodeT | |
CSliceNode | |
CSplatCloudNode | |
CStatusModT | |
CStatusNodeBaseT | |
CStatusNodeBaseT< Mesh, Mod, false > | |
CStatusNodeBaseT< Mesh, Mod, true > | |
CStatusNodesBase | Extends StatusNodesT with a halfEdge vbo for coreProfile rendering support |
CStatusNodeT | |
CStatusViewNodeT | |
CStencilRefNode | |
CStrip | Class for managing a single triangle strip |
CStripProcessorT | |
CSwitchNode | |
CTextNode | |
CTexture3DNode | |
►CTextureNode | |
CTextureInfo | |
CTextureRenderInfo | |
CTrackballNode | |
CTransformNode | |
►CTranslationManipulatorNode | |
CElement | |
CTriangleNode | |
CTriStripNodeDeprecatedT | |
CVolumeMeshNodeT | |
CAtomicCounter | |
CBaseSeparableFilterKernel | |
CBezierCurveT | |
CBilateralBlurFilter | |
CBSplineCurveT | |
CBSplineSurfaceT | |
CColorCoder | Class for generating nice colors for doubles |
CColorGenerator | |
►CColorStack | |
CNode | |
CColorTranslator | |
CDisplayList | |
CDrawMeshBase | |
CDrawMeshFaceInput | |
►CDrawMeshT | Mesh Drawing Class |
CSubset | |
CVertexProperty | |
CDualQuaternionT | DualQuaternion class for representing rigid motions in 3d |
►CFBO | |
CRenderTexture | Attached textures |
CGaussianBlurFilter | |
CGLBox | |
CGLCone | |
CGLCylinder | |
CGLDisk | |
CGLDodecahedron | |
CGLFormatInfo | |
CGLIcosahedron | |
CGLLineBox | |
CGLMatrixT | 4x4 matrix implementing OpenGL commands |
CGLOctahedron | |
CGLPartialDisk | |
CGLPrimitive | |
CGLSphere | |
CGLState | |
►CGLStateContext | |
CGLVertexPointer | |
CTextureStage | |
CGLTetrahedron | |
CGLTorus | |
CGLTrackball | |
CGPUCacheEfficiencyTester | |
►CGPUCacheOptimizer | |
COpt_Tris | |
COpt_Vertex | |
►CGPUCacheOptimizerTipsify | |
CRingStack | Simple and fast fixed size stack used in tipsify implementation |
CHaltonColors | Implementation of halton colors Provides deterministic pseudo-random low-discrepancy colors with a uniform distribution over a visually pleasing subset of HSL space, independent of the number of colors required. Simply instantiate and use get_next_color() |
CHeapInterfaceT | |
CHeapT | |
CHistogram | |
CHistogramT | |
CHuePartitioningColors | |
CIColorCoder | |
►CIRenderer | |
CDepthMapPass | |
CLightData | |
CRenderObjectRange | |
CKnotvectorT | |
CLinearTwoColorCoder | |
CMatrix3x3T | |
CMatrix4x4T | |
►CMeshCompiler | |
CAdjacencyList | |
CSubset | |
CVertexElementInput | |
CVertexSplitter | |
CWeldList | |
CWeldListEntry | |
CMeshCompiler_EdgeTriMapKey | |
CMeshCompilerDefaultFaceInput | |
CMeshCompilerFaceInput | |
CMeshCompilerVertexCompare | |
CNoncopyable | |
CNumLimitsT | |
CPoissonBlurFilter | |
►CPolyLineT | |
CCustomProperty | |
CProfile | |
CProgramBase | |
►CProgress | |
CChildRecord | |
CQtColorTranslator | |
CQtLasso | |
CQtPrincipalAxisDialog | |
CQuaternionT | |
CQueryCounter | |
CQueryObject | |
CRadialBlurFilter | |
►CRenderObject | Interface class between scenegraph and renderer |
CTexture | Texture to be used |
CRenderObjectModifier | Interface for modifying render objects |
CRingTriangle | |
CScreenQuad | |
►CShaderCache | Cache for shaders |
CCacheEntry | |
►CShaderGenDesc | |
CTextureType | |
►CShaderGenerator | |
CDefaultIODesc | |
CKeywords | |
CShaderModifier | |
CShaderModifierFile | |
CShaderProgGenerator | |
CShaderStorageBufferObject | |
CStopWatch | |
CTexture | |
CTexture1D | |
CTexture2D | |
CTexture3D | |
CTextureBuffer | |
CTimedTracing | |
CTracing | |
►CTriangulator | |
CRingVertex | |
CUniformBufferObject | |
CUtil | |
CVertexArrayObject | |
CVertexDeclaration | Class to define the vertex input layout |
CVertexDeclaration_ptr2uint | |
CVertexElement | Description of one vertex element |
►NCustom | |
CVec | |
►NGLSL | This namespace contains all the classes and functions for handling GLSL shader and program objects |
►CComputeShader | GLSL compute shader |
CCaps | |
CFragmentShader | GLSL fragment shader |
CGeometryShader | GLSL geometry shader |
CProgram | GLSL program class |
CShader | A generic shader base class |
►CUniformPool | GLSL uniform pool |
CUniformBase | |
CUniformBuf | |
CUniformMat | |
CUniformVecf | |
CUniformVeci | |
CUniformVecui | |
CVertexShader | GLSL vertex shader |
CScalarAssigner | |
►NOpenMesh | |
►NAttributes | |
CStatusInfo | |
►NConcepts | |
CKernelT | |
►CMeshItems | |
CEdgeT | |
CFaceT | |
CHalfedgeT | |
CVertexT | |
►NDecimater | |
CBaseDecimaterModule | |
CBaseDecimaterT | |
CCollapseInfoT | |
►CDecimaterT | |
CHeapInterface | Heap interface |
CMcDecimaterT | |
CMixedDecimaterT | |
CModAspectRatioT | Use aspect ratio to control decimation |
CModBaseT | |
CModEdgeLengthT | Use edge length to control decimation |
CModHandleT | |
CModHausdorffT | Use Hausdorff distance to control decimation |
CModIndependentSetsT | |
CModNormalDeviationT | Use Normal deviation to control decimation |
CModNormalFlippingT | |
►CModProgMeshT | |
CInfo | |
CModQuadricT | Mesh decimation module computing collapse priority based on error quadrics |
CModRoundnessT | Use Roundness of triangles to control decimation |
CObserver | Observer class |
►NGeometry | |
CQuadricT | |
►NIO | |
C_IOManager_ | |
C_OBJReader_ | |
C_OBJWriter_ | |
C_OFFReader_ | |
C_OFFWriter_ | |
C_OMReader_ | |
C_OMWriter_ | |
►C_PLYReader_ | |
CElementInfo | |
CPropertyInfo | |
►C_PLYWriter_ | |
CCustomProperty | |
C_STLReader_ | |
C_STLWriter_ | |
C_VTKWriter_ | |
CBaseExporter | |
CBaseImporter | |
CBaseReader | |
CBaseWriter | |
Cbinary | |
Cbinary< BaseSkin::SkinWeights > | |
Cbinary< MyData > | |
Cbinary< MyMap > | |
CExporterT | |
CHandle2Prop | |
CHandle2Prop< T, FaceHandle > | |
CHandle2Prop< T, VertexHandle > | |
CImporterT | |
COptions | Set options for reader/writer modules |
►NIterators | |
CConstEdgeIterT | |
CConstFaceIterT | |
CConstHalfedgeIterT | |
CConstVertexIterT | |
CEdgeIterT | |
CFaceIterT | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, false > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, true > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, false > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, true > | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT< Mesh, CenterEntityHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, CW > | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT_DEPRECATED | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT_DEPRECATED< Mesh, CenterEntityHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculatorBaseT | |
CGenericCirculatorT | |
CGenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED | |
CGenericIteratorT | |
CHalfedgeIterT | |
CVertexIterT | |
►NKernel_OSG | |
►NFP | OpenSG Face Properties Adaptors |
CGeoIndicesUI32 | Adaptor for osg::GeoIndicesUI32 |
CArrayKernelT | |
CAttribKernelT | This class adds the standard properties to the mesh type |
CoPropertyT | |
CPropertyKernel | |
CTraits | |
CTriMesh_OSGArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to create a TriMesh-type based on Kernel_OSG::ArrayKernelT |
CTriMesh_OSGArrayKernelT | |
►NSmoother | |
CJacobiLaplaceSmootherT | |
CLaplaceSmootherT | Laplacian Smoothing |
CSmootherT | |
►NSubdivider | |
►NAdaptive | |
CCompositeT | |
►CCompositeTraits | |
CState | Storage type for intermediate states and the final flag of a mesh entity |
CEdE | |
CEdEc | |
CEF | |
CEV | |
CEVc | |
CFE | |
CFF | |
CFFc | |
CFV | |
CFVc | |
CRuleHandleT | |
CRuleInterfaceT | |
CState | |
CTraits | |
CTvv3 | |
CTvv4 | |
CVdE | |
CVdEc | |
CVE | |
CVF | |
CVV | |
CVVc | |
►NUniform | |
CCatmullClarkT | |
CCompareLengthFunction | |
►CCompositeLoopT | |
►CEVCoeff | |
Ccompute_weight | |
►CCompositeSqrt3T | |
►CFVCoeff | |
Ccompute_weight | |
►CCompositeT | |
CCoeff | Abstract base class for coefficient functions |
CCompositeTraits | |
CInterpolatingSqrt3LGT | |
CLongestEdgeT | |
►CLoopT | |
Ccompute_weight | |
CMidpointT | |
CModifiedButterflyT | |
►CSqrt3T | |
Ccompute_weight | |
CSubdividerT | |
►NUtils | |
CHeapInterfaceT | |
CHeapT | |
CMeshCheckerT | |
CNoncopyable | |
CNumLimitsT | |
CTestingFramework | |
CTimer | |
►NVDPM | |
CMeshTraits | |
CPlane3d | |
CVFront | |
CVHierarchy | |
CVHierarchyNode | |
CVHierarchyNodeHandle | |
CVHierarchyNodeIndex | |
CVHierarchyWindow | |
CViewingParameters | |
►CArrayKernel | |
CAutoStatusSetT | AutoStatusSetT: A status set that automatically picks a status bit |
CExtStatusSetT | ExtStatusSet: A status set augmented with an array |
CStatusSetT | — StatusSet API — |
CAttribKernelT | |
CAutoPropertyHandleT | |
CBaseHandle | Base class for all handle types |
CBaseKernel | |
CBaseMesh | |
CBaseProperty | |
CBasePropHandleT | Base property handle |
Ccolor_caster< osg::Color3f, osg::Color3ub > | |
Ccolor_caster< osg::Color3ub, osg::Color3f > | |
CDefaultTraits | |
CEdgeHandle | Handle for a edge entity |
CEndian | |
CEPropHandleT | |
CFaceHandle | Handle for a face entity |
►CFinalMeshItemsT | Definition of the mesh entities (items) |
CITraits | |
CFPropHandleT | |
CHalfedgeHandle | Handle for a halfedge entity |
CHandleToPropHandle | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::EdgeHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::FaceHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::VertexHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< void, T > | |
CHPropHandleT | |
CLoopSchemeMaskT | |
CMergeTraits | |
CMeshCast | Cast a mesh with different but identical traits into each other |
CMeshCast< const LhsMeshT &, const RhsMeshT & > | |
CMeshCast< const LhsMeshT *, const RhsMeshT * > | |
CMeshCast< LhsMeshT &, RhsMeshT & > | |
CMeshCast< LhsMeshT *, RhsMeshT * > | |
CMPropHandleT | |
CNormalConeT | |
►CPolyConnectivity | Connectivity Class for polygonal meshes |
CAddFaceEdgeInfo | |
CCirculatorRange | Generic class for iterator ranges |
CEntityRange | Generic class for vertex/halfedge/edge/face ranges |
CPolyConnectivityTag | Connectivity tag indicating that the tagged mesh has polygon connectivity |
CPolyMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to build a PolyMesh-type |
CPolyMesh_ArrayKernelT | |
►CPolyMeshT | |
CPointIs3DTag | |
CPointIsNot3DTag | |
CPropertyContainer | A a container for properties |
►CPropertyManager | |
CProxy | |
CPropertyT | Default property class for any type T |
CPropertyT< bool > | |
CPropertyT< std::string > | |
CRandomNumberGenerator | |
CSingletonT | |
CSmartTaggerET | |
CSmartTaggerFT | |
CSmartTaggerHT | |
CSmartTaggerT | Smart Tagger |
CSmartTaggerVT | |
CStripifierT | |
CTriConnectivity | Connectivity Class for Triangle Meshes |
CTriConnectivityTag | Connectivity tag indicating that the tagged mesh has triangle connectivity |
CTriMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to create a TriMesh-type based on ArrayKernelT |
CTriMesh_ArrayKernelT | |
CTriMeshT | |
CVDPMSynthesizerViewerWidget | |
Cvector_traits | |
Cvector_traits< Custom::Vec< DIM > > | |
Cvector_traits< Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options > > | |
CVectorDataT | |
CVectorT | |
CVertexHandle | Handle for a vertex entity |
CVPropHandleT | |
►NOpenVolumeMesh | |
►NEntity | |
CCell | |
CEdge | |
CFace | |
CHalfEdge | |
CHalfFace | |
CMesh | |
CVertex | |
►NGeometry | |
Care_convertible_to | |
Care_convertible_to< To, From > | |
Care_convertible_to< To, From, Froms... > | |
CVectorDataT | |
CVectorT | |
►NIO | |
CFileManager | Read/Write mesh data from/to files |
CBaseCirculator | |
CBaseIterator | |
CBaseProperty | |
Cbool_type | |
Cbool_type< false > | |
Cbool_type< true > | |
CBoundaryFaceIter | |
CBoundaryHalfFaceHalfFaceIter | |
CCellCellIter | |
CCellIter | |
CCellSheetCellIter | |
CCellVertexIter | |
CCHandleCorrection | |
CColorAttrib | |
CEdgeIter | |
CFaceIter | |
CGeometryKernel | |
CHalfEdgeCellIter | |
CHalfEdgeHalfFaceIter | |
CHalfEdgeIter | |
CHalfFaceIter | |
CHalfFaceSheetHalfFaceIter | |
CHalfFaceVertexIter | |
CHandleT | |
Chas_input_operator | |
Chas_output_operator | |
CHEHandleCorrection | |
CHexahedralMeshTopologyKernel | A data structure basing on PolyhedralMesh with specializations for hexahedra |
CHexVertexIter | Iterate over all vertices of a hexahedron in a specific order |
CHFHandleCorrection | |
Cis_entity | |
Cis_entity< Entity::Cell > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::Edge > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::Face > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::HalfEdge > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::HalfFace > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::Mesh > | |
Cis_entity< Entity::Vertex > | |
CNormalAttrib | |
COpenVolumeMeshBaseProperty | |
COpenVolumeMeshCell | |
COpenVolumeMeshEdge | |
COpenVolumeMeshFace | |
COpenVolumeMeshHandle | |
COpenVolumeMeshPropertyT | Default property class for any type T |
COpenVolumeMeshStatus | Stores statuses like selected, tagged, deleted, etc |
CPropertyPtr | |
CPropertyTT | |
CPropHandleT | |
CResourceManager | |
CStatusAttrib | |
CTetrahedralGeometryKernel | |
CTetrahedralMeshTopologyKernel | A data structure based on PolyhedralMesh with specializations for tetrahedra |
CTetVertexIter | Iterate over all vertices of a hexahedron in a specific order |
CTexCoordAttrib | |
►CTopologyKernel | |
CCellCorrector | |
CEdgeCorrector | |
CFaceCorrector | |
CVertexCellIter | |
CVertexFaceIter | |
CVertexIter | |
CVertexOHalfEdgeIter | |
CVertexVertexIter | |
CVHandleCorrection | |
CScalarAssigner | |
►NPca | Namespace for principal Component Analysis |
CPCA | Class for principal component Analysis |
►NPluginFunctions | |
CBaseObjectIterator | Core Data Iterator used to iterate over all objects (Including groups) |
CObjectIterator | Core Data Iterator |
CObjectRange | Range adapter for ObjectIterator |
CObjectReferenceIterator | Helper class that wraps an ObjectIterator to return a reference instead of a pointer |
CObjectReferenceRange | Range adapter for ObjectIterator |
►Npybind11 | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctype_caster< DataType > | |
Ctype_caster< IdList > | |
Ctype_caster< Matrix4x4 > | |
Ctype_caster< QString > | |
Ctype_caster< UpdateType > | |
Ctype_caster< Vector > | |
►NRemeshing | |
CAdaptiveRemesherT | |
CBaseRemesherT | |
CDiffGeoT | |
CUniformRemesherT | |
►NRPC | |
CRPCHelper | |
►Nsnappy | |
►Ninternal | |
CWorkingMemory | |
CBits | |
CByteArraySource | |
Ciovec | |
CLittleEndian | |
CSink | |
CSnappyArrayWriter | |
CSnappyDecompressionValidator | |
CSnappyDecompressor | |
CSnappyIOVecWriter | |
CSnappyScatteredWriter | |
►CSnappySinkAllocator | |
CDatablock | |
CSource | |
CUncheckedByteArraySink | |
CVarint | |
►NViewer | |
CViewerProperties | |
►NVSI | |
CArrow | Scene movement widget |
CBaseWidget | |
CBoolWidget | |
CButton | |
CConfigDialog | |
CConfigValue | |
CConnection | |
CConnectionPoint | |
CContext | |
CDynamicDialog | |
CDynamicValue | |
CElement | |
CElementArea | |
CElementFunction | |
CElementInOut | |
CElementInput | |
CElementOutput | |
CFilenameWidget | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionDisplay | |
CGraphicsScene | |
CGraphicsView | |
CInOut | |
CInput | |
CMatrix4x4Widget | |
CNumWidget | |
CObjectIdWidget | |
CObjectPickDialog | |
COutput | |
CSceneElement | |
CSceneTools | |
CSelectionWidget | |
CStringWidget | |
CText | |
CToolBoxElement | |
CTrash | |
CType | |
CTypeAny | |
CTypeBool | |
CTypeFilename | |
CTypeMatrix4x4 | |
CTypeNumber | |
CTypeObjectId | |
CTypeSelection | |
CTypeString | |
CTypeVec3D | |
CTypeVec4D | |
CTypeWidget | |
CVec3DWidget | |
CVec4DWidget | |
►CWayFind | |
CNode | |
CZoomButton | Scene zoom in/out widget |
C__PropertyModelFactory | This class manages the creation of PropertyModels |
C_KDHELP64 | |
C_tagADDRESS64 | |
CAboutInfoInterface | About Info interface |
CAboutWidget | |
CActionButton | |
CAddAnimationDialog | |
CaddEmptyWidget | |
CAlignMeshesToolbox | |
CAnalyzerTraits | |
CAnimationHandle | A handle used to refer to an animation or to a specific frame in an animation |
CAnimationHelper | |
CAnimationT | Stores a single animation |
CAnimationToolboxWidget | |
CAreaNodeMod | |
CBackupData | Abstract class that is used to store backups |
CBackupInterface | Interface class for backup handling |
CBackupPlugin | |
CBaseBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CBaseExporter | |
CBaseImporter | |
CBaseInterface | Interface class from which all plugins have to be created |
CBaseObject | |
CBaseObjectData | |
CBaseReader | |
►CBaseSkin | Abstract base class for the skin template, wrapping all template versions of the skin |
CDefaultPose | Holds the skins default pose |
CBezierInterpolationT | |
Cbinary< std::vector< bool > > | |
►Cbinary< std::vector< std::string > > | |
CSum | |
CBlockingWidget | |
CBooleanWidget | |
CBoundarySnappingT | Snaps selected vertices at boundaries |
►CBSPImplT | |
Cless_pair_second | |
CNearestNeighbor | Store nearest neighbor information |
CNearestNeighborData | Store nearest neighbor information |
CRayCollisionData | Store ray collide information |
CBSplineCurveBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CBSPlineCurveNodeT | |
CBSplineCurveObject | |
CBSplineCurveSelectionPlugin | |
CBSPlineSurfaceNodeT | |
CBSplineSurfaceObject | |
CBSplineSurfaceSelectionPlugin | |
CCameraObject | |
CCelShadingModifier | |
CCmdOption | |
CCodeEditorWidget | |
CColorOptions | |
CColorPlugin | |
CColorStatusBar | |
CCompareVectors | Compare two vectors |
CComponentsPlugin | |
CContainsId_deleter | |
CContextMenuInterface | Interface class for creating custom context menus |
CConversionDialog | |
CCoordsysObject | |
CCore | |
CCoreWidget | |
CCursorPainter | |
CCustomTraits | |
CCustomTraitsVec2i | |
CDataControlPlugin | |
CDatacontrolToolboxWidget | |
CDataControlTreeView | |
CDataType | Predefined datatypes |
CdataTypes | |
CDecimaterInfo | |
►CDecimaterPlugin | |
CDecimaterInit | |
CDecimaterToolbarWidget | |
CDecimaterViewerWidget | |
►CDecimateThread | |
CParams | |
CDecOptions | |
CDefaultObjectMarker | |
CDefaultTraits | |
►CDepthPeeling | |
CViewerResources | Collection of framebuffers for each viewport |
►CDepthPeelingPlugin | |
CViewerResources | |
CDeserializeScreenshotMetadataPlugin | |
CDoubleWidget | |
CFeatureNodeMod | |
CFileBundlePlugin | |
CFileBVHPlugin | |
CFileHeightFieldPNGPlugin | |
CFileInterface | Interface class for file handling |
CFileLightPlugin | |
CFileOBJPlugin | |
CFileOFFPlugin | |
CFileOMPlugin | |
CFileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin | |
CFileOptionsDialog | |
CFilePicker | |
CFilePlaPlugin | |
CFilePLYPlugin | |
CFilePolyLinePlugin | |
CFilePTSPlugin | |
CFileScriptPlugin | |
CFileSKLPlugin | |
CFileSPHPlugin | |
CFileSTLPlugin | |
CfileTypes | |
CFileViewPlugin | |
►CFileVTKPlugin | |
CCellType | |
CFillingLayout | |
CFrameAnimationT | |
CFunctionList | |
CGaussCurvaturePlugin | |
CglViewer | |
CGnuplot | |
CGnuplotException | Exception thrown by class Gnuplot |
CGroupBackup | Class that encapsulates simultaneous backups on multiple objects |
CGroupData | Class that is used to store global(group) backups |
CGroupObject | |
CGuiUpdatingScopeGuard | Helper Class for UpdateUI. assigns a bool value and set it to "true". after leaving the scope, set it to false |
CHandleAction | |
CHandleNodeMod | |
CHelpBrowser | |
CHelpWidget | |
CHexahedralMeshBase | |
►CHighlighter | |
CHighlightingRule | |
CHighlightingRule | Container to describe a highlighting rule. Based on a regular expression, a relevant match # and the format |
CHistogram | Histogram plot |
CHistogramItem | Histogram plotting widget |
CHistogramTest | |
►CHoleFiller | |
CWeight | |
CHoleFillerPlugin | |
CHoleFillerToolbarWidget | |
CHoleInfo | |
CImageDialog | |
CImageStore | |
CInfoBar | |
CInfoDialog | |
CInfoMeshObjectPlugin | Plugin to visualize information about objects in the scene |
CInformationInterface | Interface class for providing information on objects |
CInfoSkeletonObjectPlugin | Plugin to visualize information about objects in the scene |
CInfoVolumeMeshObjectPlugin | Plugin to visualize information about open volume meshs in the scene |
CINIFile | Class for the handling of simple configuration files |
CINIInterface | Interface class for Plugins which have to store information in ini files |
CINIPlugin | |
CIntegerWidget | |
CInterpolationAnimationT | |
CInterpolationMatrixManipulatorT | Knows how to apply the values generated by an interpolator to a matrix. When playing back an InterpolationAnimation, an InterpolationT interpolates between two points. This can be done linearly or via a bezier curve or whatever. The values coming out of this interpolation are just a vector of numbers that now have to be applied to a transformation in the pose. How this has to be done depends on the type of animation. For example, the interpolator might interpolate between two angles (i.e. output a single number). This would have to be applied to the matrix using a rotation function. The same is imaginable with a translation (3 values) and so on |
CInterpolationT | |
CIsotropicRemesher | |
CIsotropicRemesherPlugin | |
CIsotropicRemesherToolBox | |
CJobCancelButton | |
CJobInfo | Job Information class |
CJointInfo | |
CJointT | Represents a single joint in the skeleton |
CKeyBinding | |
CKeyGen | |
CKeyGenWidget | |
CKeyInterface | Keyboard Event Interface |
CLaplaceLengthPlugin | |
CLicenseManager | License management base class |
CLightObject | |
CLightWidget | |
CLightWidgetGenerator | |
CLineNumberArea | |
►CLoadFromPluginThread | |
CLoadInfos | |
CLoadSaveInterface | Interface for all plugins which want to Load or Save files and create Objects |
CLoadSaveWidget | |
CLoadWidget | |
CLoggerWidget | Implementation of the logger Widget |
CLoggingInterface | Interface for all Plugins which do logging to the logging window of the framework |
►CMaterialPicker | |
CMaterialInfo | |
CMathTest | |
CMeanCurvaturePlugin | |
CMemInfoPlugin | |
CMenu | |
CMenuInfo | |
CMenuInterface | Interface for all plugins which provide entries to the main menubar |
CMergePlugin | |
CMergeToolBox | |
CMeshComparePlugin | |
CMeshCompareToolbarWidget | |
CMeshCompilerTest | |
CMeshConvertPlugin | |
►CMeshFixing | Fix a mesh |
CFace | Internal face type |
CVertex | Internal vertex type |
CMeshGenerator | |
CMeshObject | |
CMeshObjectSelectionPlugin | |
CMeshRepairPlugin | |
CMeshRepairToolbarWidget | |
CMeshTestData | |
CMeshViewerWidget | |
CMeshViewerWidgetT | |
CMetadataInterface | Enables implementers to react on deserialization of meta data |
CModBalancerT | |
CMouseAndKeyPlugin | |
CMouseInterface | Interface class for receiving mouse events |
CMoveObjectMarker | |
CMovePlugin | |
CmovePropsWidget | |
CmoveToolbarWidget | |
CMultiInterpolationAnimationT | |
CMultiObjectPropertyModel | |
CMyData | |
►CMyTraits | |
CVertexT | |
Cnetgen_grammar | |
CnewClass | |
CNewNameMessageBox | Asks the user how to proceed after a name clash |
CNonManifoldVertexFixingT | Removed non-manifold vertices from a mesh by duplicating them |
CNormalFragmentModifier | |
CNormalRenderer | |
CObjectIDPointerManagerT | |
►CObjectListItemModel | |
CObjectInfo | |
CObjectManager | |
CObjectPickDialog | |
CObjectSelectionPlugin | |
CObjectSelectionWidget | |
COBJImporter | |
COFFImporter | |
COMPropertyModel | |
COMPropertyModelSubclass | Added for signal/slot support |
►COMPropertyVisualizer | |
CCopyProperty | |
COMPropertyVisualizerBoolean | |
COMPropertyVisualizerDouble | |
COMPropertyVisualizerInteger | |
COMPropertyVisualizerVector | |
COMPropertyVisualizerVector2 | |
COMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifference | |
COMSpecificTriangleBSPTraits | |
COpenFlipperJob | Internal Job execution object |
COpenFlipperQSettings | |
COpenFlipperThread | Thread handling class for OpenFlipper |
COpenMeshBase | |
COpenMeshBasePoly | |
COpenMeshBasePolyVec2i | |
COpenMeshBaseTriVec2i | |
COpenMeshTriangleBSPT | |
COpenVolumeMeshBaseProperty | |
COption | |
COptionsInterface | Options Dialog interface |
COptionsWidget | |
►COVMOMCommonTriangleBSPTraits | |
Cx_sort | |
Cy_sort | |
Cz_sort | |
COVMPropertyModel | |
COVMPropertyModelSubclass | |
►COVMPropertyVisualizer | |
CCopyProperty | |
COVMPropertyVisualizerBoolean | |
COVMPropertyVisualizerDouble | |
COVMPropertyVisualizerInteger | |
COVMPropertyVisualizerVector | |
COVMPropertyVisualizerVectorFieldDifference | |
CParameterWidget | |
CPeelDualInitModifier | |
CPeelDualLayerModifier | |
CPeelInitModifier | |
CPeelLayerModifier | |
CPerObjectData | Object Payload |
CPhilipsStereoSettingsWidget | |
CPickingInterface | Allow access to picking functions |
CPickMode | Struct containing information about pickModes |
CPickWidget | |
CPlaneNode | |
CPlaneObject | |
CPluginAlignMeshes | |
CPluginConnectionInterface | Allow to connect slots between plugins |
CPluginDialog | |
CPluginInfo | |
CPluginInitializationOrder | Defines the order in which plugins have to be loaded |
CPluginLogger | |
CPMInfo | |
CPolyhedralMeshBase | |
►CPolyLineBezierSplineData | |
CInterpolatePoint | |
CPolyLineCircleData | |
CPolyLineCollectionObject | |
►CPolyLineCollectionT | |
Cindex_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CPolyLineObject | |
CPolyLineObjectSerializer | |
CPolyLinePlugin | |
CPolyLineSelectionPlugin | |
CPolyLineToolbarWidget | |
CPolyMeshBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CPolyMeshObject | Type for a Meshobject containing a poly mesh |
CPolyTraits | |
CPoseT | A general pose, used to store the frames of the animation |
CPostProcessing | |
CPostProcessorAnaglyphPlugin | |
CPostProcessorDepthImagePlugin | |
CPostProcessorDialog | |
CPostProcessorFormatDesc | |
CPostProcessorGrayscalePlugin | |
CPostProcessorInfo | |
CPostProcessorInput | |
CPostProcessorInterface | Interface to add global image post processor functions from within plugins |
CPostProcessorManager | |
CPostProcessorOutput | |
CPostProcessorPhilipsStereoPlugin | |
CPostProcessorSobelPlugin | |
CPreloadAggregator | |
CPreloadThread | |
CPrimitiveAction | |
CPrimitivesGeneratorPlugin | |
CPrincipalAxisDialog | |
CPrint | |
CPrintPlugin | |
CProcessInterface | Interface class for Thread handling |
►CProcessManagerWidget | |
CJobContainer | |
CProgressEmitter | |
►CProgViewerWidget | |
CPMInfo | |
►CProperties | The properties storage class |
CBaseProperty | The base class for all property template instances |
CPropertyT | A container storing a single property for all objects |
CPropertyHandleT | The property handle, use it to access the properties |
CPropertyInfo | Cellection of information about a property |
CPropertyModel | |
►CPropertyNameListModel | |
CTypeInfoWrapper | |
CPropertyVisPlugin | |
CPropertyVisToolbar | |
CPropertyVisualizer | This class vizualizes a property |
CprototypeDataType | |
CprototypeIdList | |
CprototypeMatrix4x4 | |
CprototypeVec3d | |
CprototypeVec4d | |
CPythonInterface | Interface class for exporting functions to python |
CPythonInterpreter | This class provides OpenFlippers Python interpreter |
CPythonSyntaxHighlighter | Implementation of highlighting for Python code |
CPythonWidget | |
CQClickableLabel | |
CQContinueBox | |
CQGLViewerWidget | |
CQListWidgetRowCmp | |
CQtColorChooserButton | |
CQtGLGraphicsScene | |
CQtGLGraphicsView | |
CQtGLViewerLayout | |
CQtGraphicsButton | |
CQtLessAnnoyingDoubleSpinBox | |
CQtMultiViewLayout | |
CQtPlaneSelect | |
CQtSlideWindow | |
CQtWidgetObject | |
CQuat | |
CQWheel | Inventor-like wheel widget |
CRemesherPlugin | |
CRemesherToolBox | |
CRenderer | |
CRendererDialog | |
CRendererInfo | |
CRendererObjectWidget | |
CRenderInterface | Interface to add additional rendering functions from within plugins |
CRenderManager | |
►CRenderObjectHighlighter | |
CHighlightingRule | |
CRenderPickingPlugin | |
CRestoreFromScreenshotDlg | |
CRPCInterface | Interface to call functions across plugins |
CRuleMap | |
CRuler | |
CRulerOptions | |
CRulerPlugin | |
CSBFReader | |
CScriptingPlugin | |
CScriptingWrapper | |
CScriptInterface | Interface for all Plugins which provide scriptable Functions |
CScriptSettings | |
CScriptSettingsBoolean | |
CScriptSettingsDouble | |
CScriptSettingsVector | |
CScriptWidget | |
CSecurityInterface | Interface class for adding copy protection and license management to a plugin |
►CSelectionBasePlugin | |
CSelectionEnvironment | |
CSelectionBaseToolboxWidget | |
CSelectionInterface | Interface for all plugins which want to use selection functions |
CSelectionObjectMarker | |
CSelectionTypeFrameWidget | |
CSelectVolumeAction | Traverse the scenegraph and call the selection function for all mesh nodes |
CShaderInfo | |
CShaderWidget | |
CShortcutButton | |
CSideArea | |
►CSideElement | |
CTopArea | Clickable area inside of the side element |
CSimpleGLGraphicsScene | |
CSimplePlugin | |
CSimpleViewer | |
CSingleObjectPropertyModel | This class manages the visualizers for a single object |
CSkeletalAnimationPlugin | The skeletal animation plugin is used to interact with the skeleton |
CSkeletonBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CSkeletonEditingPlugin | |
CSkeletonMarker | |
CSkeletonObject | |
CSkeletonObjectData | Data object attached to the skeleton |
►CSkeletonT | |
CAnimationIterator | Iterator class for the animations attached to a skeleton |
CIterator | Iterator class for the skeleton |
CSkeletonTransform | Skeleton transformation class |
CSkinT | General skin class, used to bind skeleton and mesh and deform the mesh |
CSkinWeightsWidget | |
CSlicePlugin | |
CSliceToolBox | |
CSlotInfo | |
CSmootherObject | |
CSmootherPlugin | |
CSmootherToolbarWidget | |
CSnapshotDialog | |
CSortedFace | |
CSphereObject | |
CSpinBoxEventFilter | |
►CSplatCloud | |
CCloudPropertyInterface | |
CCloudPropertyMapEntry | |
CCloudPropertyT | |
CPropertyHandleT | |
CSplatPropertyInterface | |
CSplatPropertyMapEntry | |
CSplatPropertyT | |
CView | |
CSplatCloud_Camera | |
CSplatCloud_CameraManager | |
CSplatCloud_Cluster | |
CSplatCloud_ClusterManager | |
CSplatCloud_GeneralManager | |
CSplatCloud_Projection | |
CSplatCloud_Quad | |
CSplatCloud_Surface | |
CSplatCloudBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CSplatCloudObject | |
CSplatCloudObjectSelectionPlugin | |
CSplatCloudRenderingControlPlugin | |
►CSSAOPlugin | |
CViewerResources | |
►CStackWalker | |
CCallstackEntry | |
►CStackWalkerInternal | |
CStackWidgetInfo | |
CStatusbarInterface | Control OpenFlippers status bar |
CStatusNodes_ModTraits | |
CStaysOnTopMessageBox | |
CStereoSettingsWidget | |
CSubdividerPlugin | |
CsubdividerToolbarWidget | |
CSubdivideWidget | |
Ctest | |
CTestPlugin | |
Ctetmesh_grammar | |
CTetrahedralCuboidGenerator | |
CTetrahedralMeshBase | |
CTexParameters | |
CTextBrowserSideArea | |
►CTextBrowserWidget | |
CFold | |
CTexture | |
CTextureControlPlugin | |
CTextureData | |
CTextureInterface | Provide texture support for a plugin |
CTextureMath | |
CtexturePropertiesWidget | |
CToolbarInterface | Add a toolbox to OpenFlipper |
CToolboxInterface | Plugins can add its own toolbox to the main widget's toolbox area by using this interface |
►CToonRenderer | |
CViewerResources | Collection of fbos for each viewport |
CTopologyPlugin | |
CTreeItem | |
CTreeItemObjectSelection | |
CTreeModel | |
CTreeModelObjectSelection | |
CTreeNode | |
CTriangleBSPCoreT | |
CTriangleBSPT | |
CTriMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT | |
CTriMeshBackup | Class that encapsulates a backup |
CTriMeshObject | Type for a MeshObject containing a triangle mesh |
CTriTraits | |
CTypeBSplineCurvePlugin | |
CTypeBSplineSurfacePlugin | |
CTypeCameraPlugin | |
CTypeCoordsysPlugin | |
CTypeHexahedralMeshPlugin | |
CTypeInfo | |
CTypeInfoWrapper | Wraps the information of a type |
CTypeInterface | Interface class for type definitions |
CTypeLightPlugin | |
CTypePlanePlugin | |
CTypePolyhedralMeshPlugin | |
CTypePolyLineCollectionPlugin | |
CTypePolyLinePlugin | |
CTypePolyMeshPlugin | |
CTypeQtWidgetPlugin | |
CTypeSkeletonPlugin | |
CTypeSpherePlugin | |
CTypeSplatCloudPlugin | |
CTypeTetrahedralMeshPlugin | |
CTypeTriangleMeshPlugin | |
CUpdateType | Update type class |
CUpdateTypeInfo | |
CValenceHistogramDialog | |
CVectorFieldDifferenceWidget | |
CVectorT | |
CVectorWidget | |
CVideoCaptureDialog | |
CViewControlPlugin | |
CViewInterface | |
CViewMode | ViewMode struct This struct contains a ViewMode and its status information such as used widgets,toolbars or context menus |
CviewModeChangeWidget | |
CViewModeInterface | Interface class for adding view modes to the ui |
CviewModeWidget | |
CViewObjectMarker | |
CVizException | |
CVolumeMeshBufferManager | This class creates buffers that can be used to render open volume meshs |
CVolumeMeshDrawModesContainer | This class provides easy access to DrawModes supported by OpenVolumeMesh |
CVolumeMeshInfoBar | |
CVolumeMeshObject | |
CVolumeMeshSelectionPlugin | |
CVoronoiAreaTriMeshT | Implementation of Voronoi area computation as described in "Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators
for Triangulated 2-Manifolds" by M. Meyer et al |
CVsiPlugin | |
CWhatsThisGenerator | Class which provides an link generator for WhatsThisMessages linking to the user doc If you have an QAction pointer called action, you can call: |