Developer Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NACGNamespace providing different geometric functions concerning angles
 NGLSLThis namespace contains all the classes and functions for handling GLSL shader and program objects
 NPcaNamespace for principal Component Analysis
 C__PropertyModelFactoryThis class manages the creation of PropertyModels
 CAboutInfoInterfaceAbout Info interface
 CAnimationHandleA handle used to refer to an animation or to a specific frame in an animation
 CAnimationTStores a single animation
 CBackupDataAbstract class that is used to store backups
 CBackupInterfaceInterface class for backup handling
 CBaseBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CBaseInterfaceInterface class from which all plugins have to be created
 CBaseSkinAbstract base class for the skin template, wrapping all template versions of the skin
 Cbinary< std::vector< bool > >
 Cbinary< std::vector< std::string > >
 CBoundarySnappingTSnaps selected vertices at boundaries
 CBSplineCurveBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CCompareVectorsCompare two vectors
 CContextMenuInterfaceInterface class for creating custom context menus
 CDataTypePredefined datatypes
 CFileInterfaceInterface class for file handling
 CGnuplotExceptionException thrown by class Gnuplot
 CGroupBackupClass that encapsulates simultaneous backups on multiple objects
 CGroupDataClass that is used to store global(group) backups
 CGuiUpdatingScopeGuardHelper Class for UpdateUI. assigns a bool value and set it to "true". after leaving the scope, set it to false
 CHighlightingRuleContainer to describe a highlighting rule. Based on a regular expression, a relevant match # and the format
 CHistogramHistogram plot
 CHistogramItemHistogram plotting widget
 CInfoMeshObjectPluginPlugin to visualize information about objects in the scene
 CInformationInterfaceInterface class for providing information on objects
 CInfoSkeletonObjectPluginPlugin to visualize information about objects in the scene
 CInfoVolumeMeshObjectPluginPlugin to visualize information about open volume meshs in the scene
 CINIFileClass for the handling of simple configuration files
 CINIInterfaceInterface class for Plugins which have to store information in ini files
 CInterpolationMatrixManipulatorTKnows how to apply the values generated by an interpolator to a matrix. When playing back an InterpolationAnimation, an InterpolationT interpolates between two points. This can be done linearly or via a bezier curve or whatever. The values coming out of this interpolation are just a vector of numbers that now have to be applied to a transformation in the pose. How this has to be done depends on the type of animation. For example, the interpolator might interpolate between two angles (i.e. output a single number). This would have to be applied to the matrix using a rotation function. The same is imaginable with a translation (3 values) and so on
 CJobInfoJob Information class
 CJointTRepresents a single joint in the skeleton
 CKeyInterfaceKeyboard Event Interface
 CLicenseManagerLicense management base class
 CLoadSaveInterfaceInterface for all plugins which want to Load or Save files and create Objects
 CLoggerWidgetImplementation of the logger Widget
 CLoggingInterfaceInterface for all Plugins which do logging to the logging window of the framework
 CMenuInterfaceInterface for all plugins which provide entries to the main menubar
 CMeshFixingFix a mesh
 CMetadataInterfaceEnables implementers to react on deserialization of meta data
 CMouseInterfaceInterface class for receiving mouse events
 CNewNameMessageBoxAsks the user how to proceed after a name clash
 CNonManifoldVertexFixingTRemoved non-manifold vertices from a mesh by duplicating them
 COMPropertyModelSubclassAdded for signal/slot support
 COpenFlipperJobInternal Job execution object
 COpenFlipperThreadThread handling class for OpenFlipper
 COptionsInterfaceOptions Dialog interface
 CPerObjectDataObject Payload
 CPickingInterfaceAllow access to picking functions
 CPickModeStruct containing information about pickModes
 CPluginConnectionInterfaceAllow to connect slots between plugins
 CPluginInitializationOrderDefines the order in which plugins have to be loaded
 CPolyMeshBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CPolyMeshObjectType for a Meshobject containing a poly mesh
 CPoseTA general pose, used to store the frames of the animation
 CPostProcessorInterfaceInterface to add global image post processor functions from within plugins
 CProcessInterfaceInterface class for Thread handling
 CPropertiesThe properties storage class
 CPropertyHandleTThe property handle, use it to access the properties
 CPropertyInfoCellection of information about a property
 CPropertyVisualizerThis class vizualizes a property
 CPythonInterfaceInterface class for exporting functions to python
 CPythonInterpreterThis class provides OpenFlippers Python interpreter
 CPythonSyntaxHighlighterImplementation of highlighting for Python code
 CQWheelInventor-like wheel widget
 CRenderInterfaceInterface to add additional rendering functions from within plugins
 CRPCInterfaceInterface to call functions across plugins
 CScriptInterfaceInterface for all Plugins which provide scriptable Functions
 CSecurityInterfaceInterface class for adding copy protection and license management to a plugin
 CSelectionInterfaceInterface for all plugins which want to use selection functions
 CSelectVolumeActionTraverse the scenegraph and call the selection function for all mesh nodes
 CSingleObjectPropertyModelThis class manages the visualizers for a single object
 CSkeletalAnimationPluginThe skeletal animation plugin is used to interact with the skeleton
 CSkeletonBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CSkeletonObjectDataData object attached to the skeleton
 CSkeletonTransformSkeleton transformation class
 CSkinTGeneral skin class, used to bind skeleton and mesh and deform the mesh
 CSplatCloudBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CStatusbarInterfaceControl OpenFlippers status bar
 CTextureInterfaceProvide texture support for a plugin
 CToolbarInterfaceAdd a toolbox to OpenFlipper
 CToolboxInterfacePlugins can add its own toolbox to the main widget's toolbox area by using this interface
 CTriMeshBackupClass that encapsulates a backup
 CTriMeshObjectType for a MeshObject containing a triangle mesh
 CTypeInfoWrapperWraps the information of a type
 CTypeInterfaceInterface class for type definitions
 CUpdateTypeUpdate type class
 CViewModeViewMode struct This struct contains a ViewMode and its status information such as used widgets,toolbars or context menus
 CViewModeInterfaceInterface class for adding view modes to the ui
 CVolumeMeshBufferManagerThis class creates buffers that can be used to render open volume meshs
 CVolumeMeshDrawModesContainerThis class provides easy access to DrawModes supported by OpenVolumeMesh
 CVoronoiAreaTriMeshTImplementation of Voronoi area computation as described in "Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds" by M. Meyer et al
 CWhatsThisGeneratorClass which provides an link generator for WhatsThisMessages linking to the user doc If you have an QAction pointer called action, you can call: