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Python Interface

The Python interface enables OpenFlipper to export plugin functions to the integrated python interpreter of OpenFlipper. Only a few steps are required to export functions in a plugin.

  1. Tell cmake, that your plugin supports the Python Interface. In your CMakeLists.txt add the Keyword PYTHONINTERFACE. E.g. :
    include (plugin)
    openflipper_plugin (PYTHONINTERFACE )
  2. Add the corresponding includes and calls to your plugin header:
  3. Add a subdirectory called PythonInterface to your plugin directory
  4. In this directory create a file called with contents similar to the following Code:
    #include <pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h>
    #include <pybind11/include/pybind11/embed.h>
    #include <YourPlugin.hh>
    #include <OpenFlipper/BasePlugin/PythonFunctions.hh>
    namespace py = pybind11;
    PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE(YourPlugin, m) { // yourPlugin will will be the module name in Python ( ... import yourPlugin )
    QObject* pluginPointer = getPluginPointer("Your"); // This will retrieve your plugin instance pointer. The name is the plugin name set via the name() function.
    // Export our plugin. Make sure that the c++ worlds core object is not deleted if
    // the python side gets deleted!!
    py::class_< YourPlugin,std::unique_ptr<YourPlugin, py::nodelete> > plugin(m, "Your"); // This will provide you with the existing instance of your plugin in Python.
    // On the c++ side we will just return the existing core instance
    // and prevent the system to recreate a new core as we need
    // to work on the existing one.
    plugin.def(py::init([&pluginPointer]() { return qobject_cast<YourPlugin*>(pluginPointer); })); // This will provide you with the existing instance of your plugin in Python.
    plugin.def("viewAll", static_cast<void (YourPlugin::*)()>(&YourPlugin::viewAll),"Change View in all viewers to view whole scene"); // Example export of an overloaded member function
    plugin.def("viewAll", static_cast<void (ViewControlPlugin::*)(int)>(&YourPlugin::viewAll),"Change View in given viewer to view whole scene",py::arg("Id of the viewer which should be switched") ); // Example export of an overloaded member function
    plugin.def("orthographicProjection", static_cast<void (ViewControlPlugin::*)()>(&ViewControlPlugin::orthographicProjection) ); // simple export example