Developer Documentation
ACG::SceneGraph::OpenMesh::IO::BaseExporter Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for ACG::SceneGraph::OpenMesh::IO::BaseExporter:
ACG::SceneGraph::OpenMesh::IO::ExporterT< Mesh >

Public Member Functions

virtual Vec3f point (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec3f normal (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec3uc color (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec4uc colorA (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec3ui colori (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec4ui colorAi (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec3f colorf (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec4f colorAf (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual Vec2f texcoord (VertexHandle _vh) const =0
virtual unsigned int get_vhandles (FaceHandle _fh, std::vector< VertexHandle > &_vhandles) const =0
virtual Vec3f normal (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec3uc color (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec4uc colorA (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec3ui colori (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec4ui colorAi (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec3f colorf (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec4f colorAf (FaceHandle _fh) const =0
virtual Vec3uc color (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual Vec4uc colorA (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual Vec3ui colori (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual Vec4ui colorAi (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual Vec3f colorf (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual Vec4f colorAf (EdgeHandle _eh) const =0
virtual const BaseKernelkernel ()
virtual size_t n_vertices () const =0
virtual size_t n_faces () const =0
virtual size_t n_edges () const =0
virtual bool is_triangle_mesh () const
virtual bool has_vertex_normals () const
virtual bool has_vertex_colors () const
virtual bool has_vertex_texcoords () const
virtual bool has_edge_colors () const
virtual bool has_face_normals () const
virtual bool has_face_colors () const

Detailed Description

Base class for exporter modules. The exporter modules provide an interface between the writer modules and the target data structure.

Definition at line 89 of file

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