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OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT > Class Template Reference

This class is intended to manage the lifecycle of properties. More...

#include <OpenMesh/Core/Utils/PropertyManager.hh>

Public Types

using Value = typename PROPTYPE::Value
using value_type = typename PROPTYPE::value_type
using Handle = typename PROPTYPE::Handle
using Self = PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >
using Reference = typename PROPTYPE::reference
using ConstReference = typename PROPTYPE::const_reference

Public Member Functions

 PropertyManager (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname, bool existing)
 PropertyManager (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
 Constructor. More...
 PropertyManager (const Value &initial_value, PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
 Constructor. More...
 PropertyManager (const PolyConnectivity &mesh)
 Constructor. More...
 PropertyManager (const Value &initial_value, const PolyConnectivity &mesh)
 Constructor. More...
 PropertyManager (PolyConnectivity &mesh, PROPTYPE property_handle)
 Constructor. More...
 PropertyManager (const PropertyManager &rhs)
PropertyManager clone ()
 Create property manager referring to a copy of the current property. More...
PropertyManageroperator= (const PropertyManager &rhs)
void swap (PropertyManager &rhs)
bool isValid () const
 operator bool () const
const PROPTYPE & getRawProperty () const
const std::string & getName () const
PROPTYPE::reference & operator* ()
 Get the mesh corresponding to the property. More...
PROPTYPE::const_reference & operator* () const
 Access the value of the encapsulated mesh property. More...
PROPTYPE::reference operator[] (Handle handle)
 Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property. More...
PROPTYPE::const_reference operator[] (const Handle &handle) const
 Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property. More...
PROPTYPE::reference operator() (const Handle &handle=Handle())
 Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property. More...
PROPTYPE::const_reference operator() (const Handle &handle=Handle()) const
 Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property. More...
template<typename HandleTypeIterator , typename PROP_VALUE >
void set_range (HandleTypeIterator begin, HandleTypeIterator end, const PROP_VALUE &value)
 Conveniently set the property for an entire range of values. More...
template<typename HandleTypeIterator , typename PropertyManager2 , typename HandleTypeIterator2 >
void copy_to (HandleTypeIterator begin, HandleTypeIterator end, PropertyManager2 &dst_propmanager, HandleTypeIterator2 dst_begin, HandleTypeIterator2 dst_end) const
 Conveniently transfer the values managed by one property manager onto the values managed by a different property manager. More...
template<typename RangeType , typename PropertyManager2 , typename RangeType2 >
void copy_to (const RangeType &range, PropertyManager2 &dst_propmanager, const RangeType2 &dst_range) const
void set_persistent (bool _persistence=true)
 Mark whether this property should be stored when mesh is written to a file. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool propertyExists (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
template<typename RangeType , typename RangeType2 >
static void copy (const char *prop_name, PolyConnectivity &src_mesh, const RangeType &src_range, PolyConnectivity &dst_mesh, const RangeType2 &dst_range)
 Copy the values of a property from a source range to a target range. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > makeTemporaryProperty (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > makeTemporaryProperty (PolyConnectivity &mesh)
 Creates a new property whose lifetime is limited to the current scope. More...
template<typename ElementT , typename T >
bool hasProperty (const PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
 Tests whether a property with the given element type, value type, and name is present on the given mesh. More...
template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > getProperty (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
 Obtains a handle to a named property. More...
template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > getOrMakeProperty (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
 Obtains a handle to a named property if it exists or creates a new one otherwise. More...
template<typename PROPTYPE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromNew (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT > makePropertyManagerFromExisting (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname)
template<typename PROPTYPE , typename ITERATOR_TYPE , typename PROP_VALUE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname, const ITERATOR_TYPE &begin, const ITERATOR_TYPE &end, const PROP_VALUE &init_value)
 Like the two parameter version of makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() except it initializes the property with the specified value over the specified range if it needs to be created. More...
template<typename PROPTYPE , typename ITERATOR_RANGE , typename PROP_VALUE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname, const ITERATOR_RANGE &range, const PROP_VALUE &init_value)
 Like the two parameter version of makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() except it initializes the property with the specified value over the specified range if it needs to be created. More...
template<typename MeshT >
PropertyManager< OpenMesh::VPropHandleT< typename MeshT::Point > > getPointsProperty (MeshT &mesh)
 Returns a convenience wrapper around the points property of a mesh.
template<typename MeshT >
ConstPropertyViewer< OpenMesh::VPropHandleT< typename MeshT::Point > > getPointsProperty (const MeshT &mesh)
 Returns a convenience wrapper around the points property of a mesh that only allows const access.

Detailed Description

template<typename PROPTYPE, typename MeshT = int>
class OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >

This class is intended to manage the lifecycle of properties.

It also defines convenience operators to access the encapsulated property's value.

Note that the second template parameter is depcretated.

TriMesh mesh;
auto visited = makeTemporaryProperty<VertexHandle, bool>(mesh);
for (auto vh : mesh.vertices()) {
if (!visited[vh]) {
visitComponent(mesh, vh, visited);
// The property is automatically removed at the end of the scope

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PropertyManager() [1/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname,
bool  existing 
Use a constructor without existing and check existance with hasProperty() instead.


Throws an std::runtime_error if existing is true and no property named propname of the appropriate property type exists.

meshThe mesh on which to create the property.
propnameThe name of the property.
existingIf false, a new property is created and its lifecycle is managed (i.e. the property is deleted upon destruction of the PropertyManager instance). If true, the instance merely acts as a convenience wrapper around an existing property with no lifecycle management whatsoever.
See also
PropertyManager::getOrMakeProperty, PropertyManager::getProperty, PropertyManager::makeTemporaryProperty

◆ PropertyManager() [2/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 


Asks for a property with name propname and creates one if none exists. Lifetime is not managed.

meshThe mesh on which to create the property.
propnameThe name of the property.

◆ PropertyManager() [3/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( const Value &  initial_value,
PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 


Asks for a property with name propname and creates one if none exists. Lifetime is not managed.

initial_valueIf the proeprty is newly created, it will be initialized with initial_value. If the property already existed, nothing is changes.
meshThe mesh on which to create the property.
propnameThe name of the property.

◆ PropertyManager() [4/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( const PolyConnectivity mesh)


Create an anonymous property. Lifetime is managed.

meshThe mesh on which to create the property.

◆ PropertyManager() [5/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( const Value &  initial_value,
const PolyConnectivity mesh 


Create an anonymous property. Lifetime is managed.

initial_valueThe property will be initialized with initial_value.
meshThe mesh on which to create the property.

◆ PropertyManager() [6/6]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
PROPTYPE  property_handle 


Create a wrapper around an existing property. Lifetime is not managed.

meshThe mesh on which to create the property.
property_handleHandle to an existing property that should be wrapped.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PropertyManager OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::clone ( )

Create property manager referring to a copy of the current property.

This can be used to explicitely create a copy of a named property. The cloned property will be unnamed.

◆ copy()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
template<typename RangeType , typename RangeType2 >
static void OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::copy ( const char *  prop_name,
PolyConnectivity src_mesh,
const RangeType &  src_range,
PolyConnectivity dst_mesh,
const RangeType2 &  dst_range 

Copy the values of a property from a source range to a target range.

The source range must not be smaller than the target range.

prop_nameName of the property to copy. Must exist on the source mesh. Will be created on the target mesh if it doesn't exist.
src_meshSource mesh from which to copy.
src_rangeSource range which to copy. Must not be smaller than dst_range.
dst_meshDestination mesh on which to copy.
dst_rangeDestination range.

◆ copy_to()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
template<typename HandleTypeIterator , typename PropertyManager2 , typename HandleTypeIterator2 >
void OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::copy_to ( HandleTypeIterator  begin,
HandleTypeIterator  end,
PropertyManager2 &  dst_propmanager,
HandleTypeIterator2  dst_begin,
HandleTypeIterator2  dst_end 
) const

Conveniently transfer the values managed by one property manager onto the values managed by a different property manager.

beginStart iterator. Needs to dereference to HandleType. Will be used with this property manager.
endEnd iterator. (Exclusive.) Will be used with this property manager.
dst_propmanagerThe destination property manager.
dst_beginStart iterator. Needs to dereference to the HandleType of dst_propmanager. Will be used with dst_propmanager.
dst_endEnd iterator. (Exclusive.) Will be used with dst_propmanager. Used to double check the bounds.

◆ operator()() [1/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::reference OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator() ( const Handle &  handle = Handle())

Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property.

For a usage example see this class' documentation.

handleA handle of the appropriate handle type. (I.e. VertexHandle for VPropHandleT, etc.)

◆ operator()() [2/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::const_reference OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator() ( const Handle &  handle = Handle()) const

Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property.

For a usage example see this class' documentation.

handleA handle of the appropriate handle type. (I.e. VertexHandle for VPropHandleT, etc.)

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::reference& OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator* ( )

Get the mesh corresponding to the property.

If you use PropertyManager without second template parameter (recommended) you need to specify the actual mesh type when using this function, e.g.:

TriMesh mesh;
auto visited = VProp<bool>(mesh);
TriMesh& mesh_ref = visited.getMesh<TriMesh>();
template <typename MeshType >
const MeshType& getMesh() const { return dynamic_cast<const MeshType&>(mesh_); }
const MeshT& getMesh() const { return dynamic_cast<const MeshT&>(mesh_); }
OM_DEPRECATED("retain no longer has any effect. Instead, named properties are always retained, while unnamed ones are not.")
void retain(bool = true) {}
PropertyManager(PropertyManager &&rhs)
if (!rhs.retain_)
rhs.prop_.invalidate(); // only invalidate unnamed properties
PropertyManager& operator=(PropertyManager&& rhs)
if ((&mesh_ != &rhs.mesh_) || (prop_ != rhs.prop_))
if (rhs.retain_)
// retained properties cannot be invalidated. Copy instead
Storage::copy(rhs, *this);
// swap the data stored in the properties
Storage::swap(rhs, *this);
// remove the property from rhs
// invalidate prop_
return *this;
static PropertyManager createIfNotExists(PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname) {
return PropertyManager(mesh, propname);
template<typename PROP_VALUE, typename ITERATOR_TYPE>
static PropertyManager createIfNotExists(PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname,
const ITERATOR_TYPE &begin, const ITERATOR_TYPE &end,
const PROP_VALUE &init_value) {
const bool exists = propertyExists(mesh, propname);
PropertyManager pm(mesh, propname, exists);
if (!exists)
pm.set_range(begin, end, init_value);
return std::move(pm);
template<typename PROP_VALUE, typename ITERATOR_RANGE>
static PropertyManager createIfNotExists(PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname,
const ITERATOR_RANGE &range, const PROP_VALUE &init_value) {
return createIfNotExists(
mesh, propname, range.begin(), range.end(), init_value);
PropertyManager(PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname, bool existing)
Definition: PropertyManager.hh:160
This method is only used for mesh properties.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::const_reference& OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator* ( ) const

Access the value of the encapsulated mesh property.


PolyMesh m;
auto description = getProperty<void, std::string>(m, "description");
std::cout << *description << std::endl;
This method is only used for mesh properties.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::const_reference OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator[] ( const Handle &  handle) const

Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property.

For a usage example see this class' documentation.

handleA handle of the appropriate handle type. (I.e. VertexHandle for VPropHandleT, etc.)

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PROPTYPE::reference OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::operator[] ( Handle  handle)

Enables convenient access to the encapsulated property.

For a usage example see this class' documentation.

handleA handle of the appropriate handle type. (I.e. VertexHandle for VPropHandleT, etc.)

◆ set_persistent()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
void OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::set_persistent ( bool  _persistence = true)

Mark whether this property should be stored when mesh is written to a file.

_persistenceProperty will be stored iff _persistence is true

◆ set_range()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
template<typename HandleTypeIterator , typename PROP_VALUE >
void OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::set_range ( HandleTypeIterator  begin,
HandleTypeIterator  end,
const PROP_VALUE &  value 

Conveniently set the property for an entire range of values.


MeshT mesh;
PropertyManager<VPropHandleT<double>> distance(
mesh, "");
mesh.vertices_begin(), mesh.vertices_end(),
VertexIter vertices_begin()
Begin iterator for vertices.
Definition: PolyConnectivity_inline_impl.hh:291
VertexIter vertices_end()
End iterator for vertices.
Definition: PolyConnectivity_inline_impl.hh:297


MeshT::VertexHandle vh;
mesh.vv_begin(vh), mesh.vv_end(vh),
VertexVertexIter vv_begin(VertexHandle _vh)
vertex - vertex circulator
Definition: PolyConnectivity_inline_impl.hh:527
VertexVertexIter vv_end(VertexHandle _vh)
vertex - vertex circulator
Definition: PolyConnectivity_inline_impl.hh:712
beginStart iterator. Needs to dereference to HandleType.
endEnd iterator. (Exclusive.)
valueThe value the range will be set to.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ getOrMakeProperty()

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > getOrMakeProperty ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 

Obtains a handle to a named property if it exists or creates a new one otherwise.

Used for creating or accessing permanent properties.


PolyMesh m;
auto is_quad = getOrMakeProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m, "is_quad");
for (auto& fh : m.faces()) {
is_quad[fh] = (m.valence(fh) == 4);
// The property remains on the mesh after the end of the scope.
// Retrieve the property from the previous scope.
auto is_quad = getOrMakeProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m, "is_quad");
// Use is_quad here.
meshThe mesh on which the property is created
propnameThe name of the created property
Template Parameters
ElementTElement type of the created property, e.g. VertexHandle, HalfedgeHandle, etc.
TValue type of the created property, e.g., double, int, etc.
A PropertyManager wrapping the property

◆ getProperty()

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > getProperty ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 

Obtains a handle to a named property.


PolyMesh m;
try {
auto is_quad = getProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m, "is_quad");
// Use is_quad here.
catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
// There is no is_quad face property on the mesh.
Property with the name propname of matching type exists.
std::runtime_errorif no property with the name propname of matching type exists.
meshThe mesh on which the property is created
propnameThe name of the created property
Template Parameters
ElementTElement type of the created property, e.g. VertexHandle, HalfedgeHandle, etc.
TValue type of the created property, e.g., double, int, etc.
A PropertyManager wrapping the property

◆ hasProperty()

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
bool hasProperty ( const PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 

Tests whether a property with the given element type, value type, and name is present on the given mesh.

  • Example:
    PolyMesh m;
    if (hasProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m, "is_quad")) {
    // We now know the property exists: getProperty won't throw.
    auto is_quad = getProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m, "is_quad");
    // Use is_quad here.
meshThe mesh in question
propnameThe property name of the expected property
Template Parameters
ElementTElement type of the expected property, e.g. VertexHandle, HalfedgeHandle, etc.
TValue type of the expected property, e.g., double, int, etc.
MeshTType of the mesh. Can often be inferred from mesh

◆ makePropertyManagerFromExisting()

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT > makePropertyManagerFromExisting ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 
Use getProperty() instead.

Creates a non-owning wrapper for an existing mesh property (no lifecycle management).

Intended for convenient access.

Property with the name propname of matching type exists.
std::runtime_errorif no property with the name propname of matching type exists.

◆ makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() [1/3]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename MeshT = int>
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 
Use getOrMakeProperty() instead.

Creates a non-owning wrapper for a mesh property (no lifecycle management). If the given property does not exist, it is created.

Intended for creating or accessing persistent properties.

◆ makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() [2/3]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename ITERATOR_RANGE , typename PROP_VALUE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname,
const ITERATOR_RANGE &  range,
const PROP_VALUE &  init_value 

Like the two parameter version of makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() except it initializes the property with the specified value over the specified range if it needs to be created.

If the property already exists, this function has the exact same effect as the two parameter version.

Creates a non-owning wrapper for a mesh property (no lifecycle management). If the given property does not exist, it is created.

Intended for creating or accessing persistent properties.

◆ makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() [3/3]

template<typename PROPTYPE , typename ITERATOR_TYPE , typename PROP_VALUE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname,
const ITERATOR_TYPE &  begin,
const ITERATOR_TYPE &  end,
const PROP_VALUE &  init_value 

Like the two parameter version of makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew() except it initializes the property with the specified value over the specified range if it needs to be created.

If the property already exists, this function has the exact same effect as the two parameter version.

Creates a non-owning wrapper for a mesh property (no lifecycle management). If the given property does not exist, it is created.

Intended for creating or accessing persistent properties.

◆ makePropertyManagerFromNew()

template<typename PROPTYPE >
PropertyManager< PROPTYPE > makePropertyManagerFromNew ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 
Use makeTemporaryProperty() instead.

Creates a new property whose lifecycle is managed by the returned PropertyManager.

Intended for temporary properties. Shadows any existing properties of matching name and type.

◆ makeTemporaryProperty() [1/2]

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > makeTemporaryProperty ( PolyConnectivity mesh)

Creates a new property whose lifetime is limited to the current scope.

Used for temporary properties. Shadows any existing properties of matching name and type.


PolyMesh m;
auto is_quad = makeTemporaryProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m);
for (auto& fh : m.faces()) {
is_quad[fh] = (m.valence(fh) == 4);
// The property is automatically removed from the mesh at the end of the scope.
meshThe mesh on which the property is created
Template Parameters
ElementTElement type of the created property, e.g. VertexHandle, HalfedgeHandle, etc.
TValue type of the created property, e.g., double, int, etc.
A PropertyManager handling the lifecycle of the property

◆ makeTemporaryProperty() [2/2]

template<typename ElementT , typename T >
PropertyManager< typename HandleToPropHandle< ElementT, T >::type > makeTemporaryProperty ( PolyConnectivity mesh,
const char *  propname 
Temporary properties should not have a name.

Creates a new property whose lifetime is limited to the current scope.

Used for temporary properties. Shadows any existing properties of matching name and type.


PolyMesh m;
auto is_quad = makeTemporaryProperty<FaceHandle, bool>(m);
for (auto& fh : m.faces()) {
is_quad[fh] = (m.valence(fh) == 4);
// The property is automatically removed from the mesh at the end of the scope.
meshThe mesh on which the property is created
propname(optional) The name of the created property
Template Parameters
ElementTElement type of the created property, e.g. VertexHandle, HalfedgeHandle, etc.
TValue type of the created property, e.g., double, int, etc.
A PropertyManager handling the lifecycle of the property

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Project OpenMesh, ©  Visual Computing Institute, RWTH Aachen. Documentation generated using doxygen .