Deprecated List
Member makePropertyManagerFromExisting
Use getProperty() instead.
Member makePropertyManagerFromExistingOrNew
Use getOrMakeProperty() instead.
Member makePropertyManagerFromNew
Use makeTemporaryProperty() instead.
Member makeTemporaryProperty
Temporary properties should not have a name.
Page Mesh Iterators and Circulators

While it is possible to use handle() to get the handle of the item referred to by the iterator, this function is deprecated. Simply dereference the iterator instead.

While it is possible to use operator bool(), which returns true, as long as the circulator hasn't reached the end of the sequence, this function is deprecated. Use the function is_valid() instead.

Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED< GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED_TraitsT >::current_halfedge_handle () const
current_halfedge_handle() is an implementation detail and should not be accessed from outside the iterator class.
Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED< GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED_TraitsT >::handle () const
This function clutters your code. Use dereferencing operators -> and * instead.
Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED< GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED_TraitsT >::operator bool () const
Do not use this error prone implicit cast.
Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED< GenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED_TraitsT >::operator value_type () const
Implicit casts of iterators are unsafe. Use dereferencing operators -> and * instead.
Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericIteratorT< Mesh, ValueHandle, MemberOwner, PrimitiveStatusMember, PrimitiveCountMember >::handle () const
This function clutters your code. Use dereferencing operators -> and * instead.
Member OpenMesh::Iterators::GenericIteratorT< Mesh, ValueHandle, MemberOwner, PrimitiveStatusMember, PrimitiveCountMember >::operator value_handle () const
Implicit casts of iterators are unsafe. Use dereferencing operators -> and * instead.
Member OpenMesh::PropertyManager< PROPTYPE, MeshT >::PropertyManager (PolyConnectivity &mesh, const char *propname, bool existing)
Use a constructor without existing and check existance with hasProperty() instead.

Project OpenMesh, ©  Visual Computing Institute, RWTH Aachen. Documentation generated using doxygen .