OpenMesh::Decimater Namespace Reference

Software related to mesh decimation. More...


class  BaseDecimaterModule
 base class decimater framework More...
class  BaseDecimaterT
struct  CollapseInfoT
 Stores information about a halfedge collapse. More...
class  DecimaterT
 Decimater framework. More...
class  McDecimaterT
 Multiple choice decimater framework. More...
class  MixedDecimaterT
 Mixed decimater framework. More...
class  ModAspectRatioT
 Use aspect ratio to control decimation. More...
class  ModHandleT
 Handle for mesh decimation modules. More...
class  ModBaseT
 Base class for all decimation modules. More...
class  ModEdgeLengthT
 Use edge length to control decimation. More...
class  ModHausdorffT
 Use Hausdorff distance to control decimation. More...
class  ModIndependentSetsT
 Lock one-ring around remaining vertex after a collapse to prevent further collapses of halfedges incident to the one-ring vertices. More...
class  ModNormalDeviationT
 Use Normal deviation to control decimation. More...
class  ModNormalFlippingT
 Decimating module to avoid flipping of faces. More...
class  ModProgMeshT
 Collect progressive mesh information while decimating. More...
class  ModQuadricT
 Mesh decimation module computing collapse priority based on error quadrics. More...
class  ModRoundnessT
 Use Roundness of triangles to control decimation. More...
class  Observer
 Observer class. More...

Detailed Description

Software related to mesh decimation.

See also

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