Frequently asked questions
Can I use OpenMesh in commercial applications? Yes you can. Due to several requests, we decided to relicense to BSD-3. Therefore all new OpenMesh versions (starting with 3.0) that use the BSD license are perfectly suited for commercial applications. However we still encourage you to also contribute extensions or improvements, that might help others, back to the project. There are some restrictions to older versions of OpenMesh (up to 3.3). As they were licensed under the LGPL License, which was probably not compatible with e.g. App Store Apps. |
Visual Studio error at runtime: vectors iterator incompatible (at runtime) This usually happens if you try to link your program against the wrong version of OpenMesh (Mixing debug and release versions). |
[OpenMesh::IO::IOManager] No writing modules available! This usually happens if you try to link openmesh statically. Please define OM_STATIC_BUILD in your application. |