


Interpolatory Subdivision on Open Quadrilateral Nets with Arbitrary Topology

Leif Kobbelt
Computer Graphics Forum 15 (1996), Eurographics '96 issue, pp. 409 - 420

A simple interpolatory subdivision scheme for quadrilateral nets with arbitrary topology is presented which generates C1 surfaces in the limit. The scheme satisfies important requirements for practical applications in computer graphics and engineering. These requirements include the necessity to generate smooth surfaces with local creases and cusps. The scheme can be applied to open nets in which case it generates boundary curves that allow a C0-join of several subdivision patches. Due to the local support of the scheme, adaptive refinement strategies can be applied. We present a simple device to preserve the consistency of such adaptively refined nets.

A Variational Approach to Subdivision

Leif Kobbelt
Computer Aided Geometric Design 13 (1996), Elsevier, North-Holland, pp. 743-761

In this paper a new class of interpolatory refinement schemes is presented which in every refinement step determine the new points by solving an optimization problem. In general, these schemes are global, i.e., every new point depends on all points of the polygon to be refined. By choosing appropriate quadratic functionals to be minimized iteratively during refinement, very efficient schemes producing limiting curves of high smoothness can be defined. The well known class of stationary interpolatory refinement schemes turns out to be a special case of these variational schemes.

Previous Year (1995)
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