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OpenMesh::VectorT< Scalar, DIM > Class Template Referenceabstract

Public Types

typedef Scalar value_type
 the type of the scalar used in this template
typedef VectorT< Scalar, DIM > vector_type
 type of this vector

Public Member Functions

template<typename T , typename ... Ts, typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Ts)+1 == DIM>::type, typename = typename std::enable_if< are_convertible_to<Scalar, T, Ts...>::value>::type>
constexpr VectorT (T v, Ts... vs)
constexpr VectorT ()
 default constructor creates uninitialized values.
 VectorT (const Scalar &v)
 Creates a vector with all components set to v.
 VectorT (const VectorT &rhs)=default
 VectorT (VectorT &&rhs)=default
VectorToperator= (const VectorT &rhs)=default
VectorToperator= (VectorT &&rhs)=default
template<typename S = Scalar, int D = DIM>
auto homogenized () const -> typename std::enable_if< D==4, VectorT< decltype(std::declval< S >()/std::declval< S >()), DIM >>::type
 Only for 4-component vectors with division operator on their Scalar: Dehomogenization.
template<typename Iterator , typename = decltype( *std::declval<Iterator&>(), void(), ++std::declval<Iterator&>(), void())>
 VectorT (Iterator it)
 construct from a value array or any other iterator
template<typename otherScalarType , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible<otherScalarType, Scalar>::value>>
 VectorT (const VectorT< otherScalarType, DIM > &_rhs)
 copy & cast constructor (explicit)
template<typename OtherScalar , typename = typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible<OtherScalar, Scalar>::value>>
vector_typeoperator= (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs)
 cast from vector with a different scalar type
Scalar * data ()
 access to Scalar array
const Scalar * data () const
 access to const Scalar array
Scalar & operator[] (size_t _i)
 get i'th element read-write
const Scalar & operator[] (size_t _i) const
 get i'th element read-only
bool operator== (const vector_type &_rhs) const
 component-wise comparison
bool operator!= (const vector_type &_rhs) const
 component-wise comparison
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator*= (const OtherScalar &_s) -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(this->values_[0] *_s), Scalar >::value, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &>::type
 component-wise self-multiplication with scalar
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator/= (const OtherScalar &_s) -> typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(this->values_[0]/_s), Scalar >::value, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &>::type
 component-wise self-division by scalar
template<typename OtherScalar >
std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< Scalar >) *std::declval< OtherScalar >)), Scalar >::value, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > >::type operator* (const OtherScalar &_s) const
 component-wise multiplication with scalar
template<typename OtherScalar >
std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< decltype(std::declval< Scalar >)/std::declval< OtherScalar >)), Scalar >::value, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > >::type operator/ (const OtherScalar &_s) const
 component-wise division by with scalar
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator*= (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0] ** >=0
 component-wise self-multiplication
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator/= (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0]/* >=0
 component-wise self-division
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator-= (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0] - * >=0
 vector difference from this
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator+= (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0]+ * >=0
 vector self-addition
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator* (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0] ** >=0
 component-wise vector multiplication
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator/ (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0]/* >=0
 component-wise vector division
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator+ (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0]+ * >=0
 component-wise vector addition
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator- (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if< sizeof(decltype(this->values_[0] - * >=0
 component-wise vector difference
vector_type operator- (void) const
 unary minus
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator% (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if< DIM==3, VectorT< decltype((*this)[0] *_rhs[0] -(*this)[0] *_rhs[0]), DIM >>::type
 cross product: only defined for Vec3* as specialization More...
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto operator| (const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &_rhs) const -> decltype(*this->data() **
 compute scalar product More...
template<typename Functor >
vector_type apply (const Functor &_func) const
 component-wise apply function object with Scalar operator()(Scalar).
vector_typevectorize (const Scalar &_s)
 store the same value in each component (e.g. to clear all entries)
bool operator< (const vector_type &_rhs) const
 lexicographical comparison
void swap (VectorT &_other) noexcept(noexcept(std::swap(values_, _other.values_)))
 swap with another vector
Euclidean norm calculations
template<typename S = Scalar>
decltype(std::declval< S >() *std::declval< S >()) sqrnorm () const
 compute squared euclidean norm
template<typename S = Scalar>
auto norm () const -> decltype(std::sqrt(std::declval< VectorT< S, DIM >>().sqrnorm()))
 compute euclidean norm
template<typename S = Scalar>
auto length () const -> decltype(std::declval< VectorT< S, DIM >>().norm())
 compute squared euclidean norm
template<typename S = Scalar>
auto normalize () -> decltype(*this/=std::declval< VectorT< S, DIM >>().norm())
 normalize vector, return normalized vector
template<typename S = Scalar>
auto normalized () const -> decltype(*this/std::declval< VectorT< S, DIM >>().norm())
 return normalized vector
template<typename S = Scalar>
vector_type &::type normalize_cond ()
 compute squared euclidean norm
Non-Euclidean norm calculations
Scalar l1_norm () const
 compute L1 (Manhattan) norm
Scalar l8_norm () const
 compute l8_norm
Minimum maximum and mean
Scalar max () const
 return the maximal component
Scalar max_abs () const
 return the maximal absolute component
Scalar min () const
 return the minimal component
Scalar min_abs () const
 return the minimal absolute component
Scalar mean () const
 return arithmetic mean
Scalar mean_abs () const
 return absolute arithmetic mean
vector_typeminimize (const vector_type &_rhs)
 minimize values: same as *this = min(*this, _rhs), but faster
bool minimized (const vector_type &_rhs)
 minimize values and signalize coordinate minimization
vector_typemaximize (const vector_type &_rhs)
 maximize values: same as *this = max(*this, _rhs), but faster
bool maximized (const vector_type &_rhs)
 maximize values and signalize coordinate maximization
vector_type min (const vector_type &_rhs) const
 component-wise min
vector_type max (const vector_type &_rhs) const
 component-wise max

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr int dim ()
 returns dimension of the vector (deprecated)
static constexpr size_t size ()
 returns dimension of the vector
static vector_type vectorized (const Scalar &_s)
 store the same value in each component

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const size_t size_ = DIM

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar dot (const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v1, const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v2)
template<typename LScalar , typename RScalar , int DIM>
auto cross (const VectorT< LScalar, DIM > &_v1, const VectorT< RScalar, DIM > &_v2) -> decltype(_v1 % _v2)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
void swap (VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v1, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v2) noexcept(noexcept(_v1.swap(_v2)))
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar norm (const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar sqrnorm (const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM, typename OtherScalar >
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & vectorize (VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v, OtherScalar const &_val)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & normalize (VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & maximize (VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v1, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v2)
template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & minimize (VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v1, VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &_v2)

Component iterators

using iterator = typename container::iterator
using const_iterator = typename container::const_iterator
using reverse_iterator = typename container::reverse_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = typename container::const_reverse_iterator
iterator begin () noexcept
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
const_iterator cbegin () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
const_iterator cend () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rbegin () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rend () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rend () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator crend () const noexcept

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator%()

template<typename Scalar, int DIM>
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto OpenMesh::VectorT< Scalar, DIM >::operator% ( const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &  _rhs) const -> typename std::enable_if<DIM == 3, VectorT<decltype((*this)[0] * _rhs[0] - (*this)[0] * _rhs[0]), DIM>>::type

cross product: only defined for Vec3* as specialization

See also

◆ operator|()

template<typename Scalar, int DIM>
template<typename OtherScalar >
auto OpenMesh::VectorT< Scalar, DIM >::operator| ( const VectorT< OtherScalar, DIM > &  _rhs) const -> decltype(*this->data() * *

compute scalar product

See also

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ cross()

template<typename LScalar , typename RScalar , int DIM>
auto cross ( const VectorT< LScalar, DIM > &  _v1,
const VectorT< RScalar, DIM > &  _v2 
) -> decltype(_v1 % _v2)

symmetric version of the cross product

◆ dot()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar dot ( const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v1,
const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v2 

symmetric version of the dot product

◆ maximize()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & maximize ( VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v1,
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v2 

non-member maximize

◆ minimize()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & minimize ( VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v1,
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v2 

non-member minimize

◆ norm()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar norm ( const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v)

non-member norm

◆ normalize()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & normalize ( VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v)

non-member normalize

◆ sqrnorm()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
Scalar sqrnorm ( const VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v)

non-member sqrnorm

◆ swap()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM>
void swap ( VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v1,
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v2 

non-member swap

◆ vectorize()

template<typename Scalar , int DIM, typename OtherScalar >
VectorT< Scalar, DIM > & vectorize ( VectorT< Scalar, DIM > &  _v,
OtherScalar const &  _val 

non-member vectorize

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