►NCustom | |
CVec | A Vector class with the absolute minimum of built-in methods to test the interface expected from Vectors used in Traits |
►NOpenMesh | Contains all the mesh ingredients like the polygonal mesh, the triangle mesh, different mesh kernels and mesh traits |
►NAttributes | This namespace holds per item attributes like normal/color |
CStatusInfo | Add status information to a base class |
►NConcepts | Descriptions of the concepts used in OpenMesh |
CKernelT | This class describes the minimum interface a mesh kernel has to implement (because the resulting mesh will rely on this interface) |
►CMeshItems | The mesh items class encapsulates the types VertexT, HalfedgeT, EdgeT, and FaceT |
CEdgeT | Interface for the internal edge type |
CFaceT | Interface for the internal face type |
CHalfedgeT | Interface for the internal halfedge type |
CVertexT | Interface for the internal vertex type |
►NDecimater | Software related to mesh decimation |
CBaseDecimaterModule | Base class decimater framework |
CBaseDecimaterT | |
CCollapseInfoT | Stores information about a halfedge collapse |
►CDecimaterT | Decimater framework |
CHeapInterface | Heap interface |
CMcDecimaterT | Multiple choice decimater framework |
CMixedDecimaterT | Mixed decimater framework |
CModAspectRatioT | Use aspect ratio to control decimation |
CModBaseT | Base class for all decimation modules |
CModEdgeLengthT | Use edge length to control decimation |
CModHandleT | Handle for mesh decimation modules |
CModHausdorffT | Use Hausdorff distance to control decimation |
CModIndependentSetsT | Lock one-ring around remaining vertex after a collapse to prevent further collapses of halfedges incident to the one-ring vertices |
CModNormalDeviationT | Use Normal deviation to control decimation |
CModNormalFlippingT | Decimating module to avoid flipping of faces |
►CModProgMeshT | Collect progressive mesh information while decimating |
CInfo | Struct storing progressive mesh information |
CModQuadricT | Mesh decimation module computing collapse priority based on error quadrics |
CModRoundnessT | Use Roundness of triangles to control decimation |
CObserver | Observer class |
►NGeometry | |
CQuadricT | /class QuadricT Geometry/QuadricT.hh |
►NHoleFiller | |
CHoleFillerT | |
►NIO | This namespace contains functions for reading and writing polygonal meshes and a list of supported file formats |
C_IOManager_ | This is the real IOManager class that is later encapsulated by SingletonT to enforce its uniqueness |
C_OBJReader_ | Implementation of the OBJ format reader |
C_OBJWriter_ | This class defines the OBJ writer |
C_OFFReader_ | Implementation of the OFF format reader |
C_OFFWriter_ | Implementation of the OFF format writer |
C_OMReader_ | Implementation of the OM format reader |
C_OMWriter_ | Implementation of the OM format writer |
C_PLYReader_ | Implementation of the PLY format reader |
C_PLYWriter_ | Implementation of the PLY format writer |
C_STLReader_ | Implementation of the STL format reader |
C_STLWriter_ | Implementation of the STL format writer |
C_VTKWriter_ | |
CBaseExporter | Base class for exporter modules |
CBaseImporter | Base class for importer modules |
CBaseReader | Base class for reader modules |
CBaseWriter | Base class for all writer modules |
Cbinary | The struct defines how to store and restore the type T |
Cbinary< MyData > | |
Cbinary< MyMap > | |
Cbinary< RegisteredDataType > | |
CExporterT | This class template provides an exporter module for OpenMesh meshes |
CHandle2Prop | |
CHandle2Prop< T, FaceHandle > | |
CHandle2Prop< T, VertexHandle > | |
CImporterT | This class template provides an importer module for OpenMesh meshes |
COptions | Set options for reader/writer modules |
►NIterators | Contains all mesh iterators and circulators |
CConstEdgeIterT | |
CConstFaceIterT | |
CConstHalfedgeIterT | |
CConstVertexIterT | |
CEdgeIterT | |
CFaceIterT | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::EdgeHandle, CW > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, false > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, true > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, false > | |
CGenericCirculator_CenterEntityFnsT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, true > | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT< Mesh, typename Mesh::EdgeHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT< Mesh, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculator_DereferenciabilityCheckT< Mesh, typename Mesh::VertexHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT< Mesh, CenterEntityHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle, CW > | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT_DEPRECATED | |
CGenericCirculator_ValueHandleFnsT_DEPRECATED< Mesh, CenterEntityHandle, typename Mesh::FaceHandle > | |
CGenericCirculatorBaseT | |
CGenericCirculatorT | |
CGenericCirculatorT_DEPRECATED | |
CGenericIteratorT | |
CHalfedgeIterT | |
CVertexIterT | |
►NKernel_OSG | In this namespace resides the OpenSG integration of OpenMesh |
►NFP | OpenSG Face Properties Adaptors |
CGeoIndicesUI32 | Adaptor for osg::GeoIndicesUI32 |
CArrayKernelT | Mesh kernel using arrays for mesh item storage |
CAttribKernelT | This class adds the standard properties to the mesh type |
CoPropertyT | Property adaptor for OpenSG GeoProperties |
CPropertyKernel | Helper class, extending functionaliy of OpenMesh::BaseKernel to OpenSG specific property adaptors |
CTraits | Base class for all mesh traits using the OSGArrayKernelT |
CTriMesh_OSGArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to create a TriMesh-type based on Kernel_OSG::ArrayKernelT |
CTriMesh_OSGArrayKernelT | Triangle mesh based on the Kernel_OSG::ArrayKernelT |
►NPredicates | |
CBoundary | |
CConjunction | |
CDeleted | |
CDisjunction | |
CFeature | |
CHidden | |
CLocked | |
CMemberFunctionWrapper | Wrapper object to hold an object and a member function pointer, and provides operator() to call that member function for that object with one argument |
CNegation | |
CPredicate | |
CPredicateBase | |
CRegular | |
CSelected | |
CTagged | |
CTagged2 | |
►NSmoother | |
CJacobiLaplaceSmootherT | Laplacian Smoothing |
CLaplaceSmootherT | Laplacian Smoothing.
CSmootherT | Base class for smoothing algorithms |
►NSubdivider | |
►NAdaptive | Software related to adaptive subdivision of meshes |
CCompositeT | Adaptive Composite Subdivision framework |
►CCompositeTraits | Adaptive Composite Subdivision framework |
CEdgeT | |
CFaceT | |
CState | Storage type for intermediate states and the final flag of a mesh entity |
CVertexT | |
CEdE | Composite rule EdE |
CEdEc | Composite rule EdEc |
CEF | Composite rule EF |
CEV | Composite rule EV |
CEVc | Composite rule EVc |
CFE | Composite rule FE |
CFF | Composite rule FF |
CFFc | Composite rule FFc |
CFV | Composite rule FV |
CFVc | Composite rule FVc |
CRuleHandleT | Handle template for adaptive composite subdividion rules |
CRuleInterfaceT | Base class for adaptive composite subdivision rules |
CState | |
CTraits | |
CTvv3 | Adaptive Composite Subdivision framework |
CTvv4 | Topological composite rule Tvv,4 doing a 1-4 split of a face |
CVdE | Composite rule VdE |
CVdEc | Composite rule VdEc |
CVE | Composite rule VE |
CVF | Composite rule VF |
CVV | Composite rule VV |
CVVc | Composite rule VVc |
►NUniform | Software related to uniform subdivision of meshes |
CCatmullClarkT | Based on code from Leon Kos, CAD lab, Mech.Eng., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (http://www.lecad.fs.uni-lj.si/~leon) |
CCompareLengthFunction | |
►CCompositeLoopT | Uniform composite Loop subdivision algorithm |
►CEVCoeff | Helper struct |
Ccompute_weight | |
►CCompositeSqrt3T | Uniform composite sqrt(3) subdivision algorithm |
►CFVCoeff | Helper class |
Ccompute_weight | |
►CCompositeT | This class provides the composite subdivision rules for the uniform case |
CCoeff | Abstract base class for coefficient functions |
►CCompositeTraits | Uniform Composite Subdivision framework |
CEdgeT | |
CFaceT | |
CVertexT | |
CInterpolatingSqrt3LGT | Uniform Interpolating Sqrt3 subdivision algorithm |
CLongestEdgeT | Uniform LongestEdgeT subdivision algorithm |
CLoopT | Uniform Loop subdivision algorithm |
CMidpointT | Midpoint subdivision algorithm |
CModifiedButterflyT | Modified Butterfly subdivision algorithm |
CSqrt3T | Uniform Sqrt3 subdivision algorithm |
CSubdividerT | Abstract base class for uniform subdivision algorithms |
►NUtils | Collection of little utility classes and helpers |
CHeapInterfaceT | This class demonstrates the HeapInterface's interface |
CHeapT | An efficient, highly customizable heap |
CMeshCheckerT | Check integrity of mesh |
CNoncopyable | This class demonstrates the non copyable idiom |
CNumLimitsT | This class provides the maximum and minimum values a certain scalar type (int , float , or double ) can store |
CTestingFramework | Helper class for test programms |
CTimer | Timer class |
►NVDPM | Software related to view dependent progressive meshes |
►CMeshTraits | Mesh traits for View Dependent Progressive Meshes
CVertexT | |
CPlane3d | Ax + by + cz + d = 0 |
CVFront | Active nodes in vertex hierarchy |
CVHierarchy | Keeps the vertex hierarchy build during analyzing a progressive mesh |
CVHierarchyNode | Vertex hierarchy node |
CVHierarchyNodeHandle | Handle for vertex hierarchy nodes
CVHierarchyNodeIndex | Index of vertex hierarchy node |
CVHierarchyWindow | |
CViewingParameters | |
►CArrayKernel | Mesh kernel using arrays for mesh item storage |
CAutoStatusSetT | AutoStatusSetT: A status set that automatically picks a status bit |
CExtStatusSetT | ExtStatusSet: A status set augmented with an array |
CStatusSetT | — StatusSet API — |
CAttribKernelT | The attribute kernel adds all standard properties to the kernel |
CAutoPropertyHandleT | |
CBaseHandle | Base class for all handle types |
CBaseKernel | This class provides low-level property management like adding/removing properties and access to properties |
CBaseMesh | Base class for all meshes |
CBaseProperty | Abstract class defining the basic interface of a dynamic property |
CBasePropHandleT | Base property handle |
CCirculatorRange | Generic class for iterator ranges |
CCirculatorRangeTraitT | |
Ccolor_caster< osg::Color3f, osg::Color3ub > | Helper struct |
Ccolor_caster< osg::Color3ub, osg::Color3f > | Helper struct |
CConstPropertyViewer | |
CDefaultTraits | Base class for all traits |
CDefaultTraitsDouble | Version of Default Traits that uses double precision for points and normals as well as floating point vectors for colors |
CEdgeHandle | Handle for a edge entity |
CEndian | Determine byte order of host system |
CEntityRange | Generic class for vertex/halfedge/edge/face ranges |
CEPropHandleT | Handle representing an edge property |
CFaceHandle | Handle for a face entity |
►CFilteredSmartRangeT | Class which applies a filter when iterating over elements |
CFilteredIterator | |
►CFinalMeshItemsT | Definition of the mesh entities (items) |
CITraits | |
CFPropHandleT | Handle representing a face property |
CHalfedgeHandle | Handle for a halfedge entity |
CHandleToPropHandle | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::EdgeHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::FaceHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::MeshHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< OpenMesh::VertexHandle, T > | |
CHandleToPropHandle< void, T > | |
CHPropHandleT | Handle representing a halfedge property |
CLoopSchemeMaskT | Implements cache for the weights of the original Loop scheme supported: |
CMergeTraits | Helper class to merge two mesh traits |
CMeshCast | Cast a mesh with different but identical traits into each other |
CMeshCast< const LhsMeshT &, const RhsMeshT & > | |
CMeshCast< const LhsMeshT *, const RhsMeshT * > | |
CMeshCast< LhsMeshT &, RhsMeshT & > | |
CMeshCast< LhsMeshT *, RhsMeshT * > | |
CMeshHandle | Handle type for meshes to simplify some template programming |
CMPropHandleT | Handle representing a mesh property |
CNormalConeT | /class NormalCone NormalCone.hh <OpenMesh/Core/Geometry/NormalConeT.hh> |
►CPolyConnectivity | Connectivity Class for polygonal meshes |
CEdgeFaceTraits | |
CEdgeHalfedgeTraits | |
CEdgeVertexTraits | |
CElementRange | |
CElementRange< EdgeHandle > | |
CElementRange< FaceHandle > | |
CElementRange< HalfedgeHandle > | |
CElementRange< VertexHandle > | |
CFaceEdgeTraits | |
CFaceFaceTraits | |
CFaceHalfedgeTraits | |
CFaceVertexTraits | |
CVertexEdgeTraits | |
CVertexFaceTraits | |
CVertexHalfedgeTraits | |
CVertexOppositeHalfedgeTraits | |
CVertexVertexTraits | |
CPolyConnectivityTag | Connectivity tag indicating that the tagged mesh has polygon connectivity |
CPolyMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to build a PolyMesh-type |
CPolyMesh_ArrayKernelT | Polygonal mesh based on the ArrayKernel |
CPolyMeshT | Base type for a polygonal mesh |
CPropertyContainer | A a container for properties |
CPropertyCreationManager | Class for adding properties based on strings |
CPropertyCreator | Base class for property creators |
CPropertyCreatorImpl | Helper class that contains the implementation of the create_<HandleT>_property methods |
CPropertyManager | This class is intended to manage the lifecycle of properties |
CPropertyT | Default property class for any type T |
CPropertyT< bool > | Property specialization for bool type |
CPropHandle | |
CPropHandle< EdgeHandle > | |
CPropHandle< FaceHandle > | |
CPropHandle< HalfedgeHandle > | |
CPropHandle< MeshHandle > | |
CPropHandle< VertexHandle > | |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Generate a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 with a guaranteed resolution ( Number of possible values ) |
CRangeTraitT | |
CSingletonT | A simple singleton template |
CSmartBaseHandle | Base class for all smart handle types |
CSmartEdgeHandle | |
CSmartFaceHandle | |
CSmartHalfedgeHandle | |
CSmartHandle | |
CSmartHandle< EdgeHandle > | |
CSmartHandle< FaceHandle > | |
CSmartHandle< HalfedgeHandle > | |
CSmartHandle< VertexHandle > | |
CSmartHandleBoundaryPredicate | Base class for all smart handle types that contains status related methods |
CSmartHandleStatusPredicates | Base class for all smart handle types that contains status related methods |
CSmartRangeT | Base class for all smart range types |
CSmartTaggerET | |
CSmartTaggerFT | |
CSmartTaggerHT | |
CSmartTaggerT | Smart Tagger |
CSmartTaggerVT | |
CSmartVertexHandle | Smart version of VertexHandle contains a pointer to the corresponding mesh and allows easier access to navigation methods |
CStripifierT | This class decomposes a triangle mesh into several triangle strips |
CTriConnectivity | Connectivity Class for Triangle Meshes |
CTriConnectivityTag | Connectivity tag indicating that the tagged mesh has triangle connectivity |
CTriMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT | Helper class to create a TriMesh-type based on ArrayKernelT |
CTriMesh_ArrayKernelT | Triangle mesh based on the ArrayKernel |
CTriMeshT | Base type for a triangle mesh |
CVDPMSynthesizerViewerWidget | |
Cvector_caster< osg::Vec3d, osg::Pnt3d > | Convert Pnt3d to Vec3d |
Cvector_caster< osg::Vec3f, osg::Pnt3f > | Convert Pnt3f to Vec3f |
Cvector_caster< osg::Vec4d, osg::Pnt4d > | Convert Pnt4d to Vec4d |
Cvector_caster< osg::Vec4f, osg::Pnt4f > | Convert Pnt4f to Vec4f |
Cvector_traits | Helper class providing information about a vector type |
Cvector_traits< Custom::Vec< DIM > > | |
Cvector_traits< Eigen::Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options > > | |
Cvector_traits< osg::Color3f > | Vector traits for OpenSG color type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Color3ub > | Vector traits for OpenSG color type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Color4f > | Vector traits for OpenSG color type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Color4ub > | Vector traits for OpenSG color type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt2d > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt2f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt3d > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt3f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt4d > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Pnt4f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec2f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec3d > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec3f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec4d > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec4f > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
Cvector_traits< osg::Vec4ub > | Vector traits for OpenSG vector type |
CVectorT | |
CVertexHandle | Handle for a vertex entity |
CVPropHandleT | Handle representing a vertex property |
►CAnalyzerTraits | |
CHalfedgeT | |
CVertexT | |
Cbinary< std::vector< bool > > | |
CCirculatorT | Circulator |
CCmdOption | |
CCustomTraits | |
CCustomTraitsVec2i | |
CDecimaterViewerWidget | |
CDecOptions | |
CGnuplot | Utility class interfacing with Gnuplot |
CGnuplotException | Exception thrown by class Gnuplot |
CIteratorT | Linear iterator |
CMeshViewerWidget | |
CMeshViewerWidgetSubdivider | |
CMeshViewerWidgetT | |
CMeshViewerWidgetTraits | |
CModBalancerT | |
CMyData | |
CMyDecimaterViewerWidgetTraits | |
CMyDeleteGeometryExampleTraits | |
CMyMConvertTraits | |
►CMyMeshSmootherExampleTraits | |
CVertexT | |
CMySmoothingTraits | |
►CMyTraits | |
CVertexT | |
COpenMeshBase | |
COpenMeshBasePoly | |
COpenMeshBasePolyVec2i | |
COpenMeshBaseTriVec2i | |
COption | |
CPMInfo | |
CProgTraits | |
CProgViewerWidget | |
CQGLViewerWidget | |
CRegisteredDataType | |
CRuleMap | |
CSubdivideWidget | |
CVectorT | |