Developer Documentation
VsiPlugin Class Reference

#include <Plugin-VSI/vsiPlugin.hh>

Inheritance diagram for VsiPlugin:
BaseInterface MenuInterface ScriptInterface RPCInterface

Public Slots

QScriptValue askForInputs (QString _element, QString _inputs)
 Scripting function, that allows to ask the user for inputs during script execution. More...
void messageBox (QString _message)
 Scripting function, that displays a message box.
bool questionBox (QString _message)
 Scripting function, that displays a Yes/No message box.
bool continueBox (QString _message)
 Shows a non blocking stop box for use inside loops. More...
QString version ()


void getMenubarMenu (QString _name, QMenu *&_menu, bool _create)
void getScriptingEngine (QScriptEngine *&_engine)
void pluginExists (QString _pluginName, bool &_exists)
void functionExists (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_exists)
- Signals inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void updateView ()
 Update current view in Main Application. More...
virtual void setSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions)
 Set a description for a public slot. More...
virtual void setRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString _rendererName)
 Set a renderer for the given viewer. More...
- Signals inherited from MenuInterface
virtual void getMenubarMenu (QString _name, QMenu *&_menu, bool _create)
 Get a existing top level menu pointer or create a new one. More...
- Signals inherited from ScriptInterface
virtual void scriptInfo (QString _functionWithParameters)
 Emit this signal if a scriptable function is executed. More...
virtual void getScriptingEngine (QScriptEngine *&_engine)
virtual void executeScript (QString _script)
virtual void getAvailableFunctions (QStringList &_functions)
- Signals inherited from RPCInterface
virtual void pluginExists (QString _pluginName, bool &_exists)

Public Member Functions

 VsiPlugin ()
 ~VsiPlugin ()
QString name ()
 Name of the Plugin.
QString description ()
 Description of the Plugin.

Private Slots

void pluginsInitialized ()
 Register in menubar.
void noguiSupported ()
- Private Slots inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void exit ()
virtual QString version ()
 Return a version string for your plugin. More...

Private Member Functions

void showScriptEditor ()
 Shows visual script editor. More...
void showInScriptEditor (QString _script)
 Opens the text based script editor with the given script. More...
void initContext ()
 initalisation More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void noguiSupported ()
virtual ~BaseInterface ()
virtual void blockScenegraphUpdates (bool _block)
 Tell the core to prevent scenegraph updates. More...
virtual void updatedObject (int _objectId)
 An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void updatedObject (int _identifier, const UpdateType &_type)
 An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void nodeVisibilityChanged (int _identifier)
 A scenegraph node has been shown or hidden. More...
virtual void getCurrentRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString &_rendererName)
 Get the current renderer for the given viewer. More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from MenuInterface
virtual ~MenuInterface ()
virtual void addMenubarAction (QAction *_action, QString _name)
 Adds an action to the menubar. More...
virtual void addMenubarActions (std::vector< QAction * > &_actions, QString _name)
 Add multiple actions to the menu bar. More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from ScriptInterface
virtual ~ScriptInterface ()
virtual void executeFileScript (QString _filename)
virtual void getDescription (QString _function, QString &_description, QStringList &_parameters, QStringList &_descriptions)
- Private Member Functions inherited from RPCInterface
virtual ~RPCInterface ()
virtual void functionExists (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_exists)

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Plugin that provides a visual scripting interface

Definition at line 74 of file vsiPlugin.hh.

Member Function Documentation

QScriptValue VsiPlugin::askForInputs ( QString  _element,
QString  _inputs 

Scripting function, that allows to ask the user for inputs during script execution.

Gererates a dialog for the given element inputs.

Definition at line 175 of file

bool VsiPlugin::continueBox ( QString  _message)

Shows a non blocking stop box for use inside loops.

Non blocking box which can be used inside scripting loops to stop on clicks.

Definition at line 264 of file

void VsiPlugin::initContext ( )


initalize context

Definition at line 132 of file

void VsiPlugin::showInScriptEditor ( QString  _script)

Opens the text based script editor with the given script.

shows the given script in the textual script editor

Definition at line 226 of file

void VsiPlugin::showScriptEditor ( )

Shows visual script editor.

Show visual script editor.

Definition at line 118 of file

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