Developer Documentation
FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin:
BaseInterface FileInterface LoadSaveInterface LoggingInterface ScriptInterface INIInterface

Public Slots

int loadObject (QString _filename)
bool saveObject (int _id, QString _filename)
QString version ()


void openedFile (int _id)
void addEmptyObject (DataType _type, int &_id)
void load (QString _filename, DataType _type, int &_id)
void save (int _id, QString _filename)
void log (Logtype _type, QString _message)
void log (QString _message)
void emptyObjectAdded (int _id)
void updateView ()
void updatedObject (int _id, const UpdateType &_type)
void registerKey (int _key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers _modifiers, QString _description, bool _multiUse=false)
- Signals inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void updateView ()
 Update current view in Main Application. More...
virtual void setSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions)
 Set a description for a public slot. More...
virtual void setRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString _rendererName)
 Set a renderer for the given viewer. More...
- Signals inherited from FileInterface
virtual void openedFile (int _id)
 This signal has to be emitted if an object has been loaded from a file. More...
- Signals inherited from LoadSaveInterface
virtual void save (int _id, QString _filename)
 Save object to a file. More...
virtual void load (QString _filename, DataType _type, int &_id)
 Load object from file with a specific DataType. More...
- Signals inherited from LoggingInterface
virtual void log (Logtype _type, QString _message)=0
virtual void log (QString _message)=0
- Signals inherited from ScriptInterface
virtual void scriptInfo (QString _functionWithParameters)
 Emit this signal if a scriptable function is executed. More...
virtual void getScriptingEngine (QScriptEngine *&_engine)
virtual void executeScript (QString _script)
virtual void getAvailableFunctions (QStringList &_functions)

Public Member Functions

QString name ()
 Return a name for the plugin. More...
QString description ()
 Return a description of what the plugin is doing. More...
DataType supportedType ()
 Return your supported object type( e.g. DATA_TRIANGLE_MESH ) More...
QString getSaveFilters ()
QString getLoadFilters ()
QWidget * saveOptionsWidget (QString _currentFilter)
QWidget * loadOptionsWidget (QString _currentFilter)

Private Slots

void fileOpened (int)
void loadIniFileLast (INIFile &_ini, int _id)
void saveIniFile (INIFile &_ini, int _id)
void initializePlugin ()
- Private Slots inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void exit ()
virtual QString version ()
 Return a version string for your plugin. More...
- Private Slots inherited from FileInterface
virtual int loadObject (QString _filename)=0
 Load an object from the given file. More...
virtual int loadObject (QString _filename, DataType _type)
 Load an object from the given file. More...

Private Member Functions

template<typename MeshT >
void loadMesh (const char *_filename, MeshT &_mesh, bool _comp, bool _topCheck)
template<typename MeshT >
void saveMesh (const char *_filename, MeshT &_mesh, bool _comp)
- Private Member Functions inherited from BaseInterface
virtual void noguiSupported ()
virtual ~BaseInterface ()
virtual void blockScenegraphUpdates (bool _block)
 Tell the core to prevent scenegraph updates. More...
virtual void updatedObject (int _objectId)
 An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void updatedObject (int _identifier, const UpdateType &_type)
 An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void nodeVisibilityChanged (int _identifier)
 A scenegraph node has been shown or hidden. More...
virtual void getCurrentRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString &_rendererName)
 Get the current renderer for the given viewer. More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from FileInterface
virtual ~FileInterface ()
virtual bool saveObject (int _id, QString _filename)=0
 Save an object from the given file. More...
virtual bool saveObjects (IdList _ids, QString _filename)
 Save multiple objects to one file. More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from LoadSaveInterface
virtual ~LoadSaveInterface ()
virtual void addEmptyObject (DataType _type, int &_id)
virtual void copyObject (int _oldId, int &_newId)
virtual void emptyObjectAdded (int _id)
 DEPRECATED HERE (Moved to Type Interface)! Emit this signal if an empty object has been created. More...
virtual void deleteObject (int _id)
 Delete an object
This signal can be called from any thread.
. More...
virtual void deleteAllObjects ()
 Delete all Objects. More...
virtual void getAllFileFilters (QStringList &_filters)
 Get all file filters that are registered. More...
- Private Member Functions inherited from LoggingInterface
virtual ~LoggingInterface ()
- Private Member Functions inherited from ScriptInterface
virtual ~ScriptInterface ()
virtual void executeFileScript (QString _filename)
virtual void getDescription (QString _function, QString &_description, QStringList &_parameters, QStringList &_descriptions)
- Private Member Functions inherited from INIInterface
virtual ~INIInterface ()

Private Attributes

QWidget * loadOptions_
QWidget * saveOptions_
QComboBox * typeCheck_
QCheckBox * loadCompMode_
QCheckBox * loadTopCheck_
QCheckBox * saveCompMode_
OpenVolumeMesh::IO::FileManager fileManager_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 74 of file FileOpenVolumeMesh.hh.

Member Function Documentation

QString FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::description ( )

Return a description of what the plugin is doing.

This function has to return a basic description of the plugin

Implements BaseInterface.

Definition at line 127 of file FileOpenVolumeMesh.hh.

QString FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::getLoadFilters ( )

Return the Qt Filters for File dialogs when loading files (e.g. "Off files ( *.off )" )

Implements FileInterface.

Definition at line 114 of file

QString FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::getSaveFilters ( )

Get the Qt Filters for Filedialogs when saving files (e.g. "Off files ( *.off )" )

Implements FileInterface.

Definition at line 122 of file

QWidget * FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::loadOptionsWidget ( QString  _currentFilter)

You can provide a special widget showing options for loading your file types depending on the current filter

_currentFilter: one filter from loadFilters

Return 0 when you don't need one

Implements FileInterface.

Definition at line 372 of file

QString FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::name ( )

Return a name for the plugin.

This Function has to return the name of the plugin.

Implements BaseInterface.

Definition at line 123 of file FileOpenVolumeMesh.hh.

QWidget * FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::saveOptionsWidget ( QString  _currentFilter)

You can provide a special widget showing options for saving your file types depending on the current filter

_currentFilter: one filter from saveFilters

Return 0 when you don't need one

Implements FileInterface.

Definition at line 365 of file

DataType FileOpenVolumeMeshPlugin::supportedType ( )

Return your supported object type( e.g. DATA_TRIANGLE_MESH )

If you support multiple DataTypes you can combine them bitwise here. The function is used from the load and save code to check if your plugin can handle an object of a given dataType.

Implements FileInterface.

Definition at line 130 of file

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