void | updateView () |
void | updatedObject (int _id, const UpdateType &_type) |
void | setSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions) |
void | log (Logtype _type, QString _message) |
void | log (QString _message) |
void | pluginExists (QString _pluginName, bool &_exists) |
void | functionExists (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_exists) |
void | addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon) |
void | scriptInfo (QString _functionName) |
void | createBackup (int _id, QString _name, UpdateType _type=UPDATE_ALL) |
void | startJob (QString _jobId, QString _description, int _min, int _max, bool _blocking=false) |
void | cancelJob (QString _jobId) |
void | finishJob (QString _jobId) |
void | setJobState (QString, int) |
void | setJobName (QString _jobId, QString _name) |
void | setJobDescription (QString _jobId, QString _text) |
void | jobCanceled (QString _jobId) |
virtual void | updateView () |
| Update current view in Main Application. More...
virtual void | setSlotDescription (QString _slotName, QString _slotDescription, QStringList _parameters, QStringList _descriptions) |
| Set a description for a public slot. More...
virtual void | setRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString _rendererName) |
| Set a renderer for the given viewer. More...
virtual void | addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget) |
| Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name. More...
virtual void | log (Logtype _type, QString _message)=0 |
virtual void | log (QString _message)=0 |
virtual void | scriptInfo (QString _functionWithParameters) |
| Emit this signal if a scriptable function is executed. More...
virtual void | getScriptingEngine (QScriptEngine *&_engine) |
virtual void | executeScript (QString _script) |
virtual void | getAvailableFunctions (QStringList &_functions) |
virtual void | createBackup (int _objectid, QString _name, UpdateType _type=UPDATE_ALL) |
| Tell Backup Plugin to create a backup. More...
virtual void | aboutToRestore (int _objectid) |
| Backup Plugin tells other Plugins that a restore will happen. More...
virtual void | generateBackup (int _id, QString _name, UpdateType _type) |
| This signal is emitted by a BackupPlugin and tells a TypePlugin to generate a backup. More...
virtual void | pluginExists (QString _pluginName, bool &_exists) |
virtual void | save (int _id, QString _filename) |
| Save object to a file. More...
virtual void | load (QString _filename, DataType _type, int &_id) |
| Load object from file with a specific DataType. More...
virtual void | startJob (QString _jobId, QString _description, int _min, int _max, bool _blocking=false) |
| announce a new job More...
void | initializePlugin () |
void | pluginsInitialized () |
| Initialization of the plugin when it is loaded by the core. More...
void | slotObjectUpdated (int _identifier, const UpdateType &_type) |
void | slotObjectSelectionChanged (int _identifier) |
void | objectDeleted (int _id) |
void | slotAboutToRestore (int _id) |
void | noguiSupported () |
void | slot_decimate () |
| decimating called from button in toolbox More...
void | slot_decimate_finished (QString _jobId) |
void | slot_initialize () |
| init called from button in toolbox More...
void | slot_initialize_object (int obj_id, bool clear=false) |
void | slotUpdateRoundness (int _value) |
| roundness slider - spinbox sync More...
void | slotUpdateRoundness (double _value) |
| sync between values of roundness slider and spinbox in the toolbox More...
void | slotUpdateAspectRatio (int _value) |
| sync between values of aspect ratio slider and spinbox in the toolbox More...
void | slotUpdateAspectRatio (double _value) |
| sync between values of aspect ratio slider and spinbox in the toolbox More...
void | slotUpdateDistance () |
| slider / spinbox updates
void | slotUpdateNormalDev () |
void | slotUpdateVertices () |
void | slotUpdateTriangles () |
void | slotUpdateEdgeLength () |
void | slotUpdateNumVertices () |
| update number of vertices information
void | slotUpdateNumTriangles () |
| gets and sets the current maximum number of triangles More...
void | slotMixedCounterValueChanged (double) |
void | slotMixedSliderValueChanged (int) |
void | slotDisableDecimation () |
virtual void | exit () |
virtual QString | version () |
| Return a version string for your plugin. More...
void | canceledJob (QString _job) |
| A job has been canceled. More...
void | initialize_object (BaseObjectData *obj) |
virtual void | noguiSupported () |
virtual | ~BaseInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | blockScenegraphUpdates (bool _block) |
| Tell the core to prevent scenegraph updates. More...
virtual void | updatedObject (int _objectId) |
| An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void | updatedObject (int _identifier, const UpdateType &_type) |
| An object has been changed or added by this plugin. More...
virtual void | nodeVisibilityChanged (int _identifier) |
| A scenegraph node has been shown or hidden. More...
virtual void | getCurrentRenderer (unsigned int _viewer, QString &_rendererName) |
| Get the current renderer for the given viewer. More...
virtual | ~ToolboxInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon) |
| Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name and an icon. More...
virtual void | addToolbox (QString _name, QWidget *_widget, QIcon *_icon, QWidget *_headerAreaWidget) |
| Add a toolbox widget to the gui with the given name, icon and header area widget. More...
virtual | ~LoggingInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual | ~ScriptInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | executeFileScript (QString _filename) |
virtual void | getDescription (QString _function, QString &_description, QStringList &_parameters, QStringList &_descriptions) |
virtual void | createBackup (IdList _objectids, QString _name, std::vector< UpdateType > _types) |
| Tell Backup Plugin to create a group backup. More...
virtual void | undo (int _objectid) |
| Tell Backup Plugin to undo the last action of an object. More...
virtual void | redo (int _objectid) |
| Tell Backup Plugin to redo the last action on an object. More...
virtual void | undo () |
| Tell Backup Plugin to undo the last action. More...
virtual void | redo () |
| Tell Backup Plugin to redo the last action. More...
virtual | ~BackupInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | restored (int _objectid) |
| Backup Plugin tells other Plugins that a restore has happened. More...
virtual | ~RPCInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | functionExists (QString _pluginName, QString _functionName, bool &_exists) |
virtual | ~LoadSaveInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | addEmptyObject (DataType _type, int &_id) |
virtual void | copyObject (int _oldId, int &_newId) |
virtual void | emptyObjectAdded (int _id) |
| DEPRECATED HERE (Moved to Type Interface)! Emit this signal if an empty object has been created. More...
virtual void | deleteObject (int _id) |
| Delete an object
This signal can be called from any thread.
. More...
virtual void | deleteAllObjects () |
| Delete all Objects. More...
virtual void | getAllFileFilters (QStringList &_filters) |
| Get all file filters that are registered. More...
virtual | ~ProcessInterface () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | setJobState (QString _jobId, int _value) |
| update job state More...
virtual void | setJobName (QString _jobId, QString _name) |
| update job's name More...
virtual void | setJobDescription (QString _jobId, QString _text) |
| update job's description text More...
virtual void | cancelJob (QString _jobId) |
| Cancel your job. More...
virtual void | finishJob (QString _jobId) |
| Finish your job. More...
Plugin for Decimater Support
Definition at line 100 of file DecimaterPlugin.hh.