Developer Documentation
ACG::SceneGraph::BSplineSurfaceNodeT< BSplineSurfaceType > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for ACG::SceneGraph::BSplineSurfaceNodeT< BSplineSurfaceType >:

Public Types

enum  BSplineDrawMode { NORMAL = 0, FANCY = 1 }
enum  BSplineSelectionDrawMode { NONE = 0, CONTROLPOINT = 1, KNOTVECTOR = 2 }
typedef BSplineSurfaceType::Point Point
- Public Types inherited from ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode
enum  StatusMode { Active = 0x1, HideNode = 0x2, HideChildren = 0x4, HideSubtree = 0x8 }
 Status modi. More...
enum  TraverseMode { NodeFirst = 0x1, ChildrenFirst = 0x2, SecondPass = 0x4 }
 Node traverse types. More...
typedef std::vector< BaseNode * >::const_iterator ConstChildIter
 allows to iterate over children
typedef std::vector< BaseNode * >::iterator ChildIter
 allows to iterate over children
typedef std::vector< BaseNode * >::const_reverse_iterator ConstChildRIter
 allows to reverse iterate over children
typedef std::vector< BaseNode * >::reverse_iterator ChildRIter
 allows to reverse iterate over children
enum  PASSES {
  NOPASS = 0, ALLPASSES = 1 << 0, PASS_1 = 1 << 1, PASS_2 = 1 << 2,
  PASS_3 = 1 << 3, PASS_4 = 1 << 4, PASS_5 = 1 << 5, PASS_6 = 1 << 6,
  PASS_7 = 1 << 7, PASS_8 = 1 << 8
 This enum should be used to enable rendering of a node in different.
typedef unsigned int MultipassBitMask
 Multipass pass bit mask type.

Public Member Functions

 BSplineSurfaceNodeT (BSplineSurfaceType &_bss, BaseNode *_parent=0, std::string _name="<BSplineSurfaceNode>")
 ~BSplineSurfaceNodeT ()
BSplineSurfaceType & bsplineSurface ()
void set_pick_radius (double _pr)
 ACG_CLASSNAME (BSplineSurfaceNodeT)
 static name of this class
DrawModes::DrawMode availableDrawModes () const
 return available draw modes
void boundingBox (Vec3d &_bbMin, Vec3d &_bbMax)
 update bounding box
void draw (GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)
 draw lines and normals
void getRenderObjects (IRenderer *_renderer, GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode, const Material *_mat)
 create render objects
void pick (GLState &_state, PickTarget _target)
void updateGeometry ()
 update vertex buffer for rendering
void set_rendering_resolution (int _res)
void render_control_net (bool _render)
bool render_control_net ()
void render_bspline_surface (bool _render)
bool render_bspline_surface ()
void set_bspline_draw_mode (BSplineDrawMode _mode)
void set_selection_draw_mode (BSplineSelectionDrawMode _mode)
BSplineSelectionDrawMode get_selection_draw_mode () const
void adaptive_sampling (bool _adaptive)
void cpSelectionTextureValid (bool _valid)
void knotSelectionTextureValid (bool _valid)
int & pick_texture_res ()
 Should be a power of 2.
void set_arb_texture (const QImage &_texture, bool _repeat=false, float _u_repeat=1.0f, float _v_repeat=1.0f)
 use arbitrary texture (in SOLID_TEXTURED mode)
void set_arb_texture (const GLuint _texture)
void set_repeat_arb_texture (bool _repeat=true, float _urep=5.0f, float _vrep=5.0f)
bool get_repeat_arb_texture ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::BaseNode
 BaseNode (BaseNode *_parent=0, std::string _name="<unknown>")
 Default constructor.
 BaseNode (BaseNode *_parent, BaseNode *_child, std::string _name="<unknown>")
 Put this node between _parent and _child.
virtual ~BaseNode ()
void delete_subtree ()
 Delete the whole subtree of this node. More...
virtual const std::string & className () const =0
 Return class name (implemented by the ACG_CLASSNAME macro)
virtual void enter (GLState &, const DrawModes::DrawMode &)
virtual void enter (IRenderer *, GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)
virtual void draw (GLState &, const DrawModes::DrawMode &)
 Draw this node using the draw modes _drawMode. More...
virtual void getRenderObjects (IRenderer *_renderer, GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode, const Material *_mat)
 Deferred draw call with shader based renderer. More...
virtual void leave (GLState &, const DrawModes::DrawMode &)
virtual void leave (IRenderer *, GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)
virtual void enterPick (GLState &_state, PickTarget _target, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)
virtual void pick (GLState &, PickTarget)
virtual void leavePick (GLState &_state, PickTarget _target, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)
void enablePicking (bool _enable)
bool pickingEnabled ()
virtual void mouseEvent (GLState &, QMouseEvent *)
 Handle mouse event (some interaction, e.g. modeling)
void setDirty (bool _dirty=true)
 mark node for redrawn
bool isDirty () const
 Check if node should be redrawn.
ChildIter childrenBegin ()
 Returns: begin-iterator of children.
ConstChildIter childrenBegin () const
 Same but cont.
ChildIter childrenEnd ()
 Returns: end-iterator of children.
ConstChildIter childrenEnd () const
 Same but const.
ChildRIter childrenRBegin ()
 Returns: reverse begin-iterator of children.
ConstChildRIter childrenRBegin () const
 Same but const.
ChildRIter childrenREnd ()
 Returns: reverse end-iterator of children.
ConstChildRIter childrenREnd () const
 Same but const.
void push_back (BaseNode *_node)
 Insert _node at the end of the list of children.
void remove (ChildIter _pos)
size_t nChildren () const
 number of children
ChildIter find (BaseNode *_node)
BaseNodefind (const std::string &_name)
BaseNodeparent ()
 Get the nodes parent node.
const BaseNodeparent () const
 Get the nodes parent node.
void set_parent (BaseNode *_parent)
 Set the parent of this node. More...
StatusMode status () const
 Get node's status.
void set_status (StatusMode _s)
 Set the status of this node.
void hide ()
 Hide Node: set status to HideNode.
void show ()
 Show node: set status to Active.
bool visible ()
 Is node visible (status == Active)?
bool hidden ()
 Is node not visible (status != Active)?
std::string name () const
 Returns: name of node (needs not be unique)
void name (const std::string &_name)
 rename a node
unsigned int id () const
DrawModes::DrawMode drawMode () const
 Return the own draw modes of this node.
void drawMode (DrawModes::DrawMode _drawMode)
unsigned int traverseMode () const
 Return how the node should be traversed.
void setTraverseMode (unsigned int _mode)
 Set traverse mode for node.
MultipassBitMask multipassStatus () const
 Get the current multipass settings for the nodes status functions. More...
void setMultipassStatus (const MultipassBitMask _passStatus)
 Set multipass settings for the nodes status functions. More...
void multipassStatusSetActive (const unsigned int _i, bool _active)
 Set multipass status to traverse in a specific pass. More...
bool multipassStatusActive (const unsigned int _i) const
 Get multipass status to traverse in a specific pass. More...
MultipassBitMask multipassNode () const
 Get the current multipass settings for the node. More...
void setMultipassNode (const MultipassBitMask _passNode)
 Set multipass settings for the node. More...
void multipassNodeSetActive (const unsigned int _i, bool _active)
 Set Node status to traverse in a specific pass. More...
bool multipassNodeActive (const unsigned int _i) const
 Get Node status to traverse in a specific pass. More...
void setRenderObjectShaders (const std::string &_vertexShaderFile, const std::string &_geometryShaderFile, const std::string &_fragmentShaderFile, bool _relativePaths=true, DrawModes::DrawModePrimitive _primitiveType=DrawModes::PRIMITIVE_POLYGON)
 Set custom shaders. More...
void setRenderObjectShaders (const std::string &_vertexShaderFile, const std::string &_tessControlShaderFile, const std::string &_tessEvalShaderFile, const std::string &_geometryShaderFile, const std::string &_fragmentShaderFile, bool _relativePaths=true, DrawModes::DrawModePrimitive _primitiveType=DrawModes::PRIMITIVE_POLYGON)
 Set custom shaders. More...
void setRenderObjectUniformPool (const GLSL::UniformPool *_pool)
 Set uniforms for shader based rendering. More...
const GLSL::UniformPoolgetRenderObjectUniformPool ()
 Get uniforms for shader based rendering. More...
void setRenderObjectTexture (int _samplerSlot, GLuint _texId, GLenum _texType=GL_TEXTURE_2D)
 Set textures for shader based rendering. More...
void setRenderObjectModifier (RenderObjectModifier *_modifier)
 Set modifier for render objects. More...
RenderObjectModifiergetRenderObjectModifier ()
 Get render-object modifier. More...
void applyRenderObjectSettings (DrawModes::DrawModePrimitive _primitive, RenderObject *_obj) const
 Set shaders, textures and uniforms as provided by user to a render-object. More...

Private Member Functions

void pick_vertices (GLState &_state)
void pick_spline (GLState &_state)
void pick_surface (GLState &_state, unsigned int _offset)
void draw_cylinder (const Point &_p0, const Point &_axis, double _r, GLState &_state)
void draw_sphere (const Point &_p0, double _r, GLState &_state, GLSphere *_sphere)
 BSplineSurfaceNodeT (const BSplineSurfaceNodeT &_rhs)
 Copy constructor (not used)
BSplineSurfaceNodeToperator= (const BSplineSurfaceNodeT &_rhs)
 Assignment operator (not used)
void render (GLState &_state, bool _fill)
void drawSurface (GLState &_state, bool _fill=true)
void drawTexturedSurface (GLState &_state, GLuint _texture_idx)
void drawControlNet (GLState &_state)
void drawFancyControlNet (GLState &_state)
void updateControlPointSelectionTexture (GLState &_state)
void updateKnotVectorSelectionTexture (GLState &_state)
void pick_init_texturing ()
 generate index and setup texture parameters More...
void pick_create_texture (GLState &_state)
 create texture image
void pick_draw_textured_nurbs (GLState &_state)
 draw textured nurbs patch
void selection_init_texturing (GLuint &_texture_idx)
 generate index and setup texture parameters for selection visualization
void create_cp_selection_texture (GLState &_state)
 creates texture to put onto nurbs curve for visualization of control point selection
void create_knot_selection_texture (GLState &_state)
 creates texture to put onto nurbs curve for visualization of knotvector selection
void draw_textured_nurbs (GLState &_state)
 draw textured nurbs patch
ACG::Vec4f generateHighlightColor (ACG::Vec4f _color)
void updateSurfaceMesh (int _vertexCountU=50, int _vertexCountV=50)
 update vertex + index buffer of surface mesh
void updateControlNetMesh ()
 update vertex + index buffer of control net mesh
void updateControlNetMeshSel ()
 update index buffer of selected control points
void updateTexBuffers ()
 update texture resources for gpu-based spline evaluation

Private Attributes

BSplineDrawMode bspline_draw_mode_
BSplineSelectionDrawMode bspline_selection_draw_mode_
double pick_radius_
int resolution_
Vec4f controlnet_color_
Vec4f controlnet_highlight_color_
Vec4f surface_color_
Vec4f surface_highlight_color_
bool render_control_net_
bool render_bspline_surface_
bool adaptive_sampling_
bool controlPointSelectionTexture_valid_
bool knotVectorSelectionTexture_valid_
QImage pick_texture_image_
GLuint pick_texture_idx_
int pick_texture_res_
unsigned int pick_texture_baseidx_
QImage cp_selection_texture_image_
GLuint cp_selection_texture_idx_
int cp_selection_texture_res_
QImage knot_selection_texture_image_
GLuint knot_selection_texture_idx_
int knot_selection_texture_res_
QImage arb_texture_image_
GLuint arb_texture_idx_
bool arb_texture_used_
bool arb_texture_repeat_
float arb_texture_repeat_u_
float arb_texture_repeat_v_
GeometryBuffer surfaceVBO_
IndexBuffer surfaceIBO_
VertexDeclaration surfaceDecl_
int surfaceIndexCount_
bool invalidateSurfaceMesh_
GeometryBuffer controlNetVBO_
IndexBuffer controlNetSelIBO_
int controlNetSelIndices_
IndexBuffer controlNetLineIBO_
int controlNetLineIndices_
VertexDeclaration controlNetDecl_
bool invalidateControlNetMesh_
bool invalidateControlNetMeshSel_
TextureBuffer knotTexBufferU_
TextureBuffer knotTexBufferV_
Texture2D controlPointTex_

Detailed Description

template<class BSplineSurfaceType>
class ACG::SceneGraph::BSplineSurfaceNodeT< BSplineSurfaceType >

Definition at line 93 of file BSplineSurfaceNodeT.hh.

Member Function Documentation

template<class BSplineSurfaceType >
void ACG::SceneGraph::BSplineSurfaceNodeT< BSplineSurfaceType >::pick_init_texturing ( )

generate index and setup texture parameters

spline surface u,v-parameter picking

Definition at line 1224 of file

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