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  • Robert Menzel's avatar
    Automatic consistent attribute location mappings possible · 708174d6
    Robert Menzel authored
    SharedLocationMappings globalLocationMappings = SharedLocationMappings( new LocationMappings );
    // now the map could get set by hand, but thats not needed:
    ShaderProgramFileManager::the()->get( ShaderProgramControlFiles("shader1").
                                          externAttributeLocations(globalLocationMappings) );
    // will add all maps from the shader1 to the global map
    ShaderProgramFileManager::the()->get( ShaderProgramControlFiles("shader2").
                                          externAttributeLocations(globalLocationMappings) );
    // will add all maps from shader2, attributes already known will not get changed, no location collitions.
    Reloading of the shaders due to changed files will automatically set the locations again.