Decimater Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Decimater:


file  BaseDecimaterT.hh [code]
file  CollapseInfoT.hh [code]
 Provides data class CollapseInfoT for storing all information about a halfedge collapse.
file  DecimaterT.hh [code]
file  DecimaterT_impl.hh [code]
file  McDecimaterT.hh [code]
file  McDecimaterT_impl.hh [code]
file  MixedDecimaterT.hh [code]
file  MixedDecimaterT_impl.hh [code]
file  ModAspectRatioT.hh [code]
file  ModAspectRatioT_impl.hh [code]
file  ModBaseT.hh [code]
 Base class for all decimation modules.
file  ModEdgeLengthT.hh [code]
file  ModEdgeLengthT_impl.hh [code]
file  ModHausdorffT.hh [code]
file  ModHausdorffT_impl.hh [code]
file  ModNormalDeviationT.hh [code]
file  ModNormalFlippingT.hh [code]
file  ModProgMeshT.hh [code]
file  ModProgMeshT_impl.hh [code]
file  ModQuadricT.hh [code]
file  ModQuadricT_impl.hh [code]
 Bodies of template member function.
file  ModRoundnessT.hh [code]
file  Observer.hh [code]
 This file contains an observer class which is used to monitor the progress of an decimater.

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