Developer Documentation
Adding empty Objects in a plugin


OpenFlipper provides a set of datatypes (Integrated data types ). While the load and save functions automatically generate objects for the loaded data, it is also useful to generate objects of a specific datatype and fill them with custom data. This page describes how a plugin can create a new object.

Creating a new object

Your plugin has to implement a part of the Load/Save Interface. So you have to derive from that interface and add the LoadSaveInterface::addEmptyObject signal to your plugin:

class ExamplePlugin::QObject, ... , LoadSaveInterface, ...
// LoadSaveInterface
void addEmptyObject( DataType _type, int& _id);

To generate the object you can implement the following in one of your functions:

void ExamplePlugin::exampleFunction() {
// Variable which will store the id of the newly created object.
int newObjectId = -1;
// Emit the signal, that we want to create a new object of the specified type plane
emit addEmptyObject(DATA_PLANE, newObjectId);
// Get the newly created object
PlaneObject* object = 0;
if(object) {
// Now you can use the object as usual, e.g. Get the node
PlaneNode* planeNode = object->planeNode();
// change it
planeNode->setSize(kinectinfo_->getMaxDepth() / 2, kinectinfo_->getMaxDepth() / 2);
// ...
} else {
// Something went wrong when creating the object.

Note, that the LoadSaveInterface::addEmptyObject signal is connected using a Qt::DirectConnection and immediately returns the ID of your new object. Of course you have to add the includes for the ObjectTypes you want to use to your list of includes. A list of available ObjectTypes can be found here: OpenFlipper Datatypes

Qt Signals

As mentioned above, new objects are created by emitting the LoadSaveInterface::addEmptyObject signal (more information on Qt signals In addition to that another signal is emitted, to inform other plugins about the new object. This signal is connected with a Qt::QueuedConnection which means, that it will be pushed to the Event-Queue of Qt. This allows other plugins to process the new object, e.g. create and add textures for it. However, after the line "emit addEmptyObject(DATA_PLANE, newObjectId);" from the above example, there may be plugins that have not yet processed this information, which may cause problems if they change properties you want to set. To avoid such problems you can inject a new signal to the Event-Queue, because the Event-Queue is processed in order.

Example: YourPlugin.hh:

// LoadSaveInterface
void addEmptyObject( DataType _type, int& _id);
//use this signal to make sure addEmptyObject was processed.
void doStuff(IdList);
void slotDoStuff(IdList _ist);

void YourPlugin::pluginsInitialized()
connect(this, SIGNAL(doStuff(IdList)), this, SLOT(slotDoStuff(IdList)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
void YourPlugin::slotDoStuff(IdList _list)
// You can use whatever plugin you want with your object now
// All others have finished processing addEmptyObject
RPC::callFunctionValue<int>("datacontrol","groupObjects", _list, QString("test_group"));
void YourPlugin::createLotsOfObjects()
//create lots of empty objects by emitting
// addEmptyObject or calling the porimitive generator e.g.
IdList ids;
ids.push_back( RPC::callFunctionValue<int>("primitivesgenerator","addCube",Vector(1.0f),4.0d));
ids.push_back( RPC::callFunctionValue<int>("primitivesgenerator","addCube",Vector(2.0f),4.0d));
// Now use your own signal to make sure the previous signal was consumed by all plugins
// since the connection for this signal is Qt::QueuedConnection,
// it will be inserted at the end of the event queue. and events are processed in order
emit doStuff(ids);