

The Computer Graphics Group offers basic lectures on a regular basis, advanced lectures on an irregular basis, seminar and pro-seminars, practical exercises, participating in research projects, as well as a game development group.

The basic lectures are

  • Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
  • Shape Analysis and 3D Deep Learning
  • Geometry Processing
  • Data Analysis and Visualization

Seminars and practical exercises are announced individually for every semester.

Students who want to specialize in Visual Computing within their Computer Science Bachelor or Master study, find more information and a recommended study plan here.

Have a look at the Overview Slides to get a brief overview on the various topics that are being addressed in the courses regularly offered by the Computer Graphics group. They illustrate the broad spectrum in the field of Computer Graphics by featuring some of our ongoing research projects.

Please note that download material accompanying the lectures are only accessible from within the RWTH-Aachen, BIT or Uni-Bonn networks. If you are accessing the lecture materials from another network, please use the RWTH VPN to connect.

Upcoming Semester (SS 2025)

Lecture: Geometry Processing

Current Semester (WS 2024)

Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Darstellende Geometrie für Architekten
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics

Previous Semesters

SS 2024
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Shape Analysis and 3D Deep Learning
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2023
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Only for B-IT Students in Bonn)
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2023
Lecture: Shape Analysis and 3D Deep Learning
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2022
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2022
Lecture: Data driven Methods for 3D Shape Analysis
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2021
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Only for B-IT Students in Bonn)
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2021
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Data driven Methods for 3D Shape Analysis
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Geometry Processing and 3D Printing
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2020
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Real-Time Graphics
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2020
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2019
Lecture: Real-Time Graphics
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Bonn)
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Aachen)
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2019
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Service)
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2018
Lecture: Real-Time Graphics
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: 3D Printing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
SS 2018
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2017
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Aachen)
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics (Bonn)
Lecture: Real-Time Graphics
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Practical: 3D Printing
SS 2017
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
(Other): Summer School 2017
WS 2016
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Game Programming
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Practical: 3D Printing
SS 2016
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
WS 2015
Lecture: Game Programming
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: 3D Printing
SS 2015
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Practical: Dive into Mobile VR/AR Games
WS 2014
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and 3D Prototyping
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
Pro-Practical: Developing a MarbleRace Game
SS 2014
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Practical: Developing a Low Budget Virtual Reality System for Gaming
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics, Physics Simulation and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Developing a Virtual Reality Game
WS 2013
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Game Programming
Lecture: Data Analysis and Visualization
Seminar: Interactive Realtime Graphics
Pro-Practical: Developing an Arcade Game
SS 2013
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
Practical: Game Development
Pro-Seminar: Selected Topics in Computer Graphics
Pro-Practical: Development of a Jump'n'Fly Game
WS 2012
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Game Programming
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Practical: Developing a Mini Racing Game
SS 2012
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Practical: The Geometry Processing Pipeline
Pro-Seminar: Ausgewählte Kapitel der Computergraphik
Pro-Practical: Developing a Pinball Game
WS 2011
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Game Programming
Seminar: Game Programming Techniques
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Pro-Seminar: Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Developing a Jump'n'Run Puzzle Game
SS 2011
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and Computer Vision
Practical: Interactive 3D Applications using Microsoft's Kinect sensor
Pro-Practical: Development of a First Person Puzzle Game
WS 2010
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Polynomial Curves and Surfaces
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and Computer Vision
Pro-Seminar: Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Virtual Board Game Development
SS 2010
Lecture: Global Illumination and Image-Based Rendering
Lecture: Geometry Processing
Practical: Physically Based Animation and Special Effects
Pro-Seminar: Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Computer Graphics
WS 2009
Lecture: Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics
Lecture: Polynomial Curves and Surfaces
Lecture: Computer Vision
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing and Computer Vision
SS 2009
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing, and Computer Vision
Practical: Physically Based Animation and Special Effects
Practical: Mobile 3D Rendering
Pro-Seminar: A Trip Through Computer Graphics
WS 2008
Lecture: Computer Graphics I
Lecture: Geometric Modeling II
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing, and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Computergrafik
SS 2008
Lecture: Computer Graphics II
Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
Practical: The virtual Aachen project
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2007
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling I: Representing curves in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing, and Computer Vision
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2007
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Practical: The virtual Aachen project
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2006
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling II: Representing surfaces in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: Current Research Topics in Computer Graphics
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2006
Lecture: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Service)
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Practical: Building a Vision-based 3D Scanner
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2005
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling I: Representing curves in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: 3D Reconstruction of Complex Real-World Objects
Seminar: Aktuelle Themen der Computergraphik
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2005
Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Practical: Special effects
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2004
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling II: Representing surfaces in computer aided geometric design
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2004
Practical: Special effects
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2003
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling I: Representing curves in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: Parameterization and Texturing
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2003
Lecture: Computer vision and image based rendering
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Practical: Special effects
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2002
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling I + II: Representing curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: Reconstructing 3D models from scanned data
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2002
Lecture: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
WS 2001
Lecture: Computer Graphics II: Advanced techniques in computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling II: Representing surfaces in computer aided geometric design
Seminar: Reconstructing 3D models from scanned data
Pro-Practical: Computergraphik
SS 2001
Lecture: Computer Graphics I: An introductory course to computer graphics
Lecture: Geometric Modeling I: Representing curves in computer aided geometric design
Pro-Seminar: Selected topics in computer graphics
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