The IsoEx package provides some simple classes and algorithm for isosurface extraction. Its main purpose is to provide a sample implementation of the Extended Marching Cubes algorithm:
Kobbelt, Botsch, Schwanecke, Seidel, Feature Sensitive Surface Extraction from Volume Data, Siggraph 2001.
This code should compile using any standard compliant C++ compiler, it has been tested on GNU gcc 4.x. In order to use this code you will need these two additional packages:
You have to place OpenMesh and IsoEx in the same directory for the includes to work.
There is an example application located in IsoEx/Apps/emc.
Sep 2002
Mario Botsch, botsc h@cs .rwth -aac hen.d e
Current Maintainer: Jan Möbius, moebi us@c s.rwt h-aa chen. de
2015-07-08 - Several updates have been included to switch between double and fload precision